1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.22)

"I know" he said sitting down on my bed by me. "I really am sorry about biting you, I just couldn't help it."

"Why were your eyes black?" I asked.

"When someone;well a human gets a cut and there's blood, or if I smell blood, or see it even on the T.V. I loose control sometimes. My eyes turn black and my animal instincts take over. I won't stop till I get blood at that point. It's scary to know I could hurt you, or even kill you" he said.

I looked at him sympathetic"Well what about Justin and Jake, they were fine" I said.

"They have more self control than I do, which is something I have to work on" he said.

"So the first time you bit me and the times after that, that was you loosing control?" I asked.

He smirked "No, I bit you just to mess with you because I knew you didn't want me to, and because it's easier to get you in bed."

I gasped "Parker!" I said hitting him playfully.

"What do you expect? I'm a guy" he said.

"So where does that leave us?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he said.

"Are we like boyfriend and girlfriend because I've been a little confused about that" I said. He looked at me thoughtful "Do you want to be boyfriend and girlfriend?" he asked.

Then I kissed him passionately till I had to breathe again."Does that answer your question?" I said.

He smirked at me"Yes, and that was a good answer" he said grinning at me.

"Come on I'm in the mood for ice cream" I said taking his hand and getting up.

"Alright" he said leading me to the door. We pasted Justin and Lynn along the way who were getting pretty close on the couch. We reached the hallway where I first was attacked by the elite gang. I wasn't afraid so much anymore. I mean it helped that Parker was there, but what's the point is being scarred anyway? We reached the cafeteria doors and I was almost knocked over. Someone was coming out when we were trying to go in.

"Oh Lily, sorry I didn't see you there" Aiden said smiling at me. Oh shit. Why did I have to get ice cream right now, damn my urges for ice cream. I instantly let go of Parker's hand like it was a hot pan. I didn't want Aiden to get the wrong idea, which was actually the right idea. Parker looked at me confused. Then he grabbed my hand forcing me to hold hands with him. I started struggling to get out of his death grip while trying to seem normal to Aiden. It didn't work. Aiden looked down at our hands and got an angry expression.

"Why are you holding my girlfriend's hand?" he said while clenching his fists.

"Your girlfriend? She's my girlfriend" Parker said coldly.

They both turned to me for answers "I...he.....well see......" I began to stammer.

Aiden looked at me with pure hatred. "You know what, your right she's not my girlfriend anymore" he said.

I looked at him with a shocked expression. I didn't want to loose Aiden. I felt Parker drop my hand and look at me with a hurt, saddened expression I've never seen before. He wasn't angry, just hurt. I felt tears starting to roll down my cheeks. I was loosing the two guys I cared about most. I knew what was coming next.

"Lily how could you" he said emotionless.

"I....you.......your just two great guys" I sobbed.

"You know even though we just started going out I still cared about you the moment you walked into my dorm, and the crazy thing is I was falling for you and I was happy about it" he said.

"Parker, I care about you so much" I said.

"Well obviously I wasn't enough" he said.

Then he turned and left. I stood there letting the tears fall down like rain. What just happened? Parker and I were officially boyfriend and girlfriend and now were not. This wasn't suppose to happen. It was selfish of me to want both and I realize that now. I couldn't go back to the dorm, not now at least. I walked down the hallway like a zombie. The elite gang could pop out right now and kill me and I would embrace it, that's how bad I feel right now.

I stopped walking noticing where I was. There was a big oak door in front of me. It was different from the others, it had a comforting vibe to it. I walked in and gasped.