1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.23)

I walked in and saw a huge stain glass window with a cross surrounded by roses on it. Not far in front of the window was a cross with Jesus on it. The light from the window shined down on it and made it look surreal. There were candles and flowers all around. There was rows and rows of pews. I quickly realized what this was, a church. It was deserted expect for one person sitting in the front pew by themselves. Were vampires religious? I don't think a lot of them are judging by the amount of people in here.

The man in the front pew turned around and smiled at me. He had this red auburn hair that matched perfectly with his rich brown eyes. He was wearing a nice button up black shirt. He looked older than most of the vampires here.

"I was wondering when I would be seeing you" he said.

I looked at him confused and walked over to the pew behind him, I sat down and said "Excuse me?"

He smiled "Forgive me, where are my manners. My name is Aaron, Aaron Berkly" he said extending his hand for me to shake.

"Lily" I said shaking his hand.

"So what has brought you to god's sanctuary Lily?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, I just kinda drifted this way" I said.

"Perhaps god has sent you to me" he said.

"I don't mean to be rude sir, but aren't vampires suppose to be evil and fear the cross?" I asked.

"Have the vampires you've come across here seemed evil?" he questioned.

"Not all of them" I responded.

"I was a religious man before I was turned into a vampire, and didn't and still don't fear the cross, I embrace it" he said politely.

"I see" I said.

"So what happened?" he asked me.

"What?" I said confused.

"You were sent here obviously, so tell me why are you upset. I can see that you were crying" he said.

I looked down sheepishly. What's the harm in telling him anyway.

"Well I met this boy, a vampire boy who didn't put up with my crap and told it like it was. He was mean and hurtful, but sweet and sensitive. So I fell for him and things were just starting to work out when I let this nice, cute boy get in the way. I ended up dating both, and they found out and now they hate me" I said with tears welling in my eyes.

"Well child do you care about them a lot?" he asked.

"More than he'll ever know" I said thinking of Parker.

"So you care about one, not the other?" he said.

"No.....I mean yes......I mean I like one more than the other, maybe even love" I said feeling the tears starting to roll down my cheeks. All I wanted was for Parker to come and wipe them away.

"Maybe the lord clouded your judgment for you to see clearly about how you feel about Parker" he said.

"I never said his name" I stated.

"Word travels fast around here child, even though I'm not one for gossip" he said.

"How did you know it was Parker and not Aiden I was talking about?" I asked.

"You should go tell him how you feel Lily" he said sternly.

"Your right it's like before this year bullies were just bullies for no reason, weirdoes were just weird, and daredevils weren't afraid of anything. Before this year, people I loved lived forever. I spent this year looking for something and wound up seeing everything around me. It's like I was asleep before and finally woke up. Know what? I'm wide-awake now. I finally realize that I'm falling in love with Parker.

"There's still time Lily, go to him" he said.

I stood up "Thank you Aaron" I said grateful.

"Thank god child, not me" he said.

I walked down the aisle and out the church. I was going to win Parker back.
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I used a line from my favorite movie in this one, hope you liked it.