1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.24)

I walked in my dorm and saw Justin and Parker in a heated argument. They stopped once they saw me and looked at me hateful. Both of them. What did I ever do to Justin? I saw Jake sitting on the couch shaking his head. I noticed Lynn had gone home, it was better that she didn't see this.

"Thanks a lot Lily, now Parker's mad at me because I knew about you and Aiden" he said shoving past me to his room. Jake quickly got up and followed him to their room. That left Parker and I.

"Parker" I began, but was cut off by Parker raising his hand signaling to stop me and said "Save it Lily." Then he stormed to his room and slammed his door. I could feel the tears prickle my eyes, but wouldn't let them fall. I took a deep breath and followed him into his room.

"Parker" I said. He was sitting at the edge of his bed, and wouldn't look at me. I walked over to him and sat down besides him.

"Why?" he said angrily. Then he pushed me hard and I fell off the bed and into the wall. Okay I deserved that. I stood up and he was right in front of me.

"Why?" he said again. Then he slapped me across my face sending me flying.I stood up shaking.

"Was I not enough?" he said pushing me into the wall.

"Was this not enough" he said breathing heavily on my face and down my neck.

"Parker I-" I said, but Parker slapped me across my face again sending me to the ground across the room. Then he walked over and picked me up harshly. He opened my door and threw me in there. I hit the edge of my bed painfully. There was going to be some major bruising. I deserved it though, and so much more.
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Sorry this one was MEGA SHORT!