1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.27)

Parker's POV

The thoughts purged my mind
as I sank deeper into darkness
The feeling struggled against the black abyss that was my heart
I loved her with all my life but yet I hated her
all of the moments together hammered against my will
my memories crashed upon my mind like waves upon a shore
eroding the times spent with her in my arms.

What's wrong with me? I was stupid to think she could ever love me, after all she was human. I was prepared to give her my heart, but she just ripped it out of my chest and stomped on it. I wasn't done being bitter, and I certainly wasn't done being mad. I could feel my rage starting to build up again. I clenched the sink and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was shaking with anger. I was angry at Aiden. I was angry at Lily. I was angry at Justin. Most of all though I was angry at myself. She turned me into this blubbering idiot. Then all of the sudden my knees buckled and I fell down gripping my stomach. I had this wretched pain in my stomach. It was like someone twisted it in a knot and pulled tightening it. I tried standing, hell I tried crawling, but I couldn't. The pain was unbearable. I know what this was, I read about it. When a vampire bites a human there connected, just like Lily and I. This pain was Lily's pain. This is what she was feeling only 10 times worse because it was actually happening to her. What could she be doing maker her hurt this bad.

I took a couple of deep breaths to steady the pain, then I slowly stood up. I leaned on the sink, still clutching my stomach with one of my hands. I had to find Lily. As much as I wanted to say I'm just going to find her to make the pain stop for my own benefit, I couldn't. I wanted to find her to see her, to make her pain go away and tell her everything was going to be okay. I was still angry at her, but that didn't mean I still don't care.

I struggled to her room and saw she was gone. Well if she's not here, and in the dorm maybe she's in Aidens. If that bastard was causing her this much pain I will kill him. I should already, for dating her when I was. I walked to Aiden's dorm. The pain was easing, but it was still there clearly. No one was answering so I just walked in unannounced. It was deserted. No one was in here, not even his roommate Tristan. Well Lily clearly wasn't in here, so I left. Next I went to the cafeteria. There were guys in there talking and eating, but no Lily.

Where are you Lily?

Then I herd something with my super vampire hearing. It's one of the perks of being a vampire along with many others. I heard a heartbeat, not just a heartbeat two. They were beating abnormally fast for a humans. I could dance to the rhythm of the beat. I decided to follow the beating seeing how Lily was human and had a heartbeat. It led me to a secluded door. It was dusty and old. Then I herd the heartbeats change, one was slowing down. I opened the door and saw a case of stairs leading downstairs. I didn't know we had this room in the school. There were torches of lit fire along the wall lighting up the stair path downstairs. I walked down them two at a time hearing one of the heart beats growing fainter and fainter. I reached the bottom and gasped. I saw Lynn quivering in the corner crying. She was in her undergarments and had bruises all over her. I saw five guys turn and look at me sensing my presence. I saw Aiden, Tristan, Adam, Jimmy, and Mike. What were they doing with Lynn? Then Tristan started walking towards me growling, then I saw her. Lily, she was lying on the ground. She had bruises on her, and fresh cuts and burn marks. I knew Aiden was trouble.

"Parker! What a pleasant surprise" Tristan snarled.
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sorry the last few chapters have been pretty short.

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