1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.28)

I didn't dare open my eyes. I couldn't bare looking at Parker, plus my body was aching. I was trying to concentrate on other things like when I turned Parker's hair pink, and the first day I met Justin. I herd Parker and another guy exchange words, but I drowned out the noise. I should probably crawl over by Lynn to see if she was okay, but my body hurt to much. I had a couple burn marks on me from Tristan trying to get me to scream, and thin cuts along my body. I was cut, bruised, and burned and I never once screamed. I wouldn't give that bastard what he wanted.

Then I herd a banging noise and growls. I opened my eyes and saw two guys were dead. Someone decapitated them. It was no doubt Parker who killed them. I wanted to puke right there from the sight of it all, but I had to get out of here. I crawled over to Lynn's whimpering crying body. If we make it out of here alive Lynn would surely be traumatized. What would we tell her? Should we tell her the truth, that hey vampires do exist. Uh, now's not the time to worry about it.

"Lynn" I whispered grabbing her shoulders to look at me. She flinched at my touch and made eye contact. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. How many tears did this girl have?

"Parker" she barely whispered looking away from me.

"Parker?" I said turning around to face him. I saw him on the ground getting punched over and over again by Tristan, while Aiden was kicking him. Not far from them was another body. How could I not hear or see any of this fighting and killing? It was like I was an old deaf person threw all of this and I just got my hearing back.

"Parker!" I screamed seeing him being beaten up by Tristan and Aiden. They were going to kill him. I wanted to jump in the fight and help him. After all he was fighting to keep Lynn and I safe, but I couldn't. They would tare me to shreds. I was no match for two vampires. I had to do something though. I saw a knife not far from me that Tristan used on me. I knew what I could do. I could save Lynn. It's like my whole life is leading up to this moment. I was destined to do this. My ultimate purpose was to save a life, to save a soul.

I crawled over to the knife and grabbed it I stood up weary and took a deep breath. Tristan and Aiden were oblivious to me. They were only concentrated on beating and killing Parker. I felt warm tears slide down my cheeks. This was it, this is how it's suppose to end. I brought the knife to my wrist and slowly made a deep cut from my wrist down half my arm. I felt my hot blood slowly seep out my wound and trickle down my arm.

Then as if time stopped, Tristan and Aiden stopped what they were doing. It was like they were frozen in time. Tristan got off of Parker and slowly turned around. He looked at me dead in the eyes. They weren't his normal eyes, they were black, pitch black. Along with Aiden's and Parker's. My thoughts were right. They had just as little control as Parker. They all had a blood thirst looks in their eyes. Parker got to his feet and tackled Aiden. In one strong twist Aiden's head snapped. I gasped and shut my eyes briefly. Parker was a killing machine. At this point I think he only killed Aiden so he wouldn't have to share my blood. Tristan started walking calmly towards me, his eyes however told me he was not calm. Parker got up off of Aiden and started running towards Tristan. Tristan snarled and turned around. Parker tackled him into the wall. Tristan went down with a big thud. He didn't get back up. I was shaking now.

Once Parker saw Tristan wasn't getting up he turned around slowly and walked towards me. This was it. I have no regrets either. If I didn't cut my wrist Parker never would have been able to kill those guys and save Lynn.

Once he reached me he grabbed my bleeding arm and bit down on my wound. I've never seen someone's eyes so black. My body became warm and I sighed exasperated. This was my way of making it up to Parker for cheating on him. This was my way of making it up to Lynn for dragging her into all of this. This was my way of making up for everything I've ever done. My knees were starting to give out and I was seeing black spots. Anymore and I will black out turning into a vampire or die. From the look in his eyes I was betting on death.
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Next chapter is the same chapter in Parker's POV