1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.3)

3:14 a.m.

3:14 a.m.

"Uhhhh" i groaned at the alarm clock. I rolled over so i was no longer facing it. This was the third time i woke up this night. Once at 1:30 a.m,then at 2:15 a.m, and now at 3:14 a.m. I don't usually wake up continuously in the night, which is why i was getting annoyed. I sighed in frustration and got out of bed. I pulled on my big fluffy green socks to keep my feet warm, and opened my door. I opened it just enough so i could slide my body threw. I tip-toed threw Parker's room, careful not to wake him and made it into the living room.

I was to awake to sleep, so i walked over to the couch. I couldn't turn the TV. on or watch a movie, the sound would wake everyone up. So instead i just stared at the blankscreen. I saw from the reflection in it that it was raining outside. I quickly snapped my head up at the window to see it raining pretty hard out.

I got up and decided to stretch my legs. I only had on a purple tank top, with black pajama shorts, but no one would see me seeing how it was in the middle of the night.

I opened and closed our dorm door, quiet as a mouse. I walked to the elevator and hit the main floor button. The elevator door opened and it was DARK. The only light was from the few windows. Just then i herd aloud crack! I knew it was lightening and thundering out now. When the lightning struck it lit up the entire hallway. My eyes grew big; a few yards away from me were 5 boys. They all had spray cans and were graffitiing some wall. I walked closer to get a better look when i herd aloud crack that scarred me to death. I yelped in fright, stupid lightning. Then the guys dropped their spray cans and turned to me. I saw Elite written on the wall. That must be there little gang.

In less than a second they were all around me.

"So the rumors are true" one said to the others.

The one that spoke must have been there leader, because he got to close for comfort close to me. "What’s your name sweetie?" he said in a sweet seductive voice. I was so frightened i couldn't bring myself to speak. I felt like a scarred little mouse surrounded by cats. He reached out with his finger tips and gently touched my wrist, trailing his finger tips up my arm. He stopped and got an angry look on his face.

"What's your name" he screamed in an angry, fearful voice. I shut my eyes tight not wanting to open them. Then i felt a sharp pain on my face and fell to the floor. He just slapped me. Tears started streaming down my face. I touched my hand to my right cheek, It stung. I flinched at my touch. There was definitely going to be a bruise. Then i herd aloud crack of lightening. Their heads all snapped up to look out the window. I took this opportunity to get away. I got up and ran to the giant front doors. I herd one yell "get her!" They all started running after me. I slammed my whole body into the door with as much for as i could. It flung open and i raced out, down the steps. "Just leave her" i herd their leader, the one who slapped me say. I turned around and saw them all standing outside the doorway. The door closed on them and it was just me. I sighed in relief. My hair was getting soaked, along with the clothes i was wearing. I sat down on one of the steps and buried my face in my knees. I started sobbing. For the moment i was thankful i was alone out in the rain.

I stayed out there for countless hours just crying. The rain had long stopped, and the sun was rising. Everyone would be up soon, if they weren't already. I herd the gigantic front door open, but didn't look up or turn to see who it was. I herd them walking down the steps and stop when they were right behind me. A pair of strong cold arms wrapped around me. I didn't realize how cold i was until i felt his even colder touch. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me bridal style. I managed to look up and saw it was Parker. I couldn't bring myself to say anything so instead i buried my face in his chest and silently let my tears slide down my cheeks.

He carried me all the way up to my room. He stopped in front of my bed and tried to set me down, but i wouldn't let him. I clung to him like my life depended on it. He chuckled softly. He sat down at the end of my bed still holding me. I looked up wanting to speak to him. I opened my mouth, but i was cut off "Shhh, just sleep" he said, soothing me. I closed my mouth and buried my face once again in his chest. He sat there cradling me until i drifted into sleep.