1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(THE END!)

Lily's POV

I felt my knees get weak, and my head got dizzy. I wanted to tell Parker to stop and stick his fangs where the sun doesn’t shine, but I couldn’t. Not only did it feel good, but it was like collateral damage. 5 bad guys dead for 1 semi- good girl’s life. I already accepted my fate. Then Lynn shouted “Parker!” She got up from where she was whimpering and ran towards him and shoved him. It barely effected him, but none the less his fangs ripped from my wound. I saw his eyes instantly change from raven black to his normal soft, piercing green color. He looked at me with remorse. Sadness and guilt washed over his face. I wanted to go over to him and tell him everything was going to be okay, but I couldn’t. He still hated me for cheating on him and probably now for dragging Lynn into all of this.

“I…I…I…” he stuttered. “I’m going to get administration you two go back to the dorm and wait” he stated lifeless. It was like all the life had been drained from him and he was like a zombie.

“Okay” I stuttered.

I walked Lynn to my dorm shaking. Lynn was a fragile girl who would surely need consoling. The hallways were deserted, it was late at night or early morning I couldn’t tell. So we had no trouble getting up to the dorm unnoticed. We reached the dorm, and saw it was quiet and undisturbed. Justin and Jake were most likely in there room sleeping. I didn’t even bother turning on any lights, I just led us to the bathroom. Lynn didn’t talk much on the way here, though I don’t blame her I didn’t either. We reached the bathroom and I turned on the light shutting the door.

“Would you like to take a bath?” I asked her. She nodded her head weakly. I walked over to the bathtub and turned on the hot water, and added bubbles. Once I was done Lynn stripped down and slowly got in. I couldn’t help but notice the bruising on her thighs and bust area. She was starring off into space and seemed in a different world. I could see her still trembling. I walked over and grabbed a wash cloth off the rack and dunked it into the bathtub getting on my knees.

“Lynn” I said snapping her out of her trance. “Lynn I think you should talk to someone, like professionally.”

“Lily what were they” she said avoiding my request.

“Vampires” I mumbled.

“Am I going crazy?” she asked tears starting to run down her cheeks.

“Oh no sweetie you’re not I know it’s a lot to comprehend, but it’s true” I said shaking my head.

She nodded and grabbed the washcloth I was holding not wanting to pursue the subject anymore.

“Lynn I think you should talk to someone about what they did to you” I stated again.

“It should be you that needs consoling” she said back while washing her arms.

“Lynn I’m fine” I stated even though I was far from fine. I was torched for god sakes.

“Lily they tortured you! They… they…. they raped me, but you were the one that had it bad” she said with her voice cracking.

“Oh Lynn, I would rather be tortured than raped!” I said with tears starting to prickle my eyes. So the bruising was from her being raped. I felt horrible for her, and I did it all to her. If it wasn’t for me she wouldn’t be in this position. What kind of friend am I? Parker should have done everyone a favor and just killed me there.

Then Parker walked in the bathroom. He wouldn’t make eye contact at me as I stared up at him. Even he didn’t want to see my ugly face. He hated me for not only cheating on him, but for almost killing Lynn. Could I do anything right?

“I need to talk to you” he mumbled.

“Okay” I said getting up. I smiled down at Lynn reassuring her everything was ok. I walked out the bathroom and into the hallway shutting the door behind me.

“Lily” Parker said with his voice straining. He still wasn’t looking at me.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I told administration about what happened and they want us to leave, and you…you...you can’t really go home, at least not now” he said looking down. What was wrong? Why couldn’t I go home? If administration wanted us gone then fine, but why couldn’t I go home?

“Why can’t I go home” I said uneasy.

“Because when administration and I went back down in the basement and Tristan’s body wasn’t there Lily. He was gone” he stated.

I suddenly felt dizzy; the man that tortured me and raped Lynn was free. He wasn’t dead, and who knows where he could be. My world was being shattered. Lynn would be devastated once she finds out.

“Lily? Did you hear me, Tristan’s still alive and he is most likely going to come after you and Lynn to get revenge” he said.

“Why can’t I go home?” I stated. I didn’t want to act scarred and frightened. I wanted to show Parker that going through all of this hand no effect on me. I wanted to prove I was tuff. All I have to do is act like everything’s okay, and who knows maybe one day the lie will come true.

“Because he’s going to come after you and you don’t want to put your family in danger do you?” he said.

“No” I stated, sad that I couldn’t go home.

“You and Lynn are going to come back to my house where I can keep an eye on you two, along with Justin and Jake” he said.

“What no!” I said protesting. I didn’t want to be in a house with him. He hated me! He would never forgive me and the only reason he was making me come stay with him was out of common courtesy because he had to protect Lynn.

“To late, Justin and Jake are loading up your stuff onto the plane as we speak” he said smugly.

“Where is it where going?” I asked skeptical.

“England” he stated.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to everyone who has read my story,and
Comment/Message me about it. I would have never
reached the end without you guys.


YES there is a sequel going to be coming out shortly.

But I won't be able to update till Monday.