1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.4)

I woke up groggy from last night. I wasn't sure I wanted to get up and look at myself. I pulled the covers from my bed off of me and trudged to the bathroom. Everyone was gone it appeared. I flickered on the bathroom light and walked over to the mirror. I wanted to scream in horror. My body was full of dirt along with my face. You could see the tear trails that were stained on my face. My eyeliner was all smudged. My hair was frizzy and sticking up in all which ways. There was a slight bruise on my face from where the mysterious jerk hit me.

I grabbed a towel off the rack and set it down by the shower. I made sure to turn the water on extra hot. Then I stripped down and got in. I stood in the shower feeling the hot water drip down my body. I was always yelled at back home for standing in the shower and supposedly wasting all the hot water, but with all the showers in this school I think they have plenty of hot water for me to stand there. So thats precisely what I did, until I got bored and decided to wash up. I used about half the shampoo and conditioner trying to get my hair clean. Then I scrubbed my body till my arms started to hurt. I wanted to make sure I was clean. When i was done I shut off the water and grabbed my towel wrapping it around me. I stepped out into a foggy bathroom.

I could barely see anything with all the fog the steam had produced. I walked over to the mirror and couldn't see anything. I wrote Elite on the mirror using my finger. Then i quickly took my hand and wiped it away in one quick motion revealing part of my reflection. The mirror was still foggy except the spot I wiped my hand with. I looked at myself and saw I looked better, less dirty thats for sure. My body was all red from the hot water.

Wasting no more time in here I walked out of the bathroom and found my way to my room. The guys still weren't home I noticed. I grabbed a pair of dark skinny jeans, a plain light yellow sweatshirt, and my undergarments. My stomach growled then, I looked down at my flat stomach and laughed. I quickly changed and decided to go find the cafeteria instead of eating here. I opened the door and walked out in the hallway. There were some guys out there that gave me a lustful stare and I glared at them. I walked in the elevator with three other guys. I hit the main floor button waiting patiently.

"So sexy, what's a pretty little thing like you doing all alone?" the guy to the right asked me.

"Yeah sweetheart you shouldn't be all alone" the one in the corner said.

"Guys leave her alone" the one to the left of me said, giving my an apologetic look.


The elevator stopped and opened it's doors on the second floor. The three guys walked out. I guess this was there stop. The doors were starting to close when a hand stopped it.

"I really am sorry about them" the one boy who wasn't a pervert in the elevator said. I didn't notice before how cute he was. He had shaggy blonde hair with chocolate brown eyes.

"No, it's ok" I said.

He reached out his hand for me to shake and said "My names Aiden"

I took his hand, but immediately pulled my hand back. His hand was freezing cold.

"Lily" I said a little uneasy.

He pulled his and back and smiled.

"Nice to meet you Lily" he said.

Then the elevator doors shut, seeing how there wasn't a hand in the way of the closing door anymore. A little uneasy about his cold touch I decided he was an overall nice person. I reached the main floor and followed the signs that led to the cafeteria. There was a large number of guys in there already. I scanned the room looking for a clock, when I found one, It read 7:08 p.m. Wow I had slept basically the whole day, but its understandable considering what happened last night, or should I say this morning.

I grabbed a tray and waited in line. All the guys were staring at me so I stuck my tongue out at them.

"What" I hissed.

They all stopped staring then. Good, its rude to stare anyway. I made my way along the line and grabbed a slice of pizza, an apple, a granolabar, animal crackers, grapes, and a diet coke. I was really hungry. Once I got my food I starred at all the tables and guys. Where should I sit I thought. I spotted an empty table towards the back by a window. I walked over there and sat down. I started munching on my granola bar staring out the window in thought.

"Lily" I herd then i turned to see who it was.

Parker, Jake, and Justin were walking over towards me. They all sat down across from me.

"Your up" Jake said cheery.

Justin frowned "what happened?" he asked.

I looked at him puzzled.

"To you face" he added.

"Oh" I said looking down. i could feel all there gazes on me.

"I tripped and fell landing on my face" I said while laughing a little to make it believable.

"I didn't know you were a klutz" Jake said jokingly.

"Alright, well were going to head up to the room" Justin said. They all got up except Parker.

"I'll meet you there" he said not looking at them. He was staring into my eyes. I would have thought he was talking to me if the guys didn't say ok. They walked away leaving Parker and I. I shifted my position uneasy and started to nibble on my pizza now. Then Parker got up placing his hands on the table and leaning in. He was leaning in so close that the sides of our faces were almost touching. I could feel his breath on my skin as he said "They may believe you, but I'm not buying it" Then he pulled away grabbing my animal crackers and started to walk up to our room. I grabbed my apple and threw it at him. He turned and caught it before it even hit him. What the hell, who catches something thrown at there back.

"Jerk" i yelled.

He smirked and walked away. Real mature Lily I thought. I frowned and continued to eat what i had left.