1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.5)

After I was finished I threw my stuff out and started walking to my room. Then I herd smacking sounds and aloud hiss. I started following the noise thinking someone was fighting, or in danger. I followed the noise that led me to a door. I stood on my tip-toes and looked threw the little window on the door. I saw a whole bunch of mats on the floor and two guys fighting with bamboo polls. The guy closest to the door smacked the bamboo poll from the other guys hands. My eyes grew wide, that was Aiden, and he didn't have anything to defend himself with. I grabbed the door handle and bursted in.

"Aiden!" I cried.

They both stopped what they were doing and looked at me. The guy that knocked Aiden's bamboo poll out of his hands took a step towards me. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Tristan" Aiden said taking a step towards him.

"She smells so good" the Tristan guy said.

"Tristan come on" Aiden said.

"Fine, will continue tomorrow" he said throwing his bamboo poll down.

He walked out keeping his eyes on me the whole time. He looked so familiar to me, and his voice, I feel like I know him from somewhere.

"Sorry about him" Aiden said snapping me out of my thought.

"Are you always apologizing for everyone" I said.

He smiled at me.

"What was up with him saying I smell good, I mean I don't think I have that strong of a shampoo" I said.

"Oh nothing" Aiden said a little nervous.

I picked up a bamboo poll and said "So you guys fight?"

"Yes" he said picking up a bamboo poll.

"Will you teach me?" I asked. I was tired of being this scarred little girl. I wanted to know how to kick some ass. In a school full of guys, a girls got to know how to protect herself.

"Alright, but the best offense is a good defense" he said.

"Come at me, and try to punch me until you do" he said.

"Don't have to tell me twice" I said.

Then I ran at him ready to punch him. I swung at him and he deflected my punch. He moved over and I swung again. No luck, he deflected it again. I tried again and again and again and each time he deflected it.

"Uh" I said throwing my arms up in defeat.

He laughed and said "It's alright, come here and I'll show you how to deflect a punch" he said.

"Alright now every time I try to punch you duck and slap my hand away. Its that easy" he said.

He swung at me and I ducked hitting his hand away. We did it again and again. I was starting to get good at this.

"Alright I think thats enough for today" he said.

"Yeah your probably right" I said.

"Don't worry, we'll do it again soon, and you did really good today" he said.

"Thanks" I said.

We walked out the door and went our separate ways. I arrived at my room and saw Parker sprawled out on the couch. I decided I wanted to sit down too. There were other chairs to sit at, but I decided to make Parker mad. So I came over there, threw his legs off the couch, and sat down. He took his feet, put them back on the couch and pushed. Hard too, I fell off the couch with a loud thud.

I glared at him and walked over to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed the pitcher of red kool-aid. I grabbed a glass and set everything down on the table. Parker was sitting in the chair across from where I was standing.

"What how did you.......Uhhh forget it" I said.

He smirked at me. I poured the kool-aid in the glass, but it wasn't right. The kool-aid was all thick and didn't look right. I finished pouring my glass and was skeptical to try it. Parker took it and downed about half the glass.

"Hey thats mine" I said.

"Fine then try it" he said pushing the glass towards me. I picked it up slowly and put it to my lips. I took one last look at Parker before trying it. It tasted gross, it was all thick and made me gag. It definitely wasn't kool-aid. Repulsed by the taste I spit it out at him. He was furious. Then he took the glass and threw it at me. We both were soaked in the red liquid. I walked around the table and pushed him off his chair.

He got up and came at me pushing me down.I got up and pushed him down. He fell bringing me with him. I sat up still sitting on him and punched him as hard as I could. I couldn't tell if his nose was bleeding or if it was the blood that I spit at him before. He then slapped me across my face. I felt a fire burning inside me. It was a fire full of anger and lust. I wanted nothing more than to strangle him, yet at the same time all I wanted to do was kiss him. I fell off him and onto the floor. He then got up and started walking towards the bathroom.

"Oh no you don't, I'm taking a shower first" I said running after him.

We reached the door and I slipped in before him. I ran to the shower and turned it on. I took off my jeans and sweatshirt revealing my black lacy bra and matching underwear.

I screamed "Get out"

Then he took off his shirt and he had a six pack. He looked really sexy. Stop it! Bad thought, bad thought. Then he took off his jeans revealing everything, but what his boxers covered. He walked over by me, shoved me and walked in the shower.

"Oh hell no!" I said.

I walked in the shower and grabbed him and threw him out. I could feel the mysterious drink run down me along with the water. Parker walked in the shower and shoved me over so the water was running over him. I took the shampoo and lathered my hair up. Then I shoved him out of the way and started washing the shampoo out. He then grabbed the shampoo and started putting it in his hair. He pushed me out of the way and started washing the shampoo out of his hair. I grabbed the body wash and started to scrub myself getting the drink off of me. I then shoved him out of the way and finished rinsing myself off along with my hair. Then i pushed him out of my way and walked out. I grabbed a towel and headed to my room.

I will get him back if it's the last thing I do.