1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.6)

I walked to my room passing Justin and Jake along the way.

"Lily did you take a shower?" Justin asked.

"Isn't Parker taking a shower?" Jake said.

"Yup" I said going into my room.

I changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt. I walked out and sat on the couch with Jake and Justin.

"Were you in the shower....." Justin said.

"With Parker" Jake added.

I sighed. "Yes, because Parker threw a drink at me after I spit mine out at him. Then I hit him, and he hit me. I shoved him and he shoved me. I wanted to take a shower and so did he, and neither of us were going to back down so I took a shower with him, but we had clothes on and I can assure you there was a lot of shoving and pushing" I stated.

"Wow" Jake said getting up.

Justin scooted over by me "Now give me the dirt" he said.

"I don't know what your talking about" I said.

"Okkkkk........." he said.

"Uh fine, when Parker hit me it really didn't hurt my feelings, it made me want him I know its disturbing that the guy I hate is the guy that turns me on I guess you could say, but thats the truth and if you tell him I swear to god" I said.

"Lily, its fine when little kids like each other there mean to each other" he said.

"But Justin were not little kids" I said.

Right then Parker walked in. We stopped talking immediately. Parker walked by giving us a skeptical stare.

"I'll be back" Justin said. Then he walked into Parkers room closing the door behind him. Scarred he was going to tell Parker what I told him I got up and walked over to Parkers room pressing my ear to the door.

"No we can't tell her" Parker said.

"She has a right to know, and I'm telling her" Justin said.

"Like hell you are" Parker said.

Then his door opened and I fell on my ass.

"God dammit Lily" Parker said lifting me up with one arm forcefully. There was going to be a bruise where he grabbed me.

"Family meeting!" Justin shouted. Parker rolled his eyes and called for Jake.

We all sat down on the couch together. No one said anything.

"Look Lily has anything weird happened to you while you were here?" Justin asked.

"No" I said confused.

"Think hard" Parker said.

"Well, this guys said i smelled good,what i drank definitely wasn't kool-aid, everyone here seems to be cold, and Parker caught an apple I threw at the back of his head." I said.

"Exactly" Jake said.

"There's no easy way to say this Lily, but were......vampires." Justin said.

"Yeah right" I said.

"It's true" Parker said flashing me a smile showing me his fangs. Wait his fangs!

"Then how come no one has bitten me" I said.

"You don't think we wanted to" Parker said.

"Because, once a vampire bites someone its hard not to kill them, or turn them. We can feed off of you without turing you, but it makes you want us to bite you more until we eventually kill you or turn you" Justin said.

"Wait are you saying I would want you to bite me" I said.

"Yeah, when we bite you it releases a hormone leaving you wanting more, as well as us" Jake said.

"Thats why its extremely frowned upon" Justin said.

"Were also really fast and strong" Jake said cheery.

"This is a lot to take in right now" I said.

With that I got up and went to my room to think. If you really think about it, it all makes sense. And I'm sure that what I tried earlier was blood. Somehow I wasn't scarred of Parker or all the other guys. You must think I'm crazy right now, but I'm not. I herd a faint knock at my door.

"Come in" I said. It was Parker. He came over and sat indian style on my bed in frontof me.

"I'm sorry you had to come here, and meet all of us, and you can't live a normal life" He said.

"I don't get you, one minute you can be this sweet, nice guy who is totally amazing and the next you can be a complete asshole" I said.

"Your not a princess either bitch" he said.

I slapped him. He crawled up my bed so he was on top of me. He grabbed my neck with one of his hands and turned my head to the side. He grazed his fangs over my neck. It sent chills down my spine.

"Don't think you can hurt me for a second and not have me hurt you ten times worse. I can hear your heartbeat 100 mph right now, and I could end it in a second" he said in barely a whisper.

"Freak" I whispered.

"Your the one that gets off on me hitting you" he said. Then he got up and left slamming my door.