1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.8)

There perfect. I just finished putting my hair up in a messy ponytail. I was dressed in a yellow loose hoddie that hung over my shoulders. I had a grey tank top under that, so you could see the straps. And I was wearing black yoga sweats. Now to find Aiden. After Parker and I basically made out I wanted to burn off some steam so I decided to go work out with Aiden. Now all I had to do was find him.

Option 1. Ask random guys if they know where he is.
Option 2. Knock on everyone's door and ask for Aiden.
Option 3. Scream Aidens name until he hears me.

I walked out of my room passing Parker. I didn't dare look at him. I walked straight to the door and into the hallway. I took a deep breath and screamed "Aiden" as loud as I could. I walked down random hallways for about 10 minutes screaming Aiden's name. I got dirty looks sent to me by everyone. I didn't really care though. How else was I going to find Aiden? I took another deep breath getting ready to scream Aiden's name again, when a hand from behind me covered my mouth. So my scream was a little muffled. I turned around after the guy removed his hand from my mouth and saw Aiden.

"Aiden!" I said embracing him in a tight hug.

"Hey Lily" he said laughing.

"Why were you screaming my name down the halls?" he asked.

"Oh, I didn't know what room you were in so i decided to scream your name until I found you" I said.

"Oh, well I think everyone in here in now deaf thanks to you" he said laughing.

"Come on Aiden we're going to work out" I stated.

"Its like 11 at night Lily" he said.

"Don't vampires like the night or something?" I retorted.

"Touche" he said.

I rolled my eyes and linked arms with him.

After walking down long halls for about 15 minutes we made it to that one work out room that we used last time.

"So what are we working on today?" I asked.

"Well I think that we should work on you punching people out" he said smiling. God I love his smile it makes him look so sexy.

He grabbed two big glove things and slipped them on his hands so when I punched it, it won't hurt. Not that It would hurt anyway. I mean he's a vampire so it probably wouldn't hurt him either way.

"Alright come at me, and punch the gloves as hard as you can, and until you get tired" he said.

I rolled up my sleeves and came at him punching. I swung with my right fist as hard as I could at the glove. Parker's face flashed in my mind. Then I swung with my left, Parker slapping me came to mind. Left.Right.Left.Right. Everything that made me angry about Parker flashed in my mind.

"Good Lily, now try kicking the glove and punching it." Aiden said to me.

I backed up a little and kicked the left glove as hard as i could. That night at the main floor with the Elite gang flashed in my mind. I punched the glove and saw the Elite leader circling me, asking me my name. I kicked and images of me running from them flashed in my mind. I started kicking and punching as fast as I could. Every time I did I saw them, the Elite. I screamed in frustration. I could feel the tears screaming down my face and started to punch and kick harder if that's even possible.

"Lily" I herd Aiden scream. But It sounded so distant from where I was. He started to back up, but I just followed him punching still.

"Lily!" he screamed as loud as he could. It was like he brought me back to reality with that. I collapsed to my knees. I was so tired now. I put my head in my hands and started sobbing. Aiden ran over to me asking me what was wrong, but all I would do was shake my head. I herd the door open and someone walk in.

"Aiden we have work to do" I herd a familiar voice say. An image of the Elite guy touching my arm ran threw my mind.

"Ok Tristan" I herd Aiden say to him.

I looked up from my hands and at Tristan. The Elite leader slapping me across my face flashed threw my mind.

"So that's her name, Lily" Tristan said. His voice sounded so familiar. I know it from somewhere.
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Sorry this ones short :[