Howl and Sophie's Flying Castle

Good Morning Starlight

Sophie woke to the thunderous sounds of the castle moving, on its way to some unknown destination as always. She opened her eyes open to see Howl sleeping next to her. His eyes where closed and moved with sweet dreams running through the young magicians mind. He looked so peaceful when he slept, like a small child during a much needed afternoon nap. His jet black hair was sprawled on the white pillows underneath his head. Sophie reached out and tucked a piece of hair behind his ear and heard him sigh. A little smile formed on his face as he slept. Sophie smiled and reached for the red covers and slipped out of bed.

Her feet reached out to the wooden floor and felt its cool touch on the soles of her feet. Sophie thought about Calcifer and how tired he was getting this morning while moving the castle. She got out of bed. Sophie's white night gown flowed around her as the breeze from the balcony that reached outside from there room. She went out of the balcony and took in the fresh air that swept across her face. She closed her eyes and let it fondle her face with its sweet morning breath. She sighed as she leaned herself against the balcony. She looked down to see the castle moving briskly underneath her. She had gotten used to the castle moving all the time that it no longer made her sick when she looked down.

Sophie remembered the first time she went inside the castle. She was an old woman then, around 90 or so. That may be why she was so sick at first, because of her age. She was glad to be back to nineteen year old young women, scarred with white hair from the curse. The length of her hair was now gone to. She had given it to Calcifer when she needs to moved the castle and save Howl from becoming a statue inside his animal form. She remembered the kiss she gave him as he stood still. Howl’s lips where cold and didn’t move at the slightest touch.

Things where better now. The new castle was up and running, though it did take a lot of time for Howl to generate so much magic again to rebuild and make new. It was still a lovely castle, now with more color and warmth, unlike the dark cluttered castle before that. Sophie most certainly loved the room that Howl had made for her and himself. It was a gorgeous bedroom with some small trinkets from Howl’s travels around the room. They had a four-post bed made from a rich mahogany and had gold and ruby red sheets thrown across it and billowing nets above the bed attached to the posts. Howl couldn’t sleep without his cow and pink and purple cow stuffed animals, so they lyed nestled in a pillow next to Howl. But those animals must have jealous lately because the only thing Howl cuddled with at night now was Sophie’s soft slender body.

Sophie continued to look outside and saw a couple of mountains pass by and a forest to the right of her. She spotted a little lake near and wondered if that was where the castle would be stopping soon. Howl needed to start business up again in Port haven as the wizard Pendragon. That’s when Sophie remembered when she had to pretend to be Howl’s mother and try to get him out of a sticky situation with Madam Suliman; Howl’s old teacher. She smiled a little thinking about how she crashed into the castle with the plane that Howl gave her when she was escaping from Madam Suliman. Oh what times she had when she was old. But now that she was young again, some task weren’t as bad anymore like getting up and walking for long periods of time.

She opened her eyes when she felt something move behind her. She turned only to see Howl press his lips against hers. She kissed him back as he pressed himself against her, feeling the silk nightgown against his bare chest. They parted lips and howl looked down at her

“Good morning starlight.” He said to her in his rich sweet tone. He held her face with his hands and dove in for another sort kiss.

“Morning Howl darling.’ She answered back. “How long have you been up?”

“Long enough to she you sigh at the breeze.” he answered. Sophie brushed a strain of Howl’s dark black hair. If you looked close in the sunlight, you could see a hint of blue in his hair.

“You’re charming.” She said “How about breakfast? Markl must be starving by now. I don’t understand how a boy that age can wake so early.” She spoke softly.

“I don’t really know. I guess he has always been that way.”

“Come, put on a robe and we’ll go down for breakfast.”

‘Oh, come on. Why can’t we stay a little longer in bed?” Howl cooed like a little boy protesting to his mother of waking for school. Howl turned and ran towards the bed. He jumped and landed with a bounce, giggling as he did so. He was such a playful boy sometimes. Howl lyed on his side, patting the bed and beckoning Sophie to him.

“Come, Soph. We have all morning.” a smile formed on Howl’s face, making Sophie smile as well. She giggled and ran towards the bed. With one giant leap she landed on top of Howl, both of them laughing as she did so. Howl rolled on top of her and kissed her deeply. That’s when Sophie pushed him so that she was on top of him. They both giggled as they kissed a little more.

“I love you Sophie.” Howl said as he stared up at her pale face. Her skin reminded him of fresh milk and daisies on a farm together. He put a hand to her cheek and smiled sincerely.

“I love you too Howl.” As she reached in for a kiss from Howl’s soft pink lips the door to the room opened and in stormed in Markl and the small squeaky dog. Sophie threw herself off Howl and covered herself with the sheets. Howl lifted himself up quickly as well.

“BREAKFAST IN BED!!!!!!!” Markl yelled with a huge grin on his face. He ran towards the bed with some strange concoction of something called oatmeal and much burnt bacon.

May all your bacon burn thought Sophie in her mind.

“Oh this is lovely Markl, did you do this yourself?” questioned Sophie as she tired to pull the spoon out of the “oatmeal”, though it became stuck in the glue like paste. Sophie yanked on the spoon a bit more.

“How thoughtful of you Markl. Did you use a little magic?” Howl said as he examined the ashes of the bacon.

“I sure did, Cal helped out a bit too.”

“No kidding.” Howl said with a little mutter. That’s when Sophie freed the spoon, but as doing so sent a spoonful of the paste across the room with it landing on the little dog that squeaked and fell over. Howl looked from Sophie, and then to Markl with an expression that was clearly a cover up for a laugh. That’s when all three started to laugh at the fact of the flying oatmeal.

“Okay, I know breakfast isn’t good.” Markl said, “So Sophie, you want to make some real breakfast?” He asked.

“I couldn’t be happier to do so Markl.” She giggled. Howl and Sophie got out of bed with Howl waiting on Sophie to get her robe on.

“You don’t have to do that you know.” stated Howl as he came towards her. He slipped his hands around her, tying the red silk robe around her.

“I know, but it’s only good manners.” Sophie remarked. As she turned to walk form the room Howl grabbed her butt and squeezed it. Sophie let out a yelp and turned to Howl.

“What?” he said with an innocent voice. “Only good manners to compliment your beauty darling.” He said. Sophie giggled and ran down the stairs with Howl chasing behind.
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Hey, I'm really stoked for this story becasue its based on one of my favorite animes of all time and I hope you enjoy it too. Comments are always freaking amazing to have and I hope to see some up soon. Much <3
