Status: Indefinite hiatus.

Goodbye Blues

Twenty Three.

Change was difficult. Joy wasn't used to being so positive when she stuck within the neutral walls of the senior center. It sucked the life out of her and this showed as she strolled up to her plastic, white chair the next day for story time.

Delilah looked at her, all hope escaping her bright eyes. The scold Joy had on her lips told the small girl that the the old, hopeless lady was back instead of the free soul Delilah had encountered yesterday. It made her frown as Joy started the story without any acknowledgment.


Whispers over lunch the next day filled Joy's ears as she picked at her food, a light smile on her face. Boys stared at her, wondering if the rumors being passed along the long table were true. Joy didn't say anything; she didn't have to. The fact that Brendon was seated next to her, a smile just as bright as hers on his handsome face, said it all.

A loud vibration came from Joy's pocket and she whipped out her phone, checking a new text message as she chewed,

1:27:34 P.M.


Joy scoffed at her brother's immaturity, looking up at him diagonally across the table. He raised his eyebrows at her as she rolled her eyes and texted back, 'When what?'

Chris didn't take his time responding. As soon as he got the text, a sneer formed on his lips as his fingers collided with the screen of his iPhone. After a few moments, Joy felt her phone vibrate in her hand again,

Don't play stupid, Joy.

Joy's fingers glided over the keyboard of her phone, replying to her brother, before shoving her phone back into her pocket, ignoring any other vibrates. Christopher saw this and when he got the text message, he snickered out loud to the words, 'None of your bees wax, kid.'


As people filed back into their buses, Brendon and Joy stood behind, side by side. Behind their backs, their hands were clasped tight in each other's grasp, out of sight. When only a few musicians were left, still boarding all the vehicles, Brendon leaned down and pressed his lips against Joy's.

She kissed back, smiling, before pulling away slowly and whispering, "My brother knows."

"What does he think?" Brendon asked softly. His hand brushed some of Joy's hair behind her ear. She smirked a bit to herself, letting one of her fingers slide down his chest and loop itself in the belt hoop of his jeans.

"I don't think he really cares," Joy shrugged as Brendon's hands slid to the small of her back, bringing their bodies closer. She rested her cheek against his chest, taking in the smell of his cologne and cigarettes happily.

"Hey, love birds, get on the buses," Panic at the Disco's tour manager said, snapping his fingers. Brendon rolled his eyes at him before pressing his lips against Joy's forehead and untangling himself from her.

They said whispered their melodramatic goodbyes before retreating to their own buses. Joy skipped towards the living room, plopping herself down on one of the couches beside Bob. She looked at him, smiling wide, but not saying anything.

Bob looked at her quizzically before sighing and breaking the silence, "May I ask why you're so darn happy?"

"Yes, you may," Joy said, staring him dead in the eyes. A pause passed between them before Bob understood what Joy was doing and rolled his eyes, letting her silly attitude bring a smile to his own face.

"Why are you so darn happy, Joy Carmen Richards?" Bob asked, using her full name. She scrunched up her nose but opened her mouth to give an answer anyways.

"Because - " She began, but was quickly broken off by Greta parading into the room and yelling loudly, "You're dating Brendon?"

Bob's eyes went wide with shock as he looked towards Greta then back at Joy. Joy shook her head, rolling her eyes and sat up right, "I'm not dating him. I just have a little, innocent friendly thing with him."

"Innocent friendly thing?" Greta repeated, disbelievingly. She sat on one of the couches across from Bob and stared at Joy. "Ryan texted me and told me you and Brendon were getting more than just 'friendly' outside, like, a minute ago!"

Joy rolled her eyes, shaking her head a bit. She glanced at Bob who was still staring at her with a shocked expression on his face. With his own horrible timing, Chris waltzed through the door, sitting next to Greta and looking towards Bob. "What's up with him?"

"He's stiff with shock after learning that Brendon and Joy are dating," Greta said, shooting her friend a look. Joy muttered, "There's that word again," just as Chris decided to speak up.

"I knew it!" He yelled, pointing at his sister over dramatically. Joy shook her head with a sigh, standing up. "Hey, get your butt back down, missy. I have to have a talk with you."

"I'll pass," Joy grumbled as she stepped over Bob's feet and walked into the bunk room. Chris got up and followed, grabbing her arm when he realized she was about to get into her bunk. "I'm not talking to you about Brendon, Chris, so go away."

"Fine, don't talk," He muttered lowly as he pulled her into the lounge room. Joy stumbled as she followed, then sat on one of the couches across from Chris. "Just listen."

She sneered at her brother as he went on.

"You've seen it yourself, Joy. Brendon's a bit of a horn-dog. He hooks up with a different girl almost every night. I was talking to William about him a couple of days ago. He hasn't had a relationship since he first got signed. And in all honesty, the little thing you guys have now seems really open. I'm almost sure he'll hook up with another girl."

"Christopher, shut up," Joy spat, standing up. Her eyes narrowed at her brother who shrugged, putting his hands up in defense. "You're acting like you know Brendon oh so well. But you honestly don't."

"I'm just warning you so you don't get hurt, Jo," Chris said, using the childhood nickname he gave me when we were just learning to talk. "You're my sister and I love you. I hate seeing you in pain."

Joy shook her head at the cliche moment her brother and her were having. She put her hand up and walked to her bunk, leaving Chris alone in the lounge room.

But she knew he was right.


The nurse didn't say anything to stop Joy today. She put her hand on the old lady's shoulder. The little girls saw this and without a word, they packed their lunches and got up, talking to one another.

Joy looked at Delilah's spot. It was empty. She looked around to see the blond little girl eating her lunch on the slide. Her blue eyes looked sad as she stared at the wood chips, making Joy sigh in dissatisfaction.

As she got up and walked to the senior center, she looked over her shoulder at Delilah. The little girl was staring at her with a frown that made Joy frown herself as she walked through the doors of the building.
♠ ♠ ♠
woot, wooot!
joy and brendon are official! kind of!

new oliver sykes story up :D
two chapters in!
thanks to everyone who helped!
i'd put a link here, but i don't know how... o.0

i want more comments!
:} and stars.
and subscribers.
they make me happpy !