Status: Indefinite hiatus.

Goodbye Blues


Joy's mind drifted with memories as she looked upon the room. The sunshine was blocked by the maroon curtains and the door was shut and locked. She smiled to herself, knowing her nurse wouldn't be able to get with ease.

Letting her eyes wander towards the ceiling, Joy thought of story time. She sighed when she thought of Delilah, and she sighed even louder when the memory of the plane ride to Chicago hit her.


Originally, it was said that Chris and Joy were to be seated next to a stranger, and Darren, Bob and Greta would all be seated in their own row. Joy wasn't surprised when Chris complained about being seated next to his sister. So Bob gave the simple solution of Greta and Joy switching plane tickets with them.

Chris and Bob, in the end, were nicely seated next to a sleeping business man who had taken the window seat, and Joy, Greta, and Darren all filed into a row of seats. Darren quickly put in his headphones and fell asleep, as Greta and Joy clasped hands excitedly, and squealed.

"We'll begin flying once everyone puts on their seat belts," The flight attendant said. Joy and Greta rushed to get in their seat belts and get comfortable for the one hour flight, hands still clasped tight in their grasps.

Before Joy knew it, they moving and just as quickly rising in the air, heading off to a Chicago airport. This is when Greta took the time to ask, "Joy, do you have another pair of pajama pants?"

"Erm, no?" Joy said, giving her best friend a look. "Why?"

"Because I think I just might shit my pants," Greta exclaimed, smiling. Joy laughed and pushed her friend's shoulder lightly, making her bump into Darren, who let out a big snore. This made the girls double in laughter. And the flight when on like that.

It wasn't until they were at baggage claim that Chris offered a new dilemma. They were all crowded around with other people in an attempt to find their luggage, when Chris tapped Greta's shoulder and asked, "Did Ryan say he was going to pick us up?"

Greta opened her mouth to respond but quickly closed it. A sneer appeared on her face, and she snapped, "Call him and ask him yourself."

Chris gave Greta a look and put his hands up in defense, walking towards Bob. Joy watched Bob chuckle and take his phone out of his pocket, just as Joy saw her luggage.

"Oh, there's my stuff," Joy said, as she waltzed over to the baggage claim. She took her duffle bag and suitcase off the spinning machine with ease, but when it came to the second suitcase, it wouldn't budge. Joy used all the strength she had in her petite, 5'2 body, but the suitcase didn't budge one bit.

Two slender arms suddenly came from behind her, and grabbed the suitcase, putting it on the floor with ease. Joy turned around to see a tall boy with long, light brown hair, soft brown eyes and a crooked smile. He was dressed in a black leather jacket, a green v-neck, and gray skinny jeans.

"Thank you," Joy said with a smile. She stared at his handsome, girly features in amazement.

"Your welcome," He said softly. He stayed there with a his crooked smile bright on his face, looking down upon Joy.

"Uh..." Joy mumbled, when he didn't leave. She was confused on what he wanted from her. Just then, Greta skipped towards them. She stood by the handsome stranger and smiled wide at Joy.

"Joy, this is William Beckett from The Academy Is...," Greta explained. Joy let a surprised look take over her face, her mouth forming a small 'o.' "He'll be touring with us for the next three months."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, William," Joy said. She politely stuck out her small hand, and William took it in his large one, shaking it three times before letting go.


Greta took this time to motion William and Joy away from the baggage claim and towards a group of boys. Joy fumbled to get all her things, so William politely grabbed the suitcase with the duffle bag wrapped onto it. Joy muttered a thank you and quickly walked over to the boys who were crowded around a stranger.

The stranger was tall and thin, but not as tall as William. He had a boyish face and soft, caramel colored hair. He was laughing at something Bob had said, and his face was shining bright. Joy assumed that this was the famous Ryan Ross.

"Ryan, meet Joy, my best friend and also the friend we chose to bring on tour with us," Greta greeted Joy. Ryan's eyes looked upon Joy and he smiled kindly, a crooked smile, but not nearly as breathtaking as William's.

"Hello, Joy. I'm Ryan," He said. He stuck out his large hand, and Joy shook it with a smile on her face.

"It's nice to meet you," She said politely, a little shy. Ryan kept smiling and muttered, "Likewise."

He then decided to speak louder, giving direction to follow him towards the parking lot to the bus, which would take them to the venue. He began walking, and the boys all followed, as Greta and Joy lingered behind with William.

"So, William," Greta said, earning the attention of the boy between her and Joy that towered over them a good foot and one inch, "Does this tour seem like it's going to be a good one?"

William smiled and took a moment to think about the question before replying with, "Yeah, there are some pretty crazy kids on this tour."

Greta smirked at his reply, and asked innocently, "Like who?"

"Pete Wentz, Sisky Business, and The Butcher," He named three with confidence. Greta laughed. "I'm sure they'll be the troublemakers."

Greta smiled and nodded as they kept walking for a moment.

"Oh, and Brendon Urie," William said. Just as he spoke the words, Joy stubbed her toe, tripping miraculously on nothing. She seized in pain, furrowing her brow. "Oh, Joy, are you alright?"

"Yeah," Joy seethed, "I'm fine."

With the help of William, Joy limped towards the bus the rest of the way. It seemed that Greta, Joy, and William had taken a lot longer to get to the bus, because when they opened the door, Chris exclaimed, "What took you guys so damn long?"

"Joy stubbed her toe," Greta replied with, getting in quickly. Chris and Bob busted up with laughter as William helped Joy into the van. Joy rolled her eyes as she sat next to Greta, William filing in behind her. He shut the van just as the boys' laughter died down.

"Who's ready for tour?" Ryan asked loudly, suddenly, as he started the car. It was cliche that every person in The Hush Sound yelled out in excitement, which fueled the smile on both Ryan and William's faces.

Ryan backed out of the parking lot and Joy could feel the impatience and excitement running through every musician in the car. Her heart asked her if she had made the right decision to come.


A knock came from the door.
"Joy, nap time's over. It'd be nice if you'd open the door," The nurse called in.

Joy wanted so badly to keep the door locked forever, and to never have to come out, but she couldn't, and she knew that. She yawned and got out of the bed, walking over to the door to unlock it. The nurse heard the click and opened it, just as Joy took her seat in front of the mirror.
♠ ♠ ♠
i have decided if brendon is not in the next two,
you all are allowed to hate me.

this wasn't that great. major filler.
but i promise, promise, promise it gets better.

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