Status: Indefinite hiatus.

Goodbye Blues


For the first time in years, Joy's eyes began closing softly and slowly. It was still nap time, and although the memories were fine, a feeling of being overwhelmed filled Joy to her brim and made her fall into a gentle sleep. So gentle, that when she was awaken by a smiling nurse, she remembered to dream from start to finish.


Joy opened her eyes to find herself in a big room with a stage, hardwood floors and several crystal chandeliers above. No one was in the room with her, and as Joy's feet began moving from beneath her, taking her to one of the corners of the big ballroom, she could hear her footsteps echo; she was wearing high heels.

In the corner of the room, laying against the wall, stood a full-lengthed mirror. Joy looked at herself in it, and almost gasped out loud. She was young again.
Her youthful, long, dark hair and big hazel eyes were looking back in the mirror. Her face was wrinkle free, and a smile was on her face.

She wore a big, white wedding dress with silver heels and a silver, diamond necklace. Her hair was wrapped up against her head, and a veil hung behind her. And it came to her. It was her wedding day.

Joy turned around to find herself in the same room, but now the room was filled with tables, chairs and buzzing people. They all smiled and said their congratulations. Joy smiled at them though she was deeply confused. Her wedding was years ago.

Joy looked upon the room, but quickly was rushed towards a dinner table, seated next to her husband by her bridesmaid, a friend Joy picked up from college at Berkley. She smiled kindly at her husband just as the room was silenced by her hurried bridesmaid.

"Today, we are gathered here for Joy and Kevin's humbling wedding," The bridesmaid said with a sad smile. Everyone clapped though and Joy blushed. In the middle of the applause, the doors of the huge ballroom bursted open with a loud boom.

Joy couldn't see the figure from where she sat, but she heard the gasps as the person fled by tables and tables of family and friends. They rushed quickly, getting closer and closer to Joy until finally they stood before her.

And Joy gasped.

"I'm late," He whispered, his hands on the table, his eyes wide with bewilderment. His deep voice echoed in her ears as she surveyed his features. His dark brown hair was askew, his eyes had deep, dark circles under them, his full lips were chapped.

Joy didn't know where it came from, but the small voice that piped up was from her. "You always were."

He looked down towards the table, and Joy's eyes filled with tears. He wasn't invited to the wedding, no. He wasn't here to smile at Joy and wave her off to her honeymoon, no. No, he was here to ruin whatever Joy had going for her.

"Joy-" He started but Joy shook her head as a tear fell.

"Too late, Brendon. It's way too late."


"Joy, are you alright?" The nurse asked the old lady who had spaced out. Joy turned to the nurse and stared at her a long time before smiling weakly and nodding. "Alright, well, I'm going to leave you to your privacy now."

Joy nodded slowly, mostly to herself, as nurse exitted the cold room reluctantly. Althought she should have been thinking about her own health, Joy was worried about her dream. It was a reaccuring one though Joy hadn't had it since she arrived at the senior center.

Brendon would have these big intentions of coming to Joy's wedding uninvited, in the middle of the ceremony, and disrupting the wedding. He'd confess his feelings, his thoughts, and share his words in his deep captivating voice that was just so smooth. But it never went like that for him. Not in Joy's dreams. He always came too late, way too late, and Joy would just shake her head at his failed attempt.

The truth of the matter was, if he had came even later than he did in her dream - hours, days, weeks, months, years - Joy would still, no matter what, in a heart beat, rush to his side.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's kind of a filler.
but i was sick of the pattern of naptime, storytime.

it was short, i know.
that's why there's going to be a double update! :]

EDIT: thank you to allison wonderland who confirmed it was brendon's birthday, haha. :]
yay, happy birthday, brendon!

comments would be fantastic!