Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!


You sat in your desk and watched the clock slowly tick down the last seconds of the school day. *Come on clock* you thought clenching your hands into fists. *Just a couple more-*
"And that, students, is why-"
*Finally...* You got out of your desk and made your way to your locker where your friends were waiting.
"Hey, Ai," your best friend, Akane said with a big smile on her face. "Why are you so eager to get out of school? Wouldn't happen to be because of Kano's party would it?"
You glared at her as you slammed your locker shut. "Yeah right. As if I would get excited over anything about that egoistical freak."
"Aww and I love you too, Ai," Kano said appearing behind you from out of no where. You froze and gave Akane the death glare as she walked away giggling.
"You know, you love me," Kano smiled cockily as you tried to get away from him. "Why don't you just admit it and go out with me instead of fighting it so much."
"I'm not fighting anything," you shot back to Kano in a simple tone as you quickened your pace to escape him. "I don't like you and there's no way I'd ever go out with you. Just because every other girl in school worships you doesn't mean that I do." And with that you made a run for the door as a teacher distracted him.
"That jerk thinks he can have anything he wants," you grumbled flipping your hair over your shoulder. "Well he's not going to have me!" You resolved and began to walk home in peace. "I wonder where Akane went..." You wondered out loud to yourself as you were almost home. You and her had walked home with each other since you were in the 6th grade. It was pretty weird that she hadn't caught up to you by now... *She probably just got distracted by a cute guy.* You thought shaking your head, *She's such a flirt...*
You walked into the driveway of your house and looked back over your shoulder. You had the distinct feeling that someone was watching you... And the fact that Akane still hadn’t showed up was bothering you. You flipped open your pink hello kitty cell phone and pressed the button for her number.
"ring... ring... ring... ring... ring... ring... ring... "Hi this is Akane leave me a message and I'll call you back!"
You hung up and chewed on your lip. It was only natural that you should be worried about your best friend, but something felt wrong. You shook your head again and smiled to yourself. "I'm just being paranoid." But when the birds in one of the trees next to your house suddenly flew away without warning you quickly ran inside and locked the door behind you.
"I'm home!!!" You yelled to your parents as you took off your shoes and ran upstairs without looking around. You opened your door and plopped down on your stomach onto your bed. *At least it's the weekend* you thought turning over on your back. You looked at the ceiling feeling yourself getting drowsy. *Maybe I'll just take a nap...* you closed your eyes and in no time you were asleep.

You woke up to complete darkness and rubbed your eyes, yawning, as you sat up. *That's weird...* You thought as you tried to look around your room. *I thought my parents would have woken me up by now...* You shrugged it off as nothing and went to take a shower. When you were done and dressed again you went downstairs to find that your parents weren't home. It wasn't a big surprise though since they often went out together and didn't tell you where. You sat down on the couch wondering what to do next then nearly jumped out of your skin when your phone started to vibrate from underneath your butt. You quickly pulled it out of your back pocket and sighed in relief to see it was Akane.
"Where the heck have you been?" You answered before she could say anything.
"I need a big favor!" She said without answering your question. "I know I kinda ditched you, but I met this really cute guy-" *mental sigh from you* "And he has a friend who's also realllly cute so could you kinda maybe be his date?"
"You can't be serious," you said as if she was crazy. "You want me to go out in the middle of the night to be a date to some strange guy you just met?"
"Please, please, please, Ai," she begged sounding pitiful. "I reallly reallllly like him. It won't take very long, I promise pleasssssssse?"
You sighed knowing that this sounded like a very bad idea, but you couldn't ignore her pleading. "Ok, ok. Where should we meet?"
"No need for that," she said cheerfully. "We'll pick you up in about 10 minutes."
"TEN MINUTES!?" You shouted. "But I barely have any time to get ready!"
Akane went silent for a minute then came back on the phone giggling. "Then hurry up, slow poke. You only have nine minutes now!" You hung the phone up without saying good bye and ran back up to your room. You were about to go on a date with a supposedly cute guy and you had eight minutes to get ready. Luckily you had just showered, but what are you going to wear?

You ran downstairs hearing a car pull into your driveway and straightened out your clothes before you walked outside.
"Ai!" Akane screamed as she hugged you and whispered in your ear, "Thank you soooo much I owe you big for this."
You nodded as she pulled away and look past her to the two guys approaching. Your jaw nearly drops to the ground at how completely gorgeous they are. *Cute was definately not the right word* you thought and silently thanked Akane for meeting such hotties.
The first one had long black hair past his shoulders and sparkling green eyes while the second one had blonde hair that went to just below his ears with bangs that covered one of his eyes and blue wolfish eyes that considered you hungrily.
You took that look as a compliment and not a threat as you should have.
"Ai, this is my date, Toshiro," she said as the black haired guy walked up to her.
"And I'm Akito," the blonde guy said softly taking your hand and kissing it. "Akane said you were cute but I could never have imagined how beautiful you were. It is an honor to be in your presence."
You blushed as he held onto your hand and managed to say, "Thank you," although your throat felt like it was closing over.
"So guys where are we going?" Akane asked playing with Toshiro's shirt. Toshiro looked at Akito and they both laughed.
"You're going home with us!" He yelled and grabbing Akane disappeared from sight.
You gasped and tried to pull away from Akito, but he still had a hold on your hand. "Let go of me!" You screamed clawing at his hand and even drawing blood. But to your amazement the wounds healed right before your eyes as if you'd never scratched him at all.
He took that moment to pull you close to him and kiss your lips deeply. It was definately a surprise since a moment ago you were in fear for you life. And now he was kissing you? What was going on? You felt his mouth open up and his tongue push it's way inside of yours. You didn't have control of your body anymore and you felt your own tongue slipping into his mouth. It was all so enjoyable until you noticed the fangs. You pushed him violently away from you and turned ad ran into the trees screaming your head off. But you didn't get far before a noise got your attention. It sounded like the flapping of wings... You looked up for just a second fearing that now a giant bird was about to eat you, but found Akito flying above you on black wings. Your mind couldn't take it anymore and though you were fighting to stay awake you felt darkness surround you as you passed out.

Your head was pounding as you woke up and you felt something heavy draped over your waist, but your eyes refused to open for the moment. *It must have been a dream...* you thought as you tried to lift your arm to rub your head, but found it too was unable to move.
You opened your eyes in panic finding Akito sleeping soundly beside you, his arm resting across your waist as though he was holding you. *Ok...* you thought as you looked around the strange room. *I am officially freaked... Leave it to Akane to get us kidnapped.* You needed a plan for escape and you needed it fast and luckily you noticed that the window to the room was open. *I'll get out...* you decided. *And then I'll find Akane.*
You somehow managed to get out from under Akito's arm without waking him and made a run for the window.
"Trying to escape already?" Akito's voice rang out sleepily" I didn't expect you up so soon."
You turned around and saw that he was still laying on the bed. *Isn't he afraid that I'll jump out the window or something?*
"If you're so eager to die then go right ahead," Akito laughed and put his hands behind his head daring you to jump.
You looked over your shoulder and out the window seeing that you were verrrrrrrry high up in a verrrry big house. You gulped and clung to the edge of the window.
"Scared?" Akito taunted as he got out of bed and approached you. "Maybe you just need a little help." You screamed as he pushed you out the window. You were falling very fast towards the hard ground and wished that he would save you even if he had kidnapped you. Then the fall stopped and you found yourself once again in the room with Akito grinning at you. "Remember that fall, Ai," he said laying back down on the bed. "It's the only way you'll escape me."
You inched away from the window, not wanting to be closer to Akito, but also not wanting to be near the window. You slid down against the wall and watched his every move. "Where's Akane?" Was the first question that came to mind.
"Don't know," Akito said uninterested as he looked at his nails, “Probably with my brother, Toshiro. You remember him don't you?"
You nodded and put your head down. He had disappeared with Akane into thin air. *Wait...* "How did he disappear like that?" Akito laughed again tauntingly.
"Must we go through these questions?" He asked appearing beside you.
You jumped up and moved away from him. He followed you until he had you pinned against the far wall. "I know you felt the fangs in my mouth. You were so enjoying the kiss before that..." He let his lips press against your again and you were powerless to stop him. For some reason it just felt so good... His lips moved slowly from your lips to your neck and then to your ear where he whispered in an evil voice, "I'm a vampire, and you have been chosen to be my bride..."