Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(10)Maybe an escape. Or not...

You were incredibly groggy when you finally opened your eyes again. The sun was shining bright in the sky beyond your balcony and you raised your hand to shield your eyes. That's when you realized, *I can move my hand...* When last you had fallen asleep you couldn't move anything, not even a finger. You could barely even open your eyes to see who had entered your room...
*Milo!* You thought as you bolted upright in your bed. *He bit me! That jerk bit me! Who is he to bite me?* You were completely beyond anger now and wanted only to find him and get some kind of explanation for his actions. It was the third time you'd been bitten in two days and you were getting pretty sick of it. *These guys think they can just do whatever they want to me. Like I'm just some kind of blood bank for them... Well I'm getting out of here!* You thought it with a lot of conviction, but putting it into action was a lot harder. You stood at the balcony looking down into the mist that swirled into nothingness and wondered if maybe this was a very good plan. You had tied your blankets, sheets, and a few articles of clothing together and put them over the edge to make a rope for you to climb down. The problem was that you didn't know how far up you were, and imaging your body splatting all over the garden floor was not an appealing thought to you right now. But taking a deep breath you grabbed onto the makeshift rope and began to shimmy yourself down. At least daylight was on your side, so no vampires would come after you. And since you thought that Milo was a vampire, he had bitten you and all, you didn't see him as a threat. But there was someone else who you had forgotten about.
"Ai!" Akane screamed when she saw you climbing down a very fragile assortment of cloth that could snap at any minute. "What the heck are you doing?"
"Getting out of this place, that's what," you yelled back up at her, clinging for dear life to the rope. "You can come with me if you want, but you'll be taken care of if you stay here."
"Ai, I won't let you do this!" She yelled back at you and began to climb down too making the rope stretch dangerously.
"Akane it won't hold us both," you said alarmed and began to climb down again, faster. "Just go back. You have something here for you."
"Akito loves you," she argued, sliding a bit and almost falling. She stopped and grabbed the rope, holding it tightly until she got her grip back. "He's just scared. He knows what he did is wrong, and that's why he ran away. If you run away too then you'll never have a chance to tell him how you really feel."
*How I really feel...* you thought bitterly. "I did tell him. And he left me to die. How can I go back to th-ahhhhhhh"
At the top of the rope a piece came loose and the both of you went flying down towards the ground. You screamed as loud as you could, thinking that death might be preferable. But then you realized something in mid flight. *If I'm a vampire then why aren't I dead from the sun?*
You hit the ground with an "oomph" and blankets and sheets rained down onto you. *I must be dead by now...* You thought and closed your eyes to accept it. But the pain in your back wouldn't leave you in peace so you pushed the blankets off of you and looked around, wondering what had happened to Akane. She was clinging to Milo, while he held her in his arms as if he had caught her.
You got up, angrily, and marched over to him, crossing your arms over your chest. "Well thanks for catching me! I could have died!"
"You didn't need to be caught," Milo explained as he set Akane back on her feet.
"And just why not?" You yelled, getting in his face. "And what's with you biting me and turning me into a vampire? I never asked you to save me!"
"You're not a vampire," he answered calmly and you suddenly realized that he wasn't burning up in the sun either.
"Wha.... what's going on?" You stuttered, not understanding why the both of you weren't dead.
"Ai I know you didn't want me to, but I couldn't let you die," he looked down sadly and put his hands on your shoulders. "So I turned you... But not into a vampire because I'm not a vampire. I'm a... werewolf..."
You weren't at a loss for words now. You just went right ahead and exploded. "I'm a what?!"
Both Milo and Akane backed away from you, because let's face it, you can be pretty scary when you're angry.
"You should have let me die," you said miserably, falling to the ground. "I wish you would have just let me die. Now what am I supposed to do? I can't be with Akito now..."
"I wasn't going to let you die," Milo said sadly as he sat down beside you and put his arm around your shoulders. "You can still be with Akito. He's just going to have to turn you into a vampire... Which is possible, but you'll have to talk to him about it."
"I want Akito..." you began to cry and put your head in your knees. It might have sounded little childish, but when you want the person you love it doesn't matter.