Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(11)Forest run

Akito lay in the basement as everything that was happening to you, was going on. He was in turmoil and only wanted to escape from everything. He knew that he loved you more than anything and that he could never be with another, but what he had done to you... He just kept playing it over and over in his head as a sort of punishment for himself. He deserved your anger. He deserved your hatred. He deserved to be alone forever. But you had forgiven him. You had kissed him and told him that you loved him. He rolled over onto his side, closing his eyes to block out your own that seemed to haunt him in the darkness. He was in so much pain that he hadn't stopped to think about what would happen to you if he did not turn you. That you would die.
He began to felt weird, like he was sick. It was a strange feeling since vampires never really got any kind of sickness, but right then he knew that something was wrong with him. He sat up and with no control over himself threw up all of the blood that he had taken from you. It burned all the way up through his throat and he felt like something was trying to eat its way out of him. Wiping his mouth with his hand he noticed that your once beautiful crimson blood was now black.
*Werewolf...* He thought confused for a second wondering why your blood would suddenly turn inside of him. But then it all became clear as things in his head started to make sense again. He jumped up and began to run toward the basement steps. He felt a growl escape from his throat as he realized what had happened. "Milo..."

You sat in your room now, in a plain white dress, looking down at your hands nervously. *Akito will be awake soon... What will he do...* You didn't want to be a werewolf. Milo had no right to turn you. But then again he had saved your life and if there was a way to go back or at the very least become a vampire then you wouldn't refuse. You couldn't be a werewolf and be with Akito. And being with Akito was all you could think about. The sun was almost down and you couldn't take your anxiety anymore. You had to get away so without thinking you jumped from your balcony again, this time landing perfectly on your feet. You ran straight through the garden to the gate that held your freedom. The huge dog that had guarded it was no where to be seen so you slipped through the bars, that were now locked, and began to run through the forest. Being a werewolf had had it advantages now since you had been able to jump off of your balcony without dieing and now you were running much faster than you would have if you were human. Maybe you could escape this place and live as a werewolf. If Akito didn't want you then you didn't want him.
You seemed to run forever, but the forest didn't get any thinner. You wondered if maybe you were ever going to get out when you were suddenly grabbed by something and went facedown in the wet leaves. You pushed yourself back up onto your hands and looked around, fearing what might be waiting for you. But there was nothing there. Just endless trees in every direction. You quietly got back onto your feet and looked around carefully, fully aware of every noise and movement around you. Whatever it was, was gone now so you decided to keep moving.
You walked now, sure that no one was coming after you. It had been awhile since you had left and if anyone wanted you then they would come for you. *Akito probably doesn't even know I'm gone...* You thought sadly, crossing your arms over your chest. The night wore on and the coldness of the forest crept into you.

"We have to go and find her," Akane argued with Toshiro as they stood in your room and considered what to do about your disappearance.
"If she wants to leave then that's her choice now," Toshiro countered as he puller Akane away from the balcony. "If Akito doesn't want her anymore then it's best that she leaves now and finds a better life of her own."
"Who ever said that I didn't want her?" Akito asked softly, as he appeared at the door.
Akane put her head down while Toshiro walked up to him. "You obviously don't if you were so willing to let her die."
Akito looked pained and his eyes flashed a tint of red in anger. "You think I could face her after what I've done?"
"You don't deserve her," Milo said now as he climbed up into your rooms balcony. He gave Akito a deadly look and moved in closer. "I saved her while you wallowed in self pity in the basement."
Akito growled and jumped towards Milo, but Toshiro held him back. They looked at each other for long moments, wanting to rip the other apart. Finally Akito backed down and turned to leave. "I don't have time for this. If Ai did go out into the forest she's in a lot of danger."