Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(12)A small clearing

You held your arms around yourself, and kept walking. The only thing that was really keeping you going was the fact that no one had come after you. It was like they could all just forget you so easily so why bother going back? It would just be embarrassing to see their curious faces and to answer their questions as to why you had come back. You kept imaging Akito with his arms wrapped another cute girl, laughing and being happy. You shook your head to get the thoughts away from you, but they seemed to follow you as far away as you got. It was a miserable walk through the forest, but you were tired and running took too much energy. Maybe if you were running you wouldn't be able to think of all the terrible thoughts that clouded your brain, but it wasn't worth it. You had to be a big girl and deal with things that were happening now not the things that had already happened and you had no way to control. You sighed and stopped for a minute, taking in your surroundings. Everything in the forest looked exactly alike and you had no sense of direction. You might of even been going in a big circle and even if you had wanted to go back to the mansion there was no way you'd be able to find your way back. Shrugging your shoulders, deciding that anything was better than seeing Akito with another girl, you took off again in another direction.
The forest was filled with a lot of noise, which your ears seem to pick up on even the slightest one. It was amazing to you how much your body had changed in the sense of being a werewolf now. Better hearing, better balance(any other girl would have fallen down a million times out in the forest. especially if something was chasing her... I get pretty sick of watching TV and seeing a girl running from something and just trip out of no where and get eaten or something...) and pretty much better everything. You still didn't want to stay as a werewolf though and you hoped maybe someone would be able to turn you back when you got out of this freakin forest.

Akito approached the gate to the fence and noticed that it was still locked. Not surprising to him though since you were small enough to easily slip between the bars. The thing he was wondering was where the dog went to? He had told it not to kill you, but just to bring you back if you did manage to get past it. He unlocked the gate and walked out quietly, knowing that he needed to get to you no matter what. There things in that forest that would easily take you and kill you. If not worse... The thought alone panicked him, but he calmed himself with a few deep breaths and began his search.
"I'm going with you," Akane ran up to him with Toshiro running after her, demanding that she stop. She tuned and gave him an angry look, which stopped him in his tracks. "Ai is MY best friend and he chased her away," she pointed at Akito, "And you expect me to just sit here and wait for her body to turn up?"
"My love, I assure you she is not dead," Toshiro soothed and took her arm, ready to lead her back to the mansion. "You will only get in the way..."
"I'll go," Milo spoke up as he walked up to Akane and Toshiro.
Akito glared at Milo and turned, walking into the forest by himself. "I will find her by myself. I don't need help."
"It will take less time if I help," Milo argued as he walked past the gate and looked into the forest. "She might be dead by the time you find her if you go alone. And whether you want my help or not I'm going in to look for her."
Akito watched as Milo disappeared, running into the forest. Growling he went another way.

You looked up at the speckled stars and bright moon as you came to a break in the forest. It was a small clearing with a stream of clear water running through and soft grass that looked all too inviting. You looked around cautiously before you walked into the clearing and collapsed beside the stream, gulping down mouthfuls of the refreshing water. It was better than any water you had ever tasted. It had a very sweet taste to it, almost like your favorite candy. After taking your fill of the blessed water, you noticed a patch of white flowers that you hadn't seen before. You suddenly felt very exhausted and laying your head down on the makeshift pillow you quickly fell asleep.
Once asleep the ground opened up beneath you and sucked you into it, leaving the world above with no hint of where you had gone except for a small white ribbon that had pulled off of your hair and now clung to the branch of a dying tree.