Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(13)Fairy home

All you could smell was the sweet scent of water and flowers as you opened your eyes. It was so comforting you wondered if maybe you might be in a dream and a tiny giggle from beside you forced your mind to become more aware of what was going on. You turned over sleepily and came face to face with a tiny girl sitting on a flower.
So surprised by seeing this creature, you jolted up from laying down and looked down in wonder. "What... are you?" You asked softly admiring her wings.
She stood up on the flower and flew up to your face to give you a closer view of her. "Promise you won't tell anyone?"
You nodded, your eyes wide.
She smiled and flew to the side of your face to whisper in your ear, "I'm a fairy."
You nodded again slowly. "A fairy... and I'm hallucinating now. What kind of water was that..."
"Oh you drank the water?" She asked as she landed on the tip of your nose, forcing you to go cross eyed.
"Yes," you answered softly. "And then I was tired and couldn't help but to fall asleep. Am I dreaming?"
She laughed and flew away from you, lighting a small hallway that was in front of you. You stood up from the patch of flowers you had been laying on and followed her, not really sure what else you could do.
She was so small a creature to be emitting such a bright light and it was almost hypnotizing. You felt like you were being dragged at this point, down into the tunnels darkness with no hope for escape. But your mind was clearer somehow and your worries gone. In fact you hadn't even really thought of Akito since you woke up.
"Welcome to our home," a new voice echoed into your head. You were now in a huge room with crystal walls and pillars and a throne at the end.
The fairy ushered you forward. "You must talk to out mother now," she said in a small voice and waited as you ventured into the room. As you got further inside the person on the throne became clearer. She was absolutely beautiful you couldn't help, but fall to your knees before her. Her hair was light pink and fell to her shoulders and her eyes were clear and white as the moon. The wings on her back were an assortment of colors, all pale and beautiful reflecting the light of the cave. She emitted power and beauty, but also something that felt deadly. You mentally told yourself to be careful and the larger fairy smiled at your thoughts.
"There is no need to fear us, Ai," she spoke, trying to calm your worries. "You are safe here with us as long as you choose to stay."
It seemed more like an invitation than a threat and you couldn't resist. But there were still questions unanswered.
"Who are you? Why am I here? How did I get here?" You asked them all at once. Might as well get everything out in the open.
She walked down from her throne, her lavender dress trailing behind her. She walked up to you and you instantly felt as ease. "I am the queen of all fairies, Aribeth. This is our home underground. The way is only open to those in need of our help. You were lost in the forest, were you not?"
You nodded, completely unable to speak. Something was stealing the voice from your throat.
"That is why the water came to your aid. You see," she looked down at you sadly, "We must conceal our existence from mortals, lest we be destroyed. Humans were never ready for magic and I fear they may never be. But you... I sense something different in your heart."
You felt tears overwhelming you now. *How could she possibly sense anything good in my heart...? I'm a wreak...*
"You must be strong, Ai," she touched your cheek gently and looked into your eyes. "You may stay as long as you wish. Casia will show you around."
*Casia...?* You thought for a minute then turned around to find the small fairy from before floating behind you. She looked at you with sympathy as if she could sense the turmoil within you, but then smiled and began to fly away from you.
"Follow her," Aribeth instructed and without question you followed her deeper into the caves.

Akito ran through the forest blindly. It was like the forest had swallowed any trace of you. He couldn't even sense the small bond that he had placed between the two of you. He wasn't going to give up though. There were so many things that could have gotten to you before he did... Wolves, demons, evil witches. Wolves would be the best thing. If they caught you all they would do was eat you. He didn't want to imagine the torture that the others would put you through. There were no footprints to follow. No scent left behind. No torn piece of cloth from your clothing. There was no where to start and no where to begin. Like you had been taken underground...
"Fairies," he muttered to himself angrily realizing that only a fairy would be capable of making you disappear so easily. The forest pretty much bent to their very demands. *And what's worse she probably only knows of the nice good fairies from stories that are completely false.* He thought worriedly, picking up his pace. *She has no idea of the danger that she's in...*
"Akito!" Milo's voice yelled from somewhere in the forest.
Akito picked up on the yelling and found Milo standing in front of a tree with a small white thing hanging from it. He looked at Milo questioningly until he got closer and saw what that white thing was.
"Ai's hair ribbon," he said brokenly, clutching it in his hand.
"I couldn't find any other trance of her," Milo said, breathing deeply. He had been running the whole time. "Not even a hint of her scent. How could she have just disappeared like this?"
"There's only one creature who can pull off this trick," Akito said worriedly, forgetting his anger and focusing on finding you. "Fairies..."