Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(14)Trapped in vines

You sat down in the small patch of flowers that the fairies had provided for you. It was so much more comfortable than any other bed you had ever slept in. That's what you were thinking as you snuggled your nose down into them. Until you started thinking about Akito...
*That's not true... Sleeping with Akito was more comfortable than anything...*
You rolled onto your back and put your hands behind your head, staring at the ceiling. The entire cave system was covered with different colored crystals. You hard even noticed that you were underground save for the lack of sunlight. But the fairies had their own magic that provided light for their needs. *I never thought I'd be living underground with fairies...* You thought and smiled as another thought of Akito came to mind. *Then again I never thought I'd meet a vampire either. Or fall in love with one. Things sure have changed...*
"What are you thinking?" Casia's tiny voice interrupted your thoughts. You looked over to her seeing her stretched out on a flower, considering you thoughtfully. "I've never met a human before. And my powers for mind reading are very small. I did hear the name Akito though. Who is he?"
You rolled over on your side towards her and absentmindedly played with a flower. "Just a guy..."
"I see," she said sympathetically knowing the feelings in your heart. "He hurt you?"
You nodded, not really wanting to talk about it.
"You know," she flew up closer to be right in front of your face. "You can stay here, with us, forever. Mother has already said how much she likes you. I know that everyone here would just love it if you stayed. Then no one will ever be able to hurt you again."
She looked so innocent, floating before your face. It was a very tempting offer. To stay in a place where no pain would ever come to you again. For a girl with a broken heart it was just the thing you needed. But still your thoughts lingered on Akito. *If I stay here I'll never be able to see Akito again...*
"Forget about him," Casia said soothingly as she stared into your eyes. "You have us now. We will take care of you. Love you. You will never need anyone else ever again."
You couldn't take your eyes from hers. It felt like you were falling into a very deep sleep until finally you felt your mouth moving, but you weren't willing it to. You heard yourself saying, "I would love t stay here forever," but you weren't the one saying it. Your body was moving on it's own. You were now under the fairies spell.

"Aribeth!" Akito yelled into the forest, not really knowing exactly where to yell. "I know you have her and I'm going to get her back."
Milo watched as Akito uselessly yelled into the silent forest. He knew about fairies in this forest and if they had you they wouldn't kill you. At least... not very quickly.
"Aribeth!" Akito yelled again, but it was no good. And it seemed like the forest was starting to get angry. There was no moonlight shining through the branches now, for they all seemed to stretch to cover the sky. The ground became uneven and snakes and bugs crawled from beneath the soil.
Milo looked around alarmed, but Akito stood firm in his place. "You think you can scare me off with some little fairy illusi-" He gasped as he was suddenly thrown to the ground by a tree branch.
"Guess it's not an illusion," Milo said as he ducked to escape another branch that came at him.
"They're all fairy tricks!" Akito growled and leapt up, breaking a branch with his foot. The tree howled in pain, or made some noise that sounded very much like a howl, and snapped another branch his way. It forced him back, lest he get his arm lashed. He fought his way through more and more branches until finally he was backed up against another tree.
Milo stared in horror as the tree seemed to open it's mouth and swallow Akito whole.
Once Akito was gone the forest went quiet again and all the trees stood frozen as they were meant to. Running from the sight of Akito's disappearance, Milo went back to the mansion for some kind of help.

You followed Casia through many tunnels until she led you to a small room filled with vines. The seemed to have a life of their own as the reached out to touch you. They wrapped around your arms and legs, pulling you into them. Your mind was screaming for you to fight what was happening, but your body wouldn't respond.
"I see the spell worked," Aribeth said to Casia as she entered the room from a doorway that suddenly appeared in the cave wall. It closed over after she had come in leaving the room with no way to escape. "Good work Casia," she stroked your cheek and looked lovingly into your eyes. She looked different. That evil feeling you had gotten from her before stood out now. Her wings, hair and dress she wore were jet black and gleaming a soft purple light. This wasn't the beautiful creature you had met only hours ago. She was twisted and warped and the vines wrapped around her lovingly like a lovers embrace.
"She still has her mind," Casia laughed evilly, looking into your eyes. "But she can't help, but obey our commands."
You stood there, willing your finger to twitch or your eyes to blink, but still nothing.
Your head turned as a noise behind you gained your attention. Something was being brought down through the vines. You couldn't see at first, but as they cleared away slightly you knew it was Akito! He was covered in blood and his clothed torn. He was awake though and every time a thorn pressed into his skin the wound would heal around it.
*Akito!* You screamed in your mind as if struggling against invisible bonds.
He looked directly into your eyes and tried to speak with his mind, but found that he was unable.
"It's no use, vampire," Aribeth sneered. "Under our spell her mind will answer to us alone."
"Let her go," Akito said calmly as if readying himself for an attack. You didn't know what he could possibly do if he was caught in the vines, but you hoped he had some plan.
"Ai," Akito looked at you with all the love in the world in his eyes. "You have to fight it. You have to wake up."
"Silly, vampire boy," Casia giggled cruelly and reached out her hand. Small sparks of light came from her finger tips and entered Akito's body. He didn't seem to notice at first, but after only a moment he began to spasm and scream in agony.
You stood there, watching him, unable to help him, and from the corner of your eyes fell a single tear. The bonds were breaking and in only a second you could move and reached out to help Akito.
"Stop her!" Aribeth screamed, and the vines came from all directions and wrapped around your wrists and ankles.
"Akito!" You cried, struggling against the vines, but they were so strong. After you had decided to give up you and Akito sat silent and looked at each other.
Aribeth stood in front of the two of you and smiled. "Well, well. A vampire and a werewolf. Too bad I have no use for the vampire. Casia can have you to.. play with. As for you," she turned to you gazed deep into your eyes, trying to hypnotize you again, but it wouldn't work this time. "As for you, you will become a fairy, just like Casia."
You turned your head and looked at Casia, who almost seemed to look sadly back at you. Her expression changed in an instant thought to one of evil. You could expect no help from her.
You turned and looked back at Akito, feeling guilty that you had gotten him into this mess. But then you also felt another feeling. One of happiness. He had come for you and even now risked his life for you. He did love you...
Without another word Akito's wings flew out of his back and severed the vines holding him(bet you forgot he had wings.) Aribeth shrieked and Casia gasped as Akito pulled the vines off of you and held you in his arms.
"Now," he breathed heavily after the strain of the escape, "I won't kill the both of you if you let us leave in peace."
Casia backed away, but Aribeth stood tall before the two of you. "You can not defeat me."
Akito smiled and walked up to her until her was right in her face. It all happened in a second, but he reached out with lightning speed, took her throat in his hand and tossed her aside like she weighed nothing.
Once Aribeth was down, the openings to the cave opened and the two of you managed to escape.