Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(15)Words unsaid and unexpected

You clutched Akito's torn shirt until you reached the surface. You hadn't expected the fairies to give you up so easily, but after the way that Akito handled Aribeth you didn't question that he could scare anyone.
Akito breathed heavily as he held you in his arms. He pressed his face into the top of your head and was silent for many long moments.
You were anxious... Akito had come for you, but now he wasn't saying anything. You took the fact that he was still holding you good, but anything could be going through his head. The whole almost killing you thing and Milo turning you into a werewolf would probably be a strain on your relationship. You decided that you needed answers and you couldn't wait any longer to get them.
"Akito..." you said in barely a whisper, finding it hard to have the strength to talk.
Akito remained silent, but you knew he had heard you. "Do you love me?"
Again more silence. It was unnerving how he could be so quiet. After everything that had just happened you figured he would be overflowing with some explanation of why he had bitten you and left you die. You turned your head to look into his eyes. *Lie to me if you have to...* you thought, giving him a very desperate look. *Just please... say something...*
Akito tried to avoid your gaze at first, but found it impossible and eventually his eyes settled on yours. He looked tormented at first, as if trying to decide whether he should let you go or hold onto you forever. You saw the words forming on his lips. *Ai I just can't be with you... Ai I don't want you to be hurt anymore... Ai just leave...*
You shook your head. There was no way in Hell you were going to let him off that easily. It would be too painless for him for you to leave now. *Don't you dare say that to me...* You thought as tears began to form in your eyes. *I won't listen... I'm not going to leave!* Without thinking you pushed yourself up in his arms and your lips fell on his. You didn't care if he pushed you away. You didn't care if he rejected you and left you in the forest now to die. If he was going to leave you so easily then you were going to make him regret it for the rest of his life. This kiss that you gave him was deeper and more filled with love than you had ever shared with him before. It was like you were trying to meld your heart into his, to make sure that he would never forget you no matter if he moved on or not. It was then that you noticed how tightly he was holding you and that you weren't the only one doing the kissing. He was kissing you back and it meant the world to you at that moment.
As you ran out of breath you eased away from him mouth and closed your eyes, not wanting to see the look in his eyes as he saw your tears. That look of pity and regret that only he could give you because of what he had done and how you now felt.
"Marry me, Ai...."
Your heart stopped and your eyes opened wide. You couldn't breath... *Did he just...* Time was frozen as you tried to comprehend what he had just asked you. You slowly looked up at him and once again saw all of the love in the world in his eyes. His breathing was steady now and his heart filled with resolve.
"But I'm a-"
"Please just answer," he said desperately. "I know that I can't live without you. I don't wish to. You are the only one for me. I love the way you talk and sing and smile and just... everything. Be my wife."
"Ok," you said softly. It wasn't the most romantic of answers you could have given him, but you were still in shock and it was really the only thing you could manage to say.