Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(16)Strange findings

"Akiiiiitooooo," you could hear Akane yelling in the distance. They had come to search for you as well, as soon as Milo had reached the mansion. Toshiro once again demanded that Akane not go, but she was too worried about you to listen. They argued about it for a few minutes until Akane had finally just left whether Toshiro had followed or not. They were now walking through the forest shouting your names.
Akito looked down at you and smiled. "Guess we should get back, huh?"
You nodded without saying anything and Akito carried you through the forest until you met with the others. The all looked so relieved to see you alive, and even more so to see Akito carrying you. To them it meant that things could be ok and possibly go back to normal, or as normal as it ever was at least.
You looked down, away from Akane's eyes as she questioned you mercilessly on the way back to the mansion.
"So what happened? Did you get hurt? How did Akito save you? Was he romantic? Did he kiss you? Are you two back together? Are you going to run away again? What about you being a werewolf?"
You looked up at Akito, pleading him with your thoughts to put you to sleep and save you from this torture. He smiled down at you and gently kissed your forehead. You instantly fell asleep...
You arrived at the mansion(still asleep) soon after you fell asleep. It would be dawn soon and Akito took you up to your room, leaving the others with their unanswered questions. There would be time for all that later. Right now he wanted to hold you... He laid you on your bed and closed the balcony doors, covering them tightly so no sunlight would get through. He then took his shirt off and laid down in the bed beside you. For awhile he just stared at you, marveling how beautiful you could be even in sleep. He reached out and brushed the hair away from your face and kissed you softly on the lips.
You mumbled in your sleep about being chased by something and huddled your body close to Akito's without him moving you. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close and you instantly quieted as sweeter dreams entered your mind.

You woke up later that night to complete and utter darkness. For a minute you thought you were still in the underground home of the fairies. But you felt Akito's warm body beside you and remembered that he had saved you and you were now safe in his arms.
You laid your head back down on his chest and listened to his gentle breathing as he slept. It was so peaceful that you slowly drifted off into sleep again. Until you started to get a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. You opened your eyes and cringed as a stabbing pain ran along your abdomen and you silently laid out of Akito's arms, holding your stomach as you walked to the bathroom. You got a glass of water and sipped it carefully as your stomach settled. You leaned against the sink, looking down into it as you breathed heavily trying to keep from throwing up. It passed quickly though and you were able to stand up completely. You looked up in the mirror and touched under your eyes noticing the dark circles under them. *I must really be tired...* You thought yawing and looking up at your head. There sat two black cat like ears. You smiled and shook your head. *I really AM tired.* You shook your head again and sighed, walking back to your bed from the bathroom. Laughing to yourself you touched the top of your head. The ears were still there...
You stopped and patted your head slowly willing that the ears would go away. When they didn't you ran back to the bathroom and examined them more carefully.
"AHHHHHHH!!!!" You screamed, when they would go away.
"Wha-? Ai!?" Akito jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom when he saw that the light was on. "Ai what's-?" He stopped and stared a you as he got to the bathroom door and looked inside.
You looked back at him, in complete panic. "I have cat ears!" You yelled, walking over to him.
He backed away slightly. "I can see that. Now where did you get them?"
You wanted to slap him. "How the heck should I know?!"
"Ok, ok!" Akito yelled back and put his hands on your shoulders. "Let's find Milo and uhhhhh..." He stopped talking as he saw what was behind you.
You followed his gaze and turned your head to look behind you. You screamed again. "I have a tail!!!"
"I know!" Akito screamed back, not in anger, but just because you were freaking out which was making him freak out. "Come on." He grabbed your arm gently, and led you out of the room towards the door to the mansion. You passed by many windows and the full moon seemed to draw you to them, making you want to go outside and run through the night. You felt your teeth sharpen as fangs grew out and you touched them to make sure they were real.
Akito led you outside now and to a small hut beside the garden. There he knocked loudly and called for Milo to answer. The door swung open after a few beatings though you both looked inside to find it empty.
You squirmed in Akito's grasp, wanting to run and jump and play under the moon, but he held onto you tightly. "What's wrong with you, Ai?"
"I don't know," you whined, not being able to take your eyes from the moon. "I just want to... go and be close to the moon."
"The moon?" Akito asked confused, but then it all clicked. "This must be some weird reaction to your werewolfism." He pulled you inside the hut, locked the doors and covered the windows.
"Pleassssse Akito," you begged, still squirming as he held you in a chair. "I need to see the moon."
"You need to stay here until Milo gets back," Akito aid firmly and there you sat and waited. And waited... And waited...
It was a few hours before a sleek black wolf came in through the window of the hut and looked at the both of you, startled to find you in his house.