Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(17)Some not so unwanted attention

"What's going on?" Milo asked innocently as he saw you and Akito sitting in his living room. You were struggling hard against Akito and when Milo came in you managed to push Akito off of you and run to Milo.
"Master!" You cried as you threw your arms around his neck.
Akito stood up, angry at what you were saying and tried to pry you off of Milo. "He is not your Master, Ai. If anyone is it's ME."
You turned your head and hissed as Akito as he put his hands on you again and reached out to scratch him.
Akito backed away, really not in the mood for all of this. If it wasn't one thing going wrong then it was another. "Do something," he ordered Milo.
Milo looked from you to Akito in complete bewilderment. This wasn't something that happened everyday and the fact that you were turning into a cat instead of a wolf was even more puzzling. "Don't worry," he said, trying not to sound worried himself. "Once the moon goes down she'll go back to normal. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but I'm sure it's fixable."
"It better be," Akito growled low and gave Milo a deadly look. He looked down at you, hugging Milo and calling him Master and just wanted to explode with jealousy. But he sighed and sat down, since he couldn't do anything about it now.
"You should go and rest," Milo suggested to him which earned him another deadly look.
"You think I'd leave her with you, when she's acting like this?" He asked in a harsh tone.
"I'm not going to do-"
"I don't trust you," Akito cut him off with a wave of his hand, "You're the one who did this to her after all."
"Better this than let her die alone," Milo replied, boldly.
"You don't know what you're talking about!" Akito yelled as he stood up and knocked the chair behind him over.
"No!!!" You screamed, jumping in front of Milo. Your fangs and claws were extended to their max and you glared at Akito ready to attack if he made one move toward Milo. Akito stood there powerless, knowing that he could never hurt you, as much as he wanted to kill Milo at that moment.
You breathed heavily, your eyes glowing red and your hair turned white right before their eyes.
Akito watched helplessly, "Why does she keep changing?"
"She's just adjusting to her werewol- I mean cat form," Milo explained as you sat down on his lap, making him feel very uncomfortable. You snuggled into his neck and began to purr loudly.
"You're enjoying this," Akito accused Milo pointing at him.
"I am not!" Milo lied. He really was though. He liked having your affections all to himself. But admitting that to Akito would mean death so he played it off like it was nothing though he really wanted to wrap his arms around you and feel his lips on yours.
Akito wasn't buying it. "If you don't then make her stop."
"You think I have that kind of power?" Milo asked, laughing nervously as you slid your hands under his shirt and touched his chest.
Akito was about to rip you off of him whether you attacked him or not. "You're her supposed master! You can tell her what to do so do it!"
"Make him go away, master," you purred in Milo's ear. "Then we can be alone..."
"Like Hell!" Akito yelled at you now. He didn't mean to be mean, but let's face it, you're acting like a whore and you deserve it.
Milo was blushing like crazy at the thoughts of you and him alone. But he didn't want to die so he lifted your chin to look into your eyes. "Ai, sit on the floor."
"Don't you like me sitting on you?" You pouted, holding onto his neck.
Milo gulped and looked from you to Akito. Yeah... he was a dead man if he said yes. "It would make me happy if you sat on the floor."
"Ok!" You said cheerfully and jumped down onto the floor next to his legs. You rubbed on him, purring and meowing softly.
"There," Milo let out a deep breath and sighed. "Is that better?"
Akito looked at you and sighed. "I suppose. But I'm still not leaving."
Milo nodded and the three of you sat in silence, though you still rubbed against him for awhile eventually you fell asleep, curled in a tight little ball next to Milo's feet. Just before sunrise Akito noticed your hair changing back to black and your claws going back into your hands. He stood and dared to pick you up. You slept soundly in his arms as he carried you back to your room.

You felt your head pounding as you opened your eyes. It was dark again and you felt Akito beside you, holding onto you. It was like the night before had never even happened. You covered your eyes with your hands and blushed bright red as thoughts of calling Milo master ran through your head. *Tell me I did not do that...*
"You did," Akito's voice responded from behind you.
You didn't want to turn around and face him. It would be better to just crawl under a rock and live there for the rest of your life. But he turned you over for you and looked into your eyes, searching for something. Finally he spoke. "You know, Ai... You're pretty hot as a cat."
You got up and ran for the bathroom at his last comment and locked yourself in, sitting against the door.
Akito laughed got up. He walked over to the door and knocked gently. "You can't hide in there forever."
"Oh yes I can," You argued burying your head into your knees. "Just watch me."
"I can't watch you if I can't see you," Akito laughed again, stating the obvious.
You mentally glared at him and rolled your eyes. "What's happening to me?"
Akito leaned against the other side of the door and put his hands in the pockets of his pants. "You're turning into a cat girl. That's what I'm to understand anyway."
"I thought that I was going to turn into a werewolf," you said weakly. "Now a cat girl? What did Milo say about it?"
"He has no idea what's going on," Akito admitted to you. "But he said he'd find out from other werewolves he knows. He left this morning to go and talk with them."
You sighed and got up. "Ok..." You opened the door and Akito moved to avoid falling down on you.
He smiled down at you and took you in his arms. "You shouldn't be worried about these things. You do have a wedding to plan after all."