Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(19)Plot to kill Akito!

Chapter 19

Plot to kill Akito!

You walked back into the cafe and looked down at Akane smiling as she looked through a book of wedding dresses. She stopped for a minute to look up at you, her smile fading. "Ai... are you ok?"
Your face was pale and your normally bright eyes seemed cold and empty. Your body gave a fake smile and your hollow voice echoed from within your throat sounding unlike you. "Yes Akane. I am fine. It is time to go home."
Akane gave you a weird look and felt your forehead as she stood up and gathered her things. "You look funny... you sure?"
Your head nodded, mechanically and the two of you met with Milo outside. He opened the door to the car and allowed Akane to slip in, but before you went in after her he slipped his arm around your waist and kissed your lips hard. You smiled at him, playfully and got inside of the car beside Akane.

At home, Akito paced in your room. It had already gotten dark a few hours ago and you should have been home by then. He looked outside at the moon, and wondered what kind of things Milo could be putting you through. He still hadn't told Akito of the way to break his hold on you and it was really starting to get to him. He had never trusted Milo... and the only thing keeping him from killing him all those years was his father. He looked out angrily, as he leaned against the balcony railing. *She should be home by now... What could possibly be taking them so long?* A low growl escaped his lips and he stood up straight as he saw lights coming through the forest and into the driveway.
He ran down the stairs just in time to meet the three of you at the door. He pulled you into his arms and held you as he looked over you, glaring at Milo. "What took you so long?"
"The girls weren’t ready to leave so early," he said simply as he tossed his jacket on the floor and walked past Akito, a slight smile playing on his lips.
Akito ignored him and pushed you back to look you over. Something just didn't seem right to him... The warm look you always had in your eyes whenever you saw him... It was gone. It was like you were a shell.
Toshiro walked down the stairs and greeted Akane in the same manor. "Did you have fun?"
Akane burst into talking all at once as she normally did. "You bet we did. We went shopping, and looked at all kinds of wedding stuff, and..."
Akito wasn't paying attention to them and their voices slowly faded as they walked away from the two of you. He looked you over and you blankly looked back. "Nothing to say to me?"
You took a step back from him and began to go past him, towards your room.
He reached out his arm and stopped you. "What is your problem, Ai? You were all smiles before you left. Did you plan nothing for our wedding?"
You smiled wickedly and pushed his arm away from you. "There's not going to be a wedding. I refuse to marry you."
Akito took a step back, shocked at your words. Then his eyes tinted red in anger and he grabbed your shoulder to stop you. "What did you say?"
You spit in his face and pushed him away. "I will not marry you!"
Akito gripped your shoulders painfully, his eyes fully red now. "If you've forgotten let me remind you, that you belong to me! You have no choice and you will marry me."
"I'd rather die!" You hissed and your claws grew out and struck his throat.
He grasped his throat with his hand and his fangs grew out, bright and long. But he stopped himself before he could cause you harm. He didn't know what was going on, but this wasn't like you so he tossed you over his shoulder and took you to your room where he threw you onto the bed, locked the balcony doors and left. You heard the click of the door to your room locking as well as he departed and his footsteps sounded loudly as he walked back down the hall.

Akito stormed back towards his room in the basement. Who were you to talk to him in such a way? He was a prince of vampires, and you a lowly human girl would not be allowed to show such disrespect. He smashed a vase against a wall as he walked past it and breathed heavily in anger. *She's not going to get away with such behavior...* He turned to make the long walk back to your room and that's when he heard the sound of glass breaking. His link to you was weakened by Milo’s bite so he raced to your room on foot and unlocked the door as quickly as possible. He burst through the room only to find that the glass of your balcony doors was busted through. He ran to them, hoping that you hadn't been so senseless as to just jump out of them. The growl from behind him alerted him that it was not so and he managed to duck just as you jumped at him.
You landed hard on the floor and shook your head as you stood back up. You were in full cat form now, your white hair and red eyes reflecting the moonlight. Akito would have marveled at your beauty were you not attacking him. He ducked again as your claws came close to his head.
"Ai!" He yelled, trying to reason, but you seemed beyond it. You threw yourself at him, flipping over him, landing on his back and bit deeply into his neck. Akito was trying hard not to hurt you, but if things kept going like this he wouldn't have a choice. He flipped you over his head and you landed again on the ground, and scrambled to get up, but he held you down with his foot on your chest. "You will calm down..." he commanded, but it was pointless. You struggled still, lashing out at his legs, creating long gashes on each that healed in an instant. Blood still coated the floor and he wondered how much more of this he would be able to stand until he finally attacked you from hunger alone.
He turned his head as he heard laughter from somewhere behind him. It was Milo...
"So..." Akito said coldly, holding you firmly in place. "You were too afraid to face me alone, so you made her fight for you."
Milo didn't seem phased by Akito's insult, "It was all so convenient. Having her under my control... All I had to do was tell her to kill you. You surely wouldn't hurt the woman you love..."
"No, I wouldn't," he admitted and looked down at you. His eyes blazed red, like fire and you felt yourself captured by him. The last thing you heard was him mutter the word, "Sleep," before you passed out from his command.
He looked back to Milo, in complete disgust. "I would have kill you long ago if not for my father."
"I wished you had tried," Milo pulled off his shirt and his transformation into a wolf began. "Then I would have had an excuse to kill you... Just like now. Your father can't blame me for defending myself. I'll say you went crazy and tried to kill her... then me."
Akito stood still, waiting for Milo's attack. When Milo was finally transformed he leapt straight for Akito, who was seemingly defenseless. But in one motion from Akito, Milo found himself flying towards the ground down from your balcony. Unable to fall on his feet in his current form, he landed with a brash onto the stones below. With a few twitches and gasps for breath he died...