Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(2)Akito gives some answers

Akito had left you after telling you that devastating statement. *It can't be true...* you thought miserably holding your head under your hands. *This is all just some cruel joke. And I bet I know by who...*
"Kano!!!" You screamed standing up, "I know you're the one doing this so just show yourself now and I won't kill you!!!" You lied. You were in so much denial that you even started to look around for hidden cameras. "You're such a jerk you know that?" You yelled into a vase and then smashed it on the floor. "Nothing..." You said frustrated as you checked the remains for the camera.
"I had no idea you were so violent..." Akito's smooth voice came into your ear from behind you. You turned around quickly clutching a piece of the broken vase in your hand.
"Get away from me!" You yelled beyond reason, "You're just one of Kano's jerkish friends playing a really mean trick on me."
Akito laughed stepping nearer to you. "You can't hurt me with that."
"Get back! I mean it," you said wildly waving it in front of him until it cut deeply into his chest. You stared down at the blood gushing from his wound.
Akito screamed, trying to cover the hole in his chest and fell to the floor, twitching for a minute then he lay very still.
"Oh God," you whimpered slowly getting close to him. "I killed him! I killed a guy and now I'm going to go to jail forever!" You covered your face crying and didn't notice Akito sit back up, perfectly fine.
"I told you, you couldn't hurt me," Akito laughed placing his hand on your shoulder.
You jumped back away from him, feeling his cold touch and landed on your butt as he stood up. "You should be dead... I saw the blood... I saw you die..." You looked at his chest and found that there was no hole now, just a gash in his shirt revealing his very alluring body to you. You shook your head as you felt yourself being drawn to him.
Akito looked at you, getting annoyed by your denial. "Listen to me!" He yelled as he picked you up by your wrist and got very close to your face. "I AM a vampire! And if you don't stop living in denial I'm going to show you by sucking you dry!"
You looked up at him, your eyes big and innocent, slowly filling with tears. You started to sniffle even.
"Hey now..." Akito slowly put you down on the ground. "What are you doing...?"
You still stared at him until finally it all came out and you started to cry holding your hands over your eyes.
Akito didn't exactly know what to do in this situation so he just patted your head and calmly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell, but you need to accept the reality that you are my bride."
Your tears stopped falling for a moment and you uncovered your eyes to look at him. "Why...?"
Akito took your arm gently and led you to the bed where he sat down and ushered you to sit beside him. You did as you were told and waited, hoping he would explain some things.

"I am a vampire," he started looking you directly in the eyes letting you know he was completely serious. He even smiled to show off his fangs.
"How do I know those aren't fake?" You asked examining them closely.
"Touch them then," he replied taking your hand in his and led it to his left fang.
You poked it quickly and it didn't wiggle or anything, so you sighed and nodded your head taking him seriously now.
"Good. Now I'm guessing you asked me as to why I chose you?" He asked you as he lifted your head to look in your eyes once more.
You nodded turning your eyes away from him. You just couldn't stand to look at him, as beautiful as his eyes were.
"I suppose you're right in asking that," he let go of your chin and leaned back in the bed looking cocky. "I could have had any girl in the world, and somehow I chose you. I would think you would be more grateful for such an honor..."
You glared at the floor still unable to match his gaze. He had some nerveā€¦
He laughed, feeling your anger. "But I wanted you. And your friend was so conveniently there that I let my brother have her."
You looked up at him now. "Toshiro is your brother? And you gave Akane to him?"
"Yep," he answered then looked at your face seeing how concerned you were. "I wouldn't worry though. Toshiro isn't the bad ass he makes himself out to be."
You didn't know whether to believe him or not, but you hoped he was telling the truth. "So which one of you is older?"
"I am," he smiled and took your hand. "I just turned 279 a couple months ago."
"279?!" You asked in awe looking him over. "You don't look more than 19."
"Vampire," he reminded you and you nodded in understanding.
You sat in silence for long moment chewing on your lip wondering what to ask next until finally it hit you. "So why did you want a human to take as your bride?"
Akito blushed and stood up going to the open window. "Well you see... Two vampires can't have children together," he said quickly trying to avoid the word "sex", "But if a vampire and a human... you know... then they can. And since I'm my parents oldest son they wanted to make sure that I had an heir should anything happen to me. I didn't want them to pick her out so I went to the nearest city and picked you out. You were just so beautiful I couldn't resist. And since it was easy to seduce your friend, Akane into going along with us I just used her to get to you."
You looked sadly down at the bed. *I want to go home... This is all just too unreal... And what about your family? Or your other friends?*

"I'm sorry, Ai," Akito said pushing your hair back behind your ear. "You won't ever be able to see them again..."
You couldn't believe it. You looked at him again like this whole thing was unreal. *I'll never see my parents again...? I'll never go to school or see my friends or even Kano again...?* You felt tears again come to your eyes and needing comfort more than anything you turned to Akito and buried your face into his chest. Akito was so taken by surprise that he didn't know what to do at first. He just looked down at you with his hands in the air beside him like he was afraid to touch you. But slowly he put his arms around you and held you close. "I know it's going to be hard on you..." He whispered as he stroked your hair. "But I promise that I'll do everything I can to make this easy on you. Besides you still have Akane here..."
You looked up at him, and wiped the tears from your eyes. "Can I see Akane now?"
Akito smiled and took your hand standing you up. "Follow me." He led you outside of the room you were in and down a loooooooong hallway. The place was absolutely freakin huge and decorated in elegance. Beautifully painted pictures and vases covered the walls along with ancient armor and busts of creepy looking men. You stayed close to Akito afraid of getting lost in such a big place, even though you should have been thinking about escape. But something had occurred to you. If you did managed to get out of the house where would you go? You had no idea how far away the nearest people were or where you were. So you had decided to give into Akito for now. Try to gain his trust and maybe find a way to escape later.
After a long walk of silence since Akito seemed lost in his own thoughts you came to another part of the mansion and he gently knocked on a set of wooden double doors. There was some shuffling inside the room and then Toshiro popped his head out of the door. He looked relieved when he saw Akito standing there with you.
"I'm glad you're here," he said quickly pulling you into the room and left Akito standing there. "Do something about her," he instructed you and pointed to Akane who was crying loudly all balled up in a corner of the room. You walked over to Akane and tapped her shoulder gently. When she turned around you noticed a bruise on her right cheek.
"Ai...?" She asked as though you weren't real. But after touching you for a second she threw her arms around your neck and cried into your shoulder.
You glared back at Toshiro. "What did you do to her?"
Toshiro looked annoyed at the both of you. "She wouldn't stop crying... I had to do something, but you humans just don't give up."
You opened your mouth to reply, but didn't need to as Akito suddenly punched Toshiro across the face, sending him flying into the opposite wall. "I told you to be nice to her." He yelled angrily. "If this is how you're going to treat her then I won't leave her with you."
You looked up at Akito in thanks. Even though he was keeping you as a prisoner here, he was seeming like more of a nice guy.
Toshiro stood up and glared at Akito then to you. "You're going to take the side of some stupid human girl over your own brother?" Akito growled and Toshiro went silent looking at the ground.
"Ai," Akane whispered looking crazily between you and the guys. "What's going on? This guys says he's a vampire... And he says that I have to stay here and we can never go home... Please tell me this is just some horrible joke..."
You shook your head sadly. "I'm sorry, Akane... Everything is true... We have to stay here forever... But at least we have each other right...?"
Akane cried some more and eventually Akito dragged Toshiro out of the room so you and Akane could have some time alone...