Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(20)Time to leave

You could hear someone talking, as if they were off in the distance. Your head felt incredibly dizzy, and your eyes refused to open. It was like you were lost in a fog of complete blackness with the only sounds, far away. You could hear Akito, muttering something about Milo. Then the sound of feet shuffling away from you. Your body was numb, but you thought you might be moving. You managed to open your eyes a bit and saw Akito above you. *He must be carrying me... but what happened? How did I get back home...* You could barely keep your eyes open, but you could see clearly the worry and anger in Akito's eyes. Something happened... But you couldn't figure it out right not. Not when you were in a state like this...

"Lay still, Ai..."
You opened your eyes a peek again and looked up at Akito. He wasn't looking at you so you wondered how he knew you were awake.
"I can sense your thoughts..." he answered and you closed your eyes again, shivering. You thought to him about what was going on, wondering if he'd answer or if he was still listening to what was going on in your head. He stopped for a second and closed his eyes as if thinking. You felt a sudden sense of dread in your soul and knew somehow what was coming... "Milo is dead..."
Your mind went blank. There was nothing to think of this... You knew it was going to happen. Akito's jealousy-
"It was his own fault," Akito answered your thoughts again angrily as he began walking. "He turned you against me. Tried to make you kill me... And then in an attempt to kill me, he fell off of your balcony. In his wolf form he could not land on his feet and now he is dead..."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing... You didn't remember anything about trying to kill Akito. The last thing that came to mind was you telling Milo that you loved Akito and then...
"You're bond with him is broken," Akito said almost happily. "He is no longer your master."
You were glad for that much, but not Milo's death. It hurt to hear of it, even if he had betrayed you. All of this trouble over you... You felt yourself being layed down on a soft bed and covers being pulled up to your chin. Akito sat down beside you and stroked your face gently, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You opened your eyes and he put his finger to his lips, saying for you to be quiet. You didn't think you had the strength to speak anyway so you lay there as he gazed into your half opened eyes.
Finally he sighed. "I just want you to know one thing Ai..."
You looked up at him, feeling yourself gaining more and more conciousness as the minutes went by. He was silent now, staring down at the white linen of the bed you were on. He seemed to be argueing within himself about something and you knew what he was about to say would be hard.
"If you decide you don't want to marry me... then please tell me... and I will let you go..."
You watched, in complete shock as he disappeared to your side. You heard a door softly whisper open then close without a sound. You didn't know what to think... By now you could move a little and struggled to sit up, pushing against the bed with your feet until you were against the back board of the bed. You tasted a hint of blood in your mouth and could only imagine that it was Akito's. You wished for the strength to move and brush your teeth, but you still could barley move. At least being stuck in bed gave you time alone to think. Akito saying that he'd let you go definitely meant something. That he truly loved you... If he had forced you to marry him then it would have proven to you that he only cared for himself and not your happiness. But offering you freedom was more proof than any word he could have ever said. He loved you... and you finally knew it beyond a doubt.
You closed your eyes to the tears building in them... They fell silently down your face and you smiled. You weren’t sad... You were actually happier than you'd been in a long time and you wanted Akito to know it. You wished he hadn't left you alone like this, but you could understand. He probably thought that you would jump at the chance to leave and then suddenly a plan formed in your head. You would leave... that would be the test. If he allowed you to leave then it meant he truly did want your happiness. You pulled yourself up into a sitting straight position, cringing as your back popped. You swayed a little, your body threatening to tip back over but you gripped the blanket under you, forcing yourself to stay up. After a few minutes you stood up, your legs shaking like crazy and leaned against the wall next to the bed. You slowly made progress to the door and out through the hallway by leaning against the wall and taking baby steps.
After about a half hour of this Akito came walking down the hallway. He saw you, struggling to stay stood up and ran to you, catching you just as you began to fall. He held you in his arms and you turned your head up to him, weakly. You knew this was going to hurt the both of you, but you whispered in his ear, "I want to go home..."
You felt his hand tightening onto you, as if he would not let you go. His head was down, and you could hear the anguish in his voice as he said, "Alright..."
Without warning he began to run. You heard a soft rustle come from his back and the huge black wings that you had seen when he first took you were now in view and the stretched out to their full length. You panicked and tried to escape his grasp, but he held you tight. You looked forward wondering where he was going when you felt your self rising into the air. You looked up and gasped. He was going straight for the window in the top of the ceiling. You clutched Akito's shirt and closed your eyes tight, as a tiny screamed came from your mouth. There was nothing but the sound of wind in your ears until he went through the window. Then there was breaking glass and a huge crash until again more wind. Akito was flying high into the night sky. You peeked one eye open and gasped at the sight of the night sky in view. It was so beautiful... The stars seemed so close, almost like you could reach out and take them.
You bit your lip and looked up at Akito. He had a tight grip on you, but his face showed no emotion. You knew the truth of it all though. He was probably dieing inside and you hated to have to put him through all of this, but you had no choice. If he could really let you go, if he could care enough to do what he thought would make you happy, then you would know that he really loved you.
You could see city lights passing below and in no time you were landing outside of your house. You must have been closer than you thought... Akito put you gently onto the ground, and looked into your eyes, begging, pleading for you to stay with him, without saying a word.
It was heartbreaking to see, but you had to remain firm. "I guess this is good bye..."
Akito nodded, suddenly looked angry. He was probably arguing with himself about whether to really let you go or not. But in the end his eyes softened and he hugged you close to him. "I wish you happiness... And I will not keep you from it any longer. You are free..."
You could feel the tears running down your face. There was no way you could let this go on any longer, but before you knew it Akito was pushing you away and walking towards the darkness of the forest.
"Akito!!!" You cried after him, as he disappeared into the darkness. "Akito!"
"What?" he asked worriedly, appearing behind you.
You smiled and turned, running straight for him. You jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and hugging him around his neck. "I'm sorry... I just needed to know... I only had you bring me back so I could be for sure that you loved me... and now I know..."

Akito held you tight in his arms, blinking, wondering if he was just imagining this. He fell to his knees, cradling you in his arms. "Oh God, Ai... Don't ever do that to me again..."
You laughed and kissed his lips. "Never again, Akito. I... love you."
Akito felt a bolt of energy erupt within him, and he stood swinging you through the air in his arms(phantom of the opera style. I love that part where Christine is swung through the air by Raul or however you spell it. so romantic...)

You both laughed and held onto each other, reveling in your love for one another. It was the greatest thing you had ever felt and nothing could ruin that moment...