Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(21)The perfect Dress

Everything seemed so peaceful after that night. You felt closer to Akito than ever before, and were even getting really excited about the wedding. You decided to go dress shopping with Akane even, and with your new body guard, Andy, who had red hair and green eyes. He was pretty held back around the two of you, hearing about what happened to the last guy. He was also a vampire so no more of that werewolf business.
You went to the nearest bridal shop and were instantly surrounded by people asking you to try things on. It was kind of overwhelming at first and you felt dizzy enough to sit down.
Akane came up to you and handed you a bottle of water, "You ok?"
"Yeah I just feel weird about all this," you laughed taking a sip. "I mean who knew I would be getting married so soon? A couple of months ago we were in school... now we're both getting married to vampires!" The thought amazed you and another wave of dizziness came over you. You sat back in the chair as Akane waved a piece of paper in front of your face to cool you down.
"Yeah but think about how great it'll be," she said trying to reason with you. "You're going to marry the guy you love. You do love him right?"
You nodded. "More than anything..."
Akane smiled and took your hand. "Well then you know that it's right... So let's get you a dress!"
You smiled brightly and stood up. The people had already gotten out some dresses for you to try on and you did. At the end of the day you felt like you had tried every one that was in the store. You unzipped your current one, feeling exhausted and annoyed that you hadn't found one yet. You walked outside of the changing room and looked at Akane who looked back anxiously. "Did you find anything?"
You shook your head. "No... maybe we can look again on another day."
"Sounds good to me," she laughed and the two of you walked outside, meeting Andy by the front door.
"You don't have anything?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "It certainly took you long enough to come up with nothing."
You glared at him as he held the door open for you. He was right though... you had spent hours looking and still no perfect dress. Maybe Akito could have one made for you. It's not like he didn't have the money.
The ride home wasn't so long, especially since Andy drove like a maniac and before you knew it you were home in Akito's arms. He hugged you close and kissed your forehead. "Didn't find anything?"
You were getting kind of sick of being asked that. Not that Akito annoyed you, but more so not finding a dress annoyed you and you shook your head. "Maybe it's a bad sign..."
Akito kissed your lips and looked deeply into your eyes. "I think I know something that will cheer you up. Go to your room and wait for me, ok?"
You blushed, wondering what he was talking about and with one final kiss left and ran up to your room to wait. You sat down on your bed, and waited for him, thinking about what he had to show you.
A knock came on the door, and Akito's head poked in and he followed smiling holding a small box.
You tried to peek inside of it as he put it down but he took your hands in his and kissed them both. "For my lovely bride... This is something very important for you."
"Ok," you laughed trying to take your hands from his. "I can't open it without my hands though."
He held onto them for a moment longer and you turned to the long box. You pulled the ribbon bow from it and opened the top carefully. When you saw what was inside your eyes opened wide and you looked up at him. "Where did you get this?"
Inside was the most beautiful wedding dress you had ever seen. You picked it up carefully and stood up to look it over. It was perfect...
"It was my mother’s," he said looking down at it, smiling. "It has been passed down through the generations from every woman who was to be queen. I
asked my father to find it for you and he did. Now it's yours..."
You looked up at him, tears filling your eyes and put the dress down on your bed before going into his arms. You cried and held onto him and felt happier than you had in your life. He really did love you. And you felt more loving towards him than you had in your life.
"Do you want to try it on?" he asked, cupping your face in his hands and looking into your eyes.
You smiled and looked up at him, "Yeah, but you have to get out first."
"Awww," he sighed and headed for the door. "I wanted to see you change at least."
You giggled and pushed him, "No, you pervert, now go get Akane and tell HER to come here."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm just your slave," he mumbled walking out the door.
"Well just wait til our wedding night," you said boldly and you heard his foot steps stop and come back your way.
His face appeared in your door way and he gave you a strange look. "So that's how you think it's going to go?"
You met his gaze, smiling, and nodded.
He suddenly ran into the room, grabbed you into his arms and threw you onto the bed. He hovered over you and you giggled looking up at him.
"I thought it would go something more like this," he leaned over and began to kiss your neck. "Doesn't this seem better?"
You closed your eyes, feeling his lips explore down your neck and to your collar bone, but when he started to get too low you pushed him off of you and leaned up on your elbows. "I thought I said to go get Akane." You told him playfully.
He sighed, "Always a tease," and left.
You laughed and got up off of your bed and looked down at the dress. You couldn't believe that so many generations had worn it and you would be next. You giggled and stood up, holding the dress against you. It looked like it would fit perfectly. You couldn't believe all of this was happening. You spun around a couple of times, but stopped as a loud, "OH MY GOD!" interrupted you.
You turned and looked at Akane who screamed at you and you ran to her and screamed back and the both of you jumped around a couple of times before you stopped and looked around wondering why you were jumping...