Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(22)From Princess to Queen

You spun around the room, in your new dress, after Akane had helped you get it on. It was simple and white, long and flowing and fit you perfectly. You walked out onto the balcony and smiled up at the stars, feeling more beautiful than you ever had before.
Suddenly Akane attacked you and pulled you back into the room, with a small scream.
"What the heck are you doing?" you whisper/yelled smoothing out your dress, and making sure she didn't damage it.
She put her finger to her lips and pointed back out the balcony. You peeked outside and saw Toshiro and Akito standing there talking to each other.
"Oh," you nodded in realization that he may have seen you for the first time in your wedding dress. You smiled, silently thanking her and she nodded back and the both of you leaned close to eavesdrop.
"You gave her mom's dress?" Toshiro asked surprised. "I didn't think dad would give it up..."
"I think it's his way of saying that he supports my choice of bride," Akito answered looking up to the balcony. His eyes seemed to fix into your for a minute before he turned and looked back at Toshiro. "How are things with Akane?"
Toshiro chuckles and shook his head. "That girls crazy. She asked me if we could paint all of the rooms in the house a different color."
You looked over to Akane, who smiled and shrugged. "This place is too gloomy."
You clamped your hand over your mouth to hold back a laugh, imagining the mansion with multi-colored rooms and looked back to the guys.
"She seems excited about it," Akito said and you assumed he was talking about the wedding. "I hate feeling like I'm pressuring her, but with father the way he is... we need to speed things a long."
Toshiro nodded sadly, and they both began to walk off into the garden and out of earshot.
You backed away from the doors and looked at Akane, questioningly. "Do you know what they're talking about.
She stood her head, looking just as confused as you. "Toshiro never said anything about his dad... Do you think something bad is happening?"
You didn't answer, since you both were already thinking the same thing. You looked down at the wedding dress and suddenly felt weird wearing it so you took it off and got back into your normal clothes.
"Can I come in?" Akito's cheerful voice came from the other side of the door.
You looked at Akane, and she nodded putting her best fake smile on.
"Sure, it's your house," she laughed opening the door. Toshiro was waiting in the hallway for her. She took his hand, giving you a glance back and then went off with him to his side of the house.
You closed the door as Akito walked to the middle of your room and over to the balcony. You followed him slowly, as he leaned against the railing and smiled over at you.
You didn't smile back and got right to the point. "Akito what's going on with your father?"
Akito sighed and smiled looking down at the garden. "You could hear us couldn't you?"
You nodded, suddenly feeling bad for spying. But you had a right to know what was going on in his life.
Looking into your eyes he knew there was no way to get out of it so he answered, "He's dieing..."
You looked at him, wide eyed and in disbelief, "But he's a-"
"A vampire, I know," he interrupted taking you hands in his. "But when a vampire loses the one he loves... his heart slowly starts to rot. And my father is on a very thin strand. We have to marry before he dies so I can take over."
"So you mean that I'm going to be queen of vampires when we get married?" You asked, feeling once again overwhelmed by everything. You backed away from the balcony and sat down on the bed.
Akito leaned against the door of the balcony and watched you. "You will be a princess until he dies. Then you will be crowned queen of all vampires. Do you think you can handle it?"
You looked down at your hands in your lap, feeling unsure that you could handle anything right now. But looking back up into Akito's eyes, and seeing all of the love in the world in them gave you strength and you stood up and went to him, taking his hand in yours. "I'll do what I need to, to keep you happy."
Akito smiled and kissed your lips gently. "I'm glad to hear it."