Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(23)Love like no other

You snuggled your head down into Akito's chest as he held you close, with his chin resting on top of your head. There you stood for long moments, feeling Akito's hands on the small of your back, almost wishing for them to go lower.
*Wait...* you suddenly blushed. *Do I... really want to do that... with Akito?* You looked up at him, still blushing and wondered. It was going to happen sooner or later, so... why not? You loved him... and you knew it was probably something he wanted.
"What are you so red about?" Akito teased kissing your lips, letting his tongue slide against your bottom lip, making you blush even worse.
"Nothing..." you mumbled looking down as he took his arms from around you and stepped back.
"If you say so, love," he took your hand and kissed it gently before turning to leave.
But you held on to his hand in your own, and pulled him to come back to you.
He looked at you confused and you pressed your finger to his lips, breathily saying, "Akito... I think I'm ready."
He stood there, and stared at you, for the longest time, as if trying to decide what you were talking about. Eventually he smiled and pulled you close again. "Ai, you don't have to do anything with me. I love you all the same..."
"I know..." you kept your head up to look in his eyes. This was too important to be too nervous or embarrassed. You would give yourself to him, the first and last guy to ever have you, and you wanted it to be perfect.
"It will be," Akito assured you, reading your thoughts. "Because it will be with the person you love most... the same for me. But if you have any doubt-"
You shook your head and gulped. "I want this Akito. I love you... and I want this to be a way we show our love for one another. I want us to be close... closer than I've ever been with any other guy. This is for you... I'm for you..."
He held on to you, looking into your eyes, trying to decide if you were telling the truth or just trying to make him happy. He finally nodded, finding that you, though nervous, were more than ready to do this. So he kissed you, softly, to let you know how much he loved you without saying it. Slowly the kiss got deeper and more passionate until his tongue was exploring your entire mouth, as he took in your every feel and taste.
His hands wander down your sides, stroking them gently, and then to the bottom of your shirt where he moved just his fingers under, grazing your stomach softly and moving slowly upward as his lips moved from your lips to your face to your neck where he was most gentle, kissing and licking in small circles along your jaw and collar bone.
You breathed unsteadily and closed your eyes, his every touch setting fire to your skin and making your stomach feel like you were falling. You reached out and touched his shirt ad his hands made their way up yours and pulled it off his body, exposing his chest and stomach, which you stared at for a moment, almost unbelieving about what you were about to do.
Akito turned your head to look into his eyes, reassuring you with just a look as his hands passed over your stomach and up to touch below your breasts.
He leaned down and kissed you again, pulling you by your sides over to the bed. There he stood kissing you as his hands moved to your back and unlatched your bra, where your hands instinctively went to keep it from falling.
AKito stopped and looked at you, uncertain whether he should keep going and taking a deep breath you moved your hands and let it fall to the ground.
"Ai...." Akito murmured kissing your ear. "You have such a beautiful body... I just want to admire it."
"I bet you say that to every girl you meet just to get them naked," you giggled, teasing him, as you turned to kiss his lips.
He looked up thoughtfully for a minute, "Well there were those girls..."
You hit him in the chest, even though he was joking.
"Calm down," he laughed putting his arms around you and kissed your lips again. "Would you believe that I've actually never had sex with another girl?"
"Nope," you said honestly. It was hard to beleive though. He was the hottest guy you'd eve seen, a vampire, and a lot older than you because of being a vampire. There was no way...
"You are, Ai," he took your hands suddenly and kissed them both as he looked deeply into your eyes. "I always wanted it to be with someone I loved more than anything... and I've never met a girl like that until you."
You smiled feeling so happy and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself close to him, not caring that your breasts were pressing against him now. You just wanted to be so close to him... as close as possible.
He was surprised as you threw yourself at him, but happy all the same and his hands now wandered down to your skirt unzipping it at the back the letting it fall to the ground with a soft whisper.
You weren’t sure what to take off of him really, and stood there feeling his hands all over you, as his lips trails down your neck to your breasts where he kissed tenderly, letting his tongue lick out a couple times until he moved down to your stomach kissing down further until he was at the top of your panties where he sat kissing for long moments, making your breath come unsteady and even more so when started to peal them away from your body and down... down... down... until they were to the floor. He then kissed back up one of your legs until his lips were only inches from your pussy(sorry ladies. this is the word I'm using for that since it's the one I'm most comfortable with. strange... but yeah. if you don't like words like that turn back while you still can) and you could feel his hot breath on it making you tighten up without thinking about it.
He looked up at you, and smiled standing up. "Sorry... getting a little carried away."
You almost laughed, but he covered your mouth with his own, running his hands up and down your sides, making your entire body shiver. Slowly he took you in his arms and laid you back on the bed, kicking off his pants and boxers as he did.
He kissed you softly, sliding his tongue in and out of your mouth, while placing himself in the right position between your legs and looked down at you, touching the side of your face. "Ai... I love you. I want you to be absolutely sure about this."
You leaned up and kiss Akito, biting his bottom lips and whispered in his ear, "I love you, Akito. I'm ready..."
"I love you, Ai..." he said softly, leaning over you and kissing you on the lisp and neck before pushing himself into you. It was barely in, but it was enough to make you moan slightly, and hold onto him.
"I'm sorry..." you heard Akito whisper. "If I hurt you... just stop me."
You nodded and closed your eyes, knowing the pain was worth it to be this close to Akito. Closer than any girl had ever been...
Again you felt the pressure of him against your pussy, and bit your lowers lips as he kissed your neck and finally after a couple tries it slipped in more almost making you cry out. But you were strong... and it actually felt good at the same time so you moaned again holding onto Akito as his hands fell over your breasts gripping them lightly. He pushed himself a little further into you, then began to pull out slowly, making you feel every inch of him as he pushed it back in as far as he could. You put your arms around him and held him close, moaning his name in his ear as he pushed himself in and out of you, as slowly as he could control himself to go since it felt so good and naturally he wanted to speed up. But he wanted it to be special...
"I love you..." he whispered, kissing your lips as he turned his head to look in your eyes.
"I love you... Akito..." you moaned back, breathing heavily as you moved your hips up to meet him now as he went in and out of you, a little bit faster. You felt like you were falling, outside of yourself, hardly able to believe this was happening, with Akito.
But then you were back in your body, moaning how much you love him, feeling your insides tighten in pleasure and release as an orgasm rocked your body, making you moan louder than ever, and hold onto Akito as tight as you could, as wave after wave of that good feeling washed through your body.
Akito was breathing heavily, hovering above you, still inside you, "Do you want me to keep going...?"
You nodded, knowing he hadn’t came yet, and again the two of you started, entwined as he pushed so far down into you the skin from around him was hitting the skin around your pussy, making you moan and gasp each time he went completely in. He ran his hands through your hair, going a bit harder now, while you wrapped your legs around him, the two of you in perfect rhythm with each other until finally the two of you climaxed into one another, your bodies shaking until the passion and pleasure faded unto a dull throbbing feeling inside of you. You took a deep breath and felt Akito's lips on yours again, kissing you softly as he laid down beside you and pulled you close to him.
"I love you Ai... more than anything I'll ever know..." he said emotionally between kisses.
You nodded and touched his face kissing him back. "I love you... I love you..." the two of you exchanged sweet whispered I love you until exhaustion hit you and you fell into a very peaceful sleep.