Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(26)Out with the girls

"Akito!!!" You yelled across the crowded room and ran to him, glomping him in front of everyone. "Never leave my side again."
Akito blushed and looked around at the people staring at the two of you, "Ai what do you think you're doing?" he asked, in an almost annoyed sounding voice.
"I miss you," you pouted as he stood and helped you up beside him. You didn't care what vampire society thought, If you wanted some lovin then gosh darn it you were gonna get it!
"So that gives you reason to attack me in front of guests?" he laughed looking around uneasily at the sneering onlookers. "I think there are more appropriate times for th-"
"No there aren't," you crossed your arms in front of you chest and huffed. "You bring me to this huge house and just dump me in my room without anyone to show me around."
"My love, I intended to do-"
"But you haven't been," you interrupted, not caring for the whispers that were going on all around you. "And if you people have anything to say then say it a bit louder, so I know what you think of me."
Everyone stopped whispering and stared at you in shock as you addressed them in such a way.
Akito laughed, "She's kidding of course."
"Am n-" you tried to say, but Akito clamped his hand over your mouth and led you swiftly out of the room.
"Now what is your problem?" he asked, clearly sounding annoyed now, but you didn't care.
You gave his tone right back to him, three times as harsh and poked him in the chest while you did it. "You abandoned me in this place without so much as a tour. And then I run into some weirdo girl who has to marry four demon guys and sure she's nice but I would have liked to of met her with you."
"Oh so you've met Kyo, Noki, Chase and Lunehtiel?" Akito asked, pulling you down the hall and away from even more people who seemed to be following you in hopes of hearing what it was you were fighting over.
You pulled your arm away from him and stopped, dead in your tracks. "Yes I met them. Three of them anyway... you know I should be getting to know all these people since they are at MY wedding."
"Shh," Akito put his finger to his lips and smiled as a couple walked by and waved at the two of you. You didn't even look at them as they passed. "Listen, I've had things that needed doing."
"Looked to me like you were just standing there talking to people without me," you accused again poking him in the chest.
"Ouch," he took your hands to keep you from further poking him and kissed them both, looking you seductively in the eyes. "I'm sorry ok? I was just coming to get you when I got distracted. I promise now I'm all yours."
You nearly jumped into Akito's arms hearing her piercing voice come from the other side of the hall and suddenly you were being dragged away from him, watching him get smaller and smaller in the distance while two girls ran with you, holding one arm each. "What the-"
"We just got a great idea, Ai," Kira said smiling over at Akane who smiled back. "You need a bachelorette party!"
"Are you crazy?" You yelled struggling against them, but they held on tight until they were out to a car, and stuffed you in so one was on each side of you. No escape...
"Step on it, Andy!" Akane yelled to the front of the limo and the car jolted into motion going very fast very soon.
"You've both gone completely insane!" You yelled, and Kira clamped her hand over your mouth now. You were really getting sick of people doing that... and you were almost tempted to bite her.
"Don't make us gag you," Kira said, laughing looking over to Akane. "We're going to go out and have some fun. It's your last night as a single hot female! Don't you think that's something to celebrate?"
You looked at her, still stuck on the fact that she had threatened to gag you. She released your mouth and you shook your head smiling all the while thinking, *I have the best friends. Only real, good friends would kidnap you like this.*
"So bring on the strippers!" Akane cried and then the limo went deathly silent as you looked at her in fear and Kira looked at her in shock. Obviously strippers weren't part of the plan...
"Uhhhh I was thinking more like let's go out for ice cream..." Kira laughed uneasily and then you all burst out laughing at once.
"Or, we could go dancing or something," you offered, confused as to how these two could kidnap you outta no where and not have a plan for where you were going. You reached up and knocked on the window dividing you and Andy and he dropped it.
"Yo. What do you need?" He asked glancing back.
"Do you know of any clubs or anywhere we could go to dance?" you asked, leaning up so he didn't have to turn around to hear you.
He smiled and nodded. "Sure, I know a few places. You want regular human places or supernatural?"
You looked to the two girls sitting beside you and shrugged. "Let's go to the supernatural. What can it hurt?"
Andy smiled again and the car took off, going way over the speed limit but the three of you stood up and all fit through the moon roof and waved at all the people flashing by. You felt so happy just to be out having fun with the girls, and the thought of the wedding completely left your mind.
The car slowed down and you popped back into the car while the other giggled and waved at the people walking down the streets.
"Here we go," Andy stopped the car and opened the door for you. You got out, and looking around seeing you really were in front of a club, with people waiting in line outside and everything.
"This is too cool," Akane giggled holding on to you as you walked up to the entrance where the guy didn't bother looking at you, before shooing you away with a gesture of his hand.
You looked over to Kira and Akane and pulled the guys clipboard from his hands. "Do you have any idea who I am?" you asked in a very important sounding voice and rolling his eyes he looked down at you, "Listen pipsqe- Princess Ai!" He suddenly bowed in front of you and stepped aside. Smiling you took Akane's hand, who took Kira's hand and the three of you walked into the club.
The music was pumping and instantly you wanted to dance so the three of you headed towards the dance floor and put on a show for all the people there. Laughing the three of you took turns spinning an dipping each other until someone tapped you on the shoulder.
"Mind if I have a dance?" Kyo asked, appearing behind you.
You smiled, since he had his kitty ears out(this being a supernatural club and all) and couldn't resist so you let him take you by the hands and lead you around.
"What are you guys doing here?" Kira asked, annoyed as the other guys showed up around her and Akane.
"We were bored in that stuffy mansion," Chase said his eyes following a hot blonde who was walking by.
Kira rolled her eyes, "Let's keep dancing," she said to Akane and left the guys standing there, each one who had been hoping to dance with her.
"You know I'm starting to wonder if maybe Kira's not a lesbian..." Chase said to Noki, who then elbowed him hard in the side.
"Shut up Chase," Noki said stalking off to sit at a table.
Lunehtiel laughed watching as Noki left.
"Shut up, Lunehtiel," Chase growled at him and followed after Noki, then Lunehtiel followed.
You were still dancing with Kyo, and watched them all go their separate ways and couldn't help but laugh. "Is it always like that for you guys?"
"Yep, pretty much," Kyo laughed and twitched his ears making you wanna touch them again. "You're lucky you've only got one guy hot after you."
"I know," you sighed and laughed again rolling your eyes.
"So you love Akito right?" he asked, spinning you around.
You looked up at him confused. It seemed like everyone had been asking that... "Yes I do. Does it seem like I don't?"
"I'm only curious," he said hastily, hoping he hadn't offended you. "Akito is like a brother to me. And as pretty as you are I just want to make sure he's getting a good woman too. You know?"
You nodded. "Yeah I know what you mean. You're a very good friend Kyo. Maybe we can become friends too?" You asked and he nodded so kissing his cheek you left and met up with the girls again.