Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(27)Pregnant? I don't think so...

"What was that all about?" Akane asked as soon as you got back and Kira nodded, looking over your shoulder to Kyo.
"What was what about?" You played innocent and sat down at a table, exhausted from all the dancing and excitement. You had no idea how you were going to get through the next two days...
"You know," Kira butted in, pointing back to Kyo. "You kissed him."
"Just on the cheek," you defended yourself. "He was telling me how much he cared about Akito, and that he wanted to make sure I would be good for him. So in thanks I kissed his cheek."
"Oh," they both laughed and Akane sighed in relief. "If it's one thing we don't need is Akito trying to kill someone before the wedding."
"Yeah," you laughed sipping at a drink that Kira handed you. "I think we have enough drama going on..."
Everyone laughed and Kyo and the guys came up to the table and looked around at the three of you.
"What's so funny?" Chase asked, and it only made the three of you laugh harder, even though there wasn't really anything to laugh about. It was just funny making them think there was, and you weren't going to tell them.
"Well we're going back to the mansion," Noki said kissing Kira's hand as he looked down at her. "Will you be alright left alone?"
Kira shooed him away with her hands, "We'll be fine, promise."
Noki sighed and looking at the others, they finally left reluctantly not thinking you could take care of yourselves.
"Hey, Kira!" A girly voice rang out from the crowd of dancing people and they all suddenly stopped and turned to look at a girl with pale blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
"Ariel, I thought you weren't feeling good," Kira waved and Ariel walked quickly over to the three of you, blushing as their eyes followed her.
She finally made it to the table and smiled as she spoke, "Yeah I wasn't, but after a little nap I've been feeling better. I heard that you guys had left already, but I caught a ride with the guys. I've been stuck in line for the bathroom for like the past hour though." She sighed and sat down next to Kira.
"This is Ariel," Kira said over to you pointing at Ariel. Then she pointed to you and said to her, "This is the bride, Ai."
"Nice to meet you," Ariel said sweetly, blushing again at the attention. "I saw Akito earlier. He's a real hunk..."
Kira looked over to her shocked, but you only laughed and waved it off. "Yeah I know he is. I definitely know..."
Akane looked over to you, thoughtfully, at your suggestive comment then her eyes went wide and she nearly screamed, "You guys did something didn't you?"
All eyes were once again on you and Ariel looked down, while Kira laughed and Akane continued to look at you wide eyed.
You smiled and shrugged. "That's my business."
Akane was out of her seat now and shaking your shoulders. "I'm the best friend, your business is my business."
Kira laughed and Ariel was still staring down at the table like this wasn't happening.
"I'm curious too," Kira offered, trying to help Akane and finally Ariel too looked up and nodded.
"Well," you took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. "Yes..."
"I knew it!" Akane yelled jumping up and down.
You looked at her like she was crazy. Who knew a best friend could be so happy about something like that...
"And I bet now you're pregnant," Kira said, as a joke, but Akane once again looked at you, like she might believe it.
"No!" you said seriously pushing her back into her seat. "I mean... yeah he didn't use anything. But I can't be pregnant. There's no way..." And now you were paranoid about it. You knew you shouldn't of said anything about it... but these were your best friends now. And you didn't expect that they would take things so far.
"I wouldn't be surprised," Akane said quietly now swishing around her drink and looking over at yours. "You did get a drink without alcohol."
You laughed and shook your head. "I've never had alcohol in my life. And I have to go to this huge party tomorrow, not to mention the wedding the day after..." And thinking about it you made a grab for Akane's drink. "Maybe I do need a drink."
"You'll be fine," Kira said patting your back "But we should be getting back don't you think?"
Everyone nodded and headed back to the car where Andy was waiting. "Done already?" He asked, looking up from a book he asked looking up from his book.
"Yep," you smiled and ruffled his head. "Hey Andy... you know you could have went in."
"Yeah well, it's my duty to make sure you girls are safe..." he blushed.
You poked him. "You could've made sure we were safe from inside."
He sighed and lowered his sunglasses to look into your eyes. "Ok, ok. I saw an ex girlfriend of mine walk in a couple minutes after you did. And not wanting to cause a scene I stayed behind."
"Awww," you looked sadly back into the club. "Ya want me to go beat her up for you?"
Andy laughed and shook his head. "No, we should get you home. You have a wedding to get to soon." He winked, and you nodded, feeling queasy and got into the car after he had opened the door for you.
Once in the car you sighed and leaned back into the seat while the girls talked about random things. Guys they thought were hot, how they were going to come back, you know stuff like that. Which only made you wonder if you would be able to do any of those things once you were married to Akito... you made a mental note to ask him that later.
And speaking of mental notes you remembered something else you had wanted to ask Kira, and now Ariel too.
"Hey guys," you spoke up, and they stopped their giggling and looked at you. "You know, Akane's my maid of honor, but I don't really have any one else so would you two like to be my other bridesmaids?" You said it all at once, wondering if it was weird since you hadn't known the two all that long.
"Of course I'll be one," Kira giggled and Ariel nodded beside her.
"That's great!" You said, trying to sound enthusiastic and hugged the both of them.
"Aww group hug..." Akane said softly and hugged the three of you at once.
Once you pulled into the driveway you could see Akito waiting outside, looking impatient.
"Hey, baby," you said drunkenly as you staggered out of the car, just playing drunk though. "Let's say you and me get together and make a baby."
Akito looked at you, with wide eyes. "Ai, you don't really mean-"
"No I'm just kidding," you laughed and the girls laughed too as they passed you by saying goodnight. You did however jump into Akito's arms and give him the biggest most passionate kiss you could muster.
He was surprised, but put his arms around you and began to carry you up to your room.
When you were in front of the door you hopped down from his arms and walked into the room, plopping down on the bed.
Akito slowly closed the door then turned to you, smiling wickedly...