Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(3)How about some waffles?

You sat on the bed holding Akane as she lay in your arms. She had been so exhausted from crying that she had fallen asleep very soon after Akito and Toshiro left you alone. You were kind of grateful to have been stuck with Akito. Even though he had said that Toshiro wasn't all that bad he had still hit Akane and that just wasn't right. But remembering Akito punching Toshiro in the face over it all made you smile. He had done that for you, or so you imagined. Toshiro did something very bad that had upset you and Akito just thought that hitting Toshiro would make it all better. And it did make you happy just knowing that Akito would do something to his brother just for you.
"I'm glad you don't hate me," Akito said softly appearing behind you on the bed. "I'm sorry for Toshiro's behavior. I never thought he would do something like this..."
You nodded and looked sadly down at Akane. "I know you're going to say no to this..." You looked up at him with those innocent sad eyes. "But couldn't you send her home...?"
Akito stroked back your black hair and looked sadly into your eyes. "You knew the answer... so why did you ask?"
"I was hoping that maybe I was wrong," you answered truthfully, "That maybe somehow if I stayed here forever then you would let her go..."
"You just don't understand do you, Ai?" Akito sighed and stood up and began to pace around the room. "You're going to be staying here forever anyway..." You were very depressed by now.
You knew that you could handle all of this. You were strong and you still planned on escaping somehow. But Akane.... She just wasn't strong enough for this and you were worried that something terrible might happen to her if you didn't act fast. But acting fast could cost you both your lives... There was nothing you could do, but try to keep the both of you alive and watch Akane as close as possible.
"Come," Akito said taking your hands. "You need rest as much as she does."
"I won't leave her," you argued getting ready to fight if you had to.
"I'm not saying you have to," he said gently picking her up off of the bed. "Just follow me, ok?"
You nodded and followed him from the room you had been in to a beautiful white room with a balcony that had light white curtains moving gently in the breeze that came in.
Akito laid Akane on the huge bed and turned to you. "This will be your room from now on."
You looked at him surprised. "I thought..."
"The room you woke was just until I told you everything," he touched the side of your face and looked deeply into your eyes. "I hope you will learn to like it here. And maybe even..." You blushed red as thoughts of what he was about to say rushed through your mind. He must have been reading it because he only smiled and gently kissed your lips. "I hope you learn to at least like me before we get married..."
You weren't really tired... Even though you had every right to be after the events of the day. But your mind just wouldn't let you rest, even when you laid down on the other side of Akane. So you went to the balcony and sat outside watching the stars shine and fade into morning...

You had fallen asleep after a while and woke up to darkness once again. You sat up and stretched out your arms yawning. *I wonder why no one woke me up...* You thought sleepily as you got up and walked back inside. You were slightly alarmed to see that Akane was missing and went for the door until you heard people talking outside.
"I told you, Akito, you are not allowed to pick your own bride!" A rough male voice echoed through the hallway.
"I don't care what you say father, she is perfect to be my bride," Akito responded and you felt the door opening so you jumped back away from it but ended up falling on your butt.
"Trying to spy on me?" He asked, amused at your efforts.
"No," you stood up and rubbed your backside not caring what he thought. "Where's Akane?"
"With my brother," he said and quickly got in front of you as you tried to get out the door. "But you are not to interrupt them. He promised to be nice and if he's not then she gets to go home."
"You swear?" You asked looking at him suspiciously. He had said that she would be ok before and she wasn't... "Just try and be a little more trustworthy." He said pulling you outside of the room.
"Oh yeah right," you pulled your arm from him and crossed both of them over your chest. "You're only the guy who kidnapped me and said that I have to marry you and stay with you forever. Not mention the fact that you're a vampire when vampires weren't even supposed to exist. But sure I'll trust you."
You were being completely sarcastic, but he ignored it and said, "Good," as he grabbed your arm again and began to pull you down a hallway.
"Where are we going?" You asked trying to stop him, but he just kept pulling.
"Keep resisting me and I'll have to carry you," he said as he stopped and looked back at you. Then he seemed to think about something and suddenly hoisted you into the air and over his shoulder. "That sounds like a better idea anyway. It was so enjoyable the last time."
You once again crossed your arms over your chest and sighed waiting for him to get to his destination. When he arrived you could smell food. Waffles actually and as he slung you into his arms and into a chair you found a big stack of them on a table in front of you. "Now eat," he handed you a fork. You looked at the delicious butter and syrup covered waffles and your mouth began to water.
But you put your fork back down onto the table. "No."
"No?" He asked surprised. "You can't be serious. You have to eat. Even as a vampire I know that. So don't be stupid and just eat already. I don't want you wasting away to skin and bones."
You opened your mouth to say something, but he put his hand over it to stop you. "And no I'm not calling you fat," he sighed reading your mind. "I merely am saying that I like you the way you are and want you to stay that way."
You looked at him suspiciously for a minute. "How do I know they're not poisoned?"
Akito bared his fangs at you and growled. "If I wanted you dead I would do it myself which is not such an unappealing idea right now!"
You grabbed your fork and shoved a whole waffle into your mouth and swallowed nearly choking yourself. You smiled up at him as he watched your every movement. "Do you have to stare?"
"You're just so pretty, I can't help it," he smiled back and pushed the plate closer to you urging you to eat. You gave in and managed to eat the entire stack of waffles even though you weren't hungry at all.
When you were done you sat back and held your stomach in pain. "I think I'm going to die..."
Akito sighed. "I told you they weren't poison."
"No stupid," you glared at him and pushed the plate of syrup away from you never wanting to see waffles again. "I ate waaaaaaay too much thanks to you. I'm going to explode..."
"Don't be such a wimp," Akito scolded picking you up in his arms. "You're going to be at my side someday you know. And I can't have a wimp being the princess of all vampires."
"Yeah, yeah..." You said rolling your eyes. That's when it hit you. "Princess of vampires?!"