Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(31)Dance and Recovery

“Ah, it’s time for our dance,” Akito whispered as he kissed your cheek and took your hand in his.
You looked up at him, confused as to what was going on, “Our what now…?”
“Our dance, love,” he laughed and took you to the center of the room where the people had all parted and fell silent, as they watched you with glistening eyes from the moonlight that was pouring into the room. The room had been dimmed, so that it and only a few overhead lights were showing.
You nervously let Akito take your hands in his. “So when exactly was I supposed to practice for this…?” You asked, trying to look not panicked over the fact that you really didn’t know how to dance.
“It’s simple,” he assured as the music began to start, a slow waltz. “Just let me lead you, and you won’t have a problem.”
*Just let him lead me he says…* And the thought was not comforting. Fast paced, crazy, jumping up and down like a maniac dancing you could do. But slow, while everyone in the world watches your every movement, making note of everything you do, you weren’t so sure about. You never were the kind of girl to go to school dances or anything, and suddenly you wished maybe you had. But what could you do? They were waiting, the music was playing, Akito was looking at you with that darn confident look so you had no choice and as soon as he started to move, you moved with him, flowing from one side to the other, slowly, but then faster. *Ok Ai…* you thought, breathing, and looking into Akito’s eyes. *This isn’t so bad… just keep up and don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t-*
You looked down… and suddenly tripped and found yourself face first into Akito’s chest. If possible the room got even more silent, even though the music played on, and Akito helped to pull you back away from him.
“Are you ok, Ai?” He asked, looking you over concerned. “We can stop now if you’d-”
You pressed your finger to his lips and took his hands again, and seeing that you wanted to keep going he smiled and began again. You weren’t going to let one little stumble get you down. You were going to be the Queen of vampires, for Pete’s sake! And to let all of your followers see you give up from one little mistake… you couldn’t have that. You wanted to be worthy. And you wanted the respect that you deserved from them. So you pushed away the embarrassment and danced on, spinning in circles, seeing only Akito’s eyes now, and not the faces swirling around you. He was what mattered most… and you weren’t going to let him down. Eventually Akito dipped you back as the music had changed several times, and you went through several dances, and you smiled looking up at him, and everyone clapped lightly, before joining in.
As Akito lifted you up, you finally blushed, remembering what had happened. “Tell me I did not just fall in front of everyone…”
“You fell in front of everyone,” he said lifting taking your hands from face, which had been trying to cover it. “But you didn’t let it effect you. You moved on, and showed your own strength, and that is what will make you a good Queen.”
You were happy to hear it, even if still slightly embarrassed. So getting close in Akito’s arms, you snuggled into him, and kept going, dancing slowly, not really caring if anyone was watching now.
“It appears that you have admirers,” Akito whispered into your ear and pointed behind you.
You looked behind you and saw four demon guys looking at you, smiling.
“Hey guys,” you smiled and waved them over.
“You looked beautiful,” Kira commented, hugging you for an instant.
“Thanks,” you laughed and then said in a more silent tone, “Did everyone see me nearly fall?”
“Ohhhh…. Yeah,” she answered brutally, but the two of you only ended up laughing.
After that you took turns dancing with all the guys, making small talk with the people, and gossiping with the girls and before too long you were alerted that dawn would be soon approaching, and it was time for the party to end. A lot of people had already left, but the ones who remained said their good byes, and the ones who would not be able to return for the wedding their good lucks, and soon the place was nearly empty, the ones who were staying there having gone to bed.
You stood in the middle of the room, holding Akito’s hands, as he gazed deeply into your eyes. “I’m tempted to ask you to marry me again…”
You laughed, “But our wedding is tomorrow.”
“Yes,” he smiled and kissed your forehead as he brought you close to his chest, holding you in his arms. “But I would ask you again and again, if only to have the joy in my heart, when I hear you say you will be my wife.”
Akito could be quite the romantic when he wanted to be, you had to admit. Sure he could be mean, possessive, overly protective, and just down right a jerk, but in times like this, when everything slowed down, and it seemed like the world was standing still just for the two of you, he always managed to say the most amazingly wonderful things. And all of those things, good and bad, is what made you love him so much. Loving someone was taking the good, with the bad, and loving both because it makes a person who they are.
You wished you could say things like that, so beautiful and full of feeling, but somehow you knew that Akito already knew how you felt, without even saying it.
You cleared your throat and leaned into him, as he swayed back and forth, in your own little dance, “Tomorrow’s the big day…”
“Mmm-hmmm,” he answered, breathing you in, as he closed his eyes.
“Are you ready?” You weren’t really sure what to say, but you felt like the moment needed something. You were going to married the very next day. Bound to him forever, in yet another way you’d never be with anyone else. And you knew you would never marry anyone else. There would never be a need. Akito was the love of your life…
Akito stopped moving and pulled back to look into your eyes. “Of course. I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life, Ai… I never expected to be with anyone like you. I know this whole thing started our so weird…But I’m glad I kidnapped you. And I’m glad this all happened. And I’m ready for more crazy, weird, impossible, dramatic things to happen. If that’s the life I’ll have to live to be with you then I accept it with open arms.”
His words were true, you could feel it inside of yourself. You wondered if maybe something was happening between the two of you, to make you feel what he was feeling. But as always you kept the thought to yourself, and took his hand and smiled warmly. “We should go to bed.”
He nodded and kissed your forehead and the two of you walked back to your room, each second ticking by bringing you closer to the wedding…