Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(32)Avoiding bad luck

You slept restlessly, tossing and turning in bed, every time you did manage to go to sleep you’d have a dream about the wedding going terribly wrong. You wondered if this was a normal wedding thing to go through. Your dreams were, of course, ridiculous with you appearing naked before all of those people or a fire breathing dragon suddenly appears and destroys the place. Remembering that Ariel had a pet dragon friend didn’t comfort you in the least, even if she did say he was tame. Eventually Akito got tired of you moving and waking him up so he sat up, pulled you into his arms, kissed your forehead and you were instantly out like a light. His vampire powers could be pretty useful sometimes. So after you were comfortably asleep he pulled you into his arms, and held you through the night.
However waking up was not nearly as pleasant as Akane burst into your room, screaming and then jumping on your bed dangerously close to you.
“You’re getting married today!” She cried happily, but it turned to a started yell as you reached out, grabbed one of her legs, and sent her crashing to the ground from off of your bed.
“I’m ok…” she muttered standing up, and rubbing her backside.
You pulled the covers over your head and ignored everyone that was coming into your room, even though they were all your bridesmaids, Kira and Ariel joining now.
“Come on, Ai,” Kira tried to pull you out of bed. “Aren’t you the least bit excited?”
“Too tried for excitement…” you mumbled, resisting her, but when Akane and Ariel both grabbed on to you and pulled, you all ended up toppling onto the floor, you on top of them all.
They were all laughing and happy, and you were just trying to figure out what was going on. You looked around sleepily then rolled off of the pile and laid down on the ground, trying to go back to sleep.
But again the three girls hoisted you up by your arms and legs and began to carry you.
“What the heck-” you started to ask, before being thrown into an ice cold bathtub. Shocked at first, you could only watch as the three of them ran away giggling. Then when your body was completely numb, you vowed to have your revenge on their wedding days. *Wait a minute…* you suddenly thought. “I’m getting married to day!” You jumped out of the bath, soaking wet and freezing cold, and ran into the room with the other girls. “I’m getting married today!!!” You screamed in excitement, as it all finally hit you.
“I know!” Akane screamed back and the two of you did the girly jumping up and down dance that you had done since you were little girls when something really exciting had happened.
Kira and Ariel just kind of stood there and looked at the two of you like you were nuts, until you rushed over to them and tackled them to the floor. “And that’s for throwing me into the bathtub,” you flipped your wet hair over your shoulder as you walked off, leaving them laying in the middle of the floor, wet and laughing.
You weren’t sure what you should be doing at this point, but you figured, hey why not take a shower, gotta be clean for the big day! So you did that, taking your time to make sure you were extra clean then walked out of your room into utter chaos…
People were running around everywhere, with dresses, shoes, make up and all kinds of other things you didn’t recognize. You ducked out of the way as someone came running towards you with a huge roll of fabric and nearly got ran over by a group of women running into the bathroom to clean it.
“What’s going on?” You asked, once you had gotten across the room to Akito’s old nurse(we’ll call her May.)
“It’s your wedding day, dear,” she said, ordering another women to take a bunch of flowers somewhere then for another to go make sure the dining room was getting ready. “Weddings are sometimes chaos. Yours especially since it was moved up so soon.”
“When exactly is everything starting,” you asked, since it was kind of an important question.
“In about,” she pulled up the sleeve of her shirt and looked at an odd looking watch, “Three hours, dear. You’ll need to be getting ready soon.”
*Three hours?!*You exploded in your mind. *Why don’t people wake me up earlier?* And completely forgetting the fact that you had almost not gotten up when your friends tried, you sighed and left the room quickly before anyone had a chance to grab you and stuff you into something.
You wanted to find Akito, thinking it wouldn’t hurt to see him for a minute, because it’s not like you were in your wedding dress. But before you knew it you were suddenly attacked and being pulled back to your room by Kira and Akane who both had one of your arms, while Ariel ran after you behind.
Again you couldn’t help but ask, “What the heck…”
“Are you doing?” Akane asked looking back at you as they stopped to check out the hallway before pulling you more towards your room.
“I wanted to see Akito before-”
“Are you crazy?” Kira asked, shaking her head as she looked over to Akane. “That’s bad luck!”
You struggled against them until you could stand up and pull away. “I thought that was only if he saw me in my dress.”
Akane shook her head. “No that’s triple bad luck. It’s still bad luck if he even sees you…”
“Come on guys,” you laughed and started to walk in the other direction. “I just want to see him for a second.”
And like magic, he suddenly turned the corner.
“Get down!” Akane yelled and jumped on top of you, knocking you down to the floor, while Ariel and Kira stood in front of you.
“Don’t look!” They both warned Akito at the same time.
“What’s going on?” he asked, trying to peek behind them to see you, but Akane had thrown her jacket on top of you to completely cover you.
“Let’s go,” Akane said over their shoulder and as Kira picked up your legs, Akane had your arms and Ariel backed away with them to make sure he wouldn’t see you. Superstitious freaks they were… but you loved them so much for wanting to keep you from having bad luck. But still dangling in their arms as they carried you away, you really wanted to see Akito, and just hear his voice before everything started.
But in only minutes you were being tossed onto your bed. You pushed the hair from your face and glared at them as they smiled and went their own ways to dress themselves.
“There you are,” May scolded, helping you to your feet. She looked you over, and shook her head. “We have a lot of work to do on you if you’re going to be suitable for this wedding…”
You opened your mouth to say something, but she pushed you behind a screen where she helped you put your dress on. It was kind of embarrassing as she did, but you did need the help, since the first time you had put it on you couldn’t really figure it out.
Next she sat you down in a chair and two women went to work on your hair, brushing it out then styling it perfectly.
When that was all said and done, the make up people came in and plucked, and buffed, and peeled and blushed and painted until you looked like a doll.
But you were beautiful, and Akito would have thought so any way you looked.
You stood up, again a corset pressing tight into your ribs and lungs, sucking the life and breath from you, but a harsh look from May kept you from complaining and you put on your best fake smile for her.
“Good child,” she looked you over and nodded in approval, liking what she saw. “You’re ready. And just in time, the wedding is about to begin.
And there went what little breath you had inside of you, lost in nervousness. *Ok Ai…* you tried to take a deep breath in. *You can do this…*
It was quite a walk from one side of the house to the other, as the wedding was going to be held in the garden outside, perfect because it was a clear night and the moon was full and smiling down as you could see from the many windows you passed.
You could even smell the flowers, the closer you got, and the scent calmed you as you reached the double doors that would lead you outside. You wondered how there could be flowers out with it being close to the middle of winter, but it didn’t matter. It was just one weird thing that you didn’t need to worry about.
Akane, Kira, and Ariel were all waiting there, dressed in beautiful red silk dresses, and they all smiled when you walked up to them.
“You look beautiful,” Akane said hugging you and kissing your cheek. “You’re going to do great out there.”
You laughed at her encouragement, and hugged the other two and all of the guys who were standing outside too who all told you how beautiful you looked.
And then the music started and two by two they began to walk out arm in arm, until you were the last person standing inside, with Akito’s father.
“My son is very lucky,” he commented, kissing your forehead like Akito had always done. “I know you will make a wonderful Queen, but even more importantly, a wonderful wife.”
You smiled, your heart filling with emotion, and then the doors opened for the two of you, and you were looking out into the people, but your eyes could only see one person. Akito…