Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(4)Garden walk and a big scary dog

"You're kidding right?" You pushed your chair back as you stood up. "I- I'm just not princess material I mean I was the princess of a carnival once but that was a long time ago and I mean I'm not even old enough to be a princess don't you have to be at least 20 or something… I think you’ve got the wrong girl."
Akito sighed and took your hand pulling you back down to your seat. "If you'll calm down and tell me what you just said slowly so I understand I can answer whatever it is you just said."
"Who are you?" Was the first thing that came to mind. "I mean if I'm going to be a princess then you must be some kind of..."
"Prince?" He asked as you let your sentence trail off. "That's correct. I am the prince of all vampires."
You looked at how serious was being and couldn't help, but start laughing right in his face. "You're just saying that because you think it'll make me stay here right? Well that's not going to work. I still want to go home."
Akito rolled his eyes and sighed again. "I thought we already went over this, Ai..."
"We did," you agreed standing up. "But just because you say I have to stay here forever and marry you doesn't mean that I'm going to give up trying to escape. Because I will still try to get me and Akane the heck out of here."
"Well thanks for the warning," he stood up and kissed your cheek. "That just means you'll need constant surveillance. And I'm prepared to make someone follow you around wherever you go." You opened your mouth to object but he shushed you. "You don't have a choice," he reminded you as he began to walk down the hall pushing you beside him. "I did kidnap you remember. I might seem like a nice guy, but I will have to be hard on you if you do things that I've told you not to."
"What do you mean 'be hard on you'?" you asked slightly afraid.
"Don't do anything bad and you'll never have to find out," he warned you looking completely serious. You didn't laugh at his look this time...

You spent a good while walking around the mansion asking questions. "You still didn't answer my first question," you pointed out as you passed a room filled with books. *Must be a library* you thought looking into it. *I'll have to go there later...* "You know the one about you being a prince... Why are you?"
"I'd think that'd be obvious," Akito followed your gaze watching you look into the library. *Maybe she likes books...* he thought. *I'll have to bring her here later...* "My dad's the ruler of them all. All vampires."
"And your mom's the queen?" You asked innocently.
But such an innocent question brought a lot of pain to Akito even though he tried to hide it. "She died a long time ago..."
"Oh..." you said sadly wondering how that could have happened. Then it dawned on you... "She was a human...?"
Akito nodded. "You remember what I told you about vampires and vampires... and vampires and humans...? It was the same situation with my dad. His father wanted him to have an heir born and that was me. Now I'm doing the same thing. Only..." He looked at you sadly and took your hand. "Only I hope you don't make the same decision my mother did..."
You smiled faintly and took your hand back. "What do you mean? What decision?"
Akito shook his head and smiled down at you patting your head. "Let's not talk about it now, ok? How about we go outside?"
"That would be great!" You said excitedly and even jumped up and down a little forcing Akito to laugh. He led you outside and into a garden filled with bright red and white roses. "It's beautiful..." You whispered bring a rose to your face and inhaling the scent. It smelled so good... "Yeah," Akito plucked one off of a bush for you and handed it to you. "I like to come out here sometimes... It's very peaceful." You walked through the garden, which you found out was HUGE for a good long while until you came to the center where there was a fountain covered in smiling cherubs holding bows and arrows. You sat down on the edge and passed your hand through the water, watching as the gold fish fled shyly from you.
Akito sat down next to you and admired you as you played with the fish. You giggled as one swam quickly back and forth through your fingers. You almost didn't notice that Akito was staring at you... Almost... But you saw him easily in the reflections of the water and looked up at him smiling. "Why do you stare at me so much?"
Akito smiled and pushed your hair behind your ear again. "I told you before... You are just so beautiful. I guess you don't understand it..."
You blushed as he mentioned your beauty again. You really weren't used to someone calling you beautiful all the time... But what girl without a boyfriend would be?
"You know I'm not going to be seduced so easily..."
Akito looked shocked. "What do you mean? I'm not even trying to seduce you."
"Yeah, yeah," you waved your hand in front of him dismissing his comment. "I know all about you vampires and your tricks to seduce women into marrying you. I've read all the vampire books."
Akito looked down at you amused. "You have, have you?"
"Yep," you smiled in triumph. "And I'm just telling you now so you don't have to waste anymore time. I'm not going to fall for it."
"Oh darn," he fake sighed and stood up with his back to you. "I guess all my plans are foiled. Might as well let you go now since you seem to know exactly what I'm doing."
"Really?" You asked, feeling hopeful and fully believing him.
"Nope," was all he said as he laughed and began to walk away. "You must not know everything about vampires after all since you fell for that little trick."
You blushed in anger at how easily you had been tricked. *Why that sneaky little-*
"And don't think anything bad about me either," he called back to you still walking until he was completely out of sight. Wait a minute... Out of sight? That means you have your chance to escape right? So what are you waiting for?
You looked around you for a second trying to determine whether this was a trick or not. But figuring that if it wasn't you wouldn't have much time so you got up and ran in the opposite direction that Akito had went in. Sure he could poof right next to you at any time. And he was most likely just toying with you anyway. But there was always the sliver of a chance that you were really about to escape. You ran and ran and ran pushing your way through flowers and huge walls of bushes until you finally came to a fence. *Yes!* You jumped up and down again and approached the fence cautiously. You checked the handle and lucky you it began to open! Slowly... Slowly... Slowly... You jumped back as a huge dog crashed into the fence and pushed it back so it was closed. It barked at you viciously, drool flying in your direction.
"So you actually thought that would work?" Akito asked, appearing next to the dog, who laid at his feet instantly. "You should know that all vampires have dogs outside of their fences. To keep trouble makers like you from escaping of course."
You glared at him and stood up, dusting yourself off. "You just couldn't bring yourself to mention that one could you?"
"I thought it'd be best if you found out on your own," he jumped to the other side of the fence and landed next to you. "That's what you'll be dealing with if you do manage to get out of the fence."
"That dog could have killed me you know," you yelled as he began to once again walk away leaving you behind.
"I know," he said with a slight laugh in his voice as he put his hands behind his head. "It was risk I was willing to take..."
You stood there, glaring his back for a minute, until creepy noises started to come from the forest just beyond the fence and that's when you decided that being close to Akito might not be so bad after all... "Wait," you yelled after him and ran to catch up. "I still have questions."
Akito remained silent as he looked up at the stars so you decided to just ask him. "What about school?"
Akito turned his eyes slightly to looks at you. "What about it?"
"I mean me going. I have to go to school you know..."
Akito stopped and looked at you like you were crazy. "You just don't get it do you? You're going to be with me forever. You don't need to go to school because you'll never need a job. And I would think that the whole you never seeing your friends or family thing kind of implied that you wouldn't be doing that either."
"Well you don't have to be a jerk about it!" You yelled at him getting right in his face. "I mean how am I supposed to know exactly what's going to happen, huh? I haven't even been here that long."
"All you need to know is that you're going to marry me, bare me a child and then live with me until you die, got it?" He yelled back and you went suddenly very silent and turned away from him, not wanting him to see the tears gathering in your eyes. "Ai, I didn't mean..." He touched your shoulder and you flinched away from him.
"Just leave me alone," you whispered and ran from him back into the mansion...