Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(6)Milo runs from a bee!

A cold breeze licked at your exposed feet and you reached around for the covers that had come off of you. That's when you noticed that Akito wasn't beside you anymore... "Akito...?" You said sleepily as you sat up in bed and yawned loudly. *I wonder where he went to...* You looked around the room and eventually your eyes met with the balcony, whose doors were hanging wide open and the morning sunlight was pouring in along with the cold wind. You shivered and ran to it, closing the door then dived back into your bed and under your covers. "So... cold..." You said through chattering teeth. "Mean Akito... leaving me to the cold..." It wasn't that he was actually mean though. He would just die in the sunlight and then what kind of story would we have?
"GOOD MORNING!!!!" Akane screamed as she threw open your bedroom door and walked right in. "Ai...?"
"What?" You grumbled from underneath your blanket. *Sheesh she has waaaaaaaay too much energy...*
"Get up you lazy head!" She cried jumping on top of you.
You shrieked and poked your head out to see her giggling as she sat on top of you. "Do you mind?"
"Not really," she laughed. You somehow managed to squirm out from under her and ended up falling off of the bed. "Ai what are you doing down there?" She asked reaching out a hand to help you up.
You sighed and stood up on your own. You put your hands around your arms and glared at her. "Aren't you cold?" She looked up at you confused.
"Not really... why?"
"Oh... well I better get dressed." You ran for the bathroom and after taking a nice long bath, which didn't heat you up at all you, stepped outside wearing a long sleeved shirt with warm fuzzy pants and a jacket. "Seriously why is it so cold?"
Akane looked at you like you were going crazy. "Uhh, Ai...?" She put her hand on your forehead. "You feeling ok? Maybe you're just getting sick."
"I do feel kinda weak now that you mention it." You replied suddenly feeling more exhausted than you had when you went to sleep.
"I know what you need!" She grabbed your hand and led you out the door, running.
"Where are we going?" You asked, breathless, trying to keep up with her. Otherwise you'd end up getting dragged...
"Food!" She said happily.
"Food?" You asked feeling your stomach turn. "FOOD!" You really did feel hungry and the prospect of food drove you to race with Akane all the way to the kitchen. Milo was sitting at the table waiting for you.
"Good morning, ladies," he smiled up from his news paper. "Hungry?"
"Starving!" You replied pushing past him as he stood up to greet you.
"Better not get in Ai's way when she's hungry," Akane warned him as he watched you in suprise.
"I'll remember that," he shook his head and sat back down.
You came back from the kitchen hauling pancakes, waffles, cereal and all other things breakfast.
Akane sat down beside you and you slapped her hand playfully as she tried to get some. "Hey get your own freeloader!"
"You have enough food to feed five hundred fully grown men," she argued snatching away a stack of pancakes.
You both laughed and she set to eating. But suddenly you didn't feel like eating. You felt more like throwing up. So running for the nearest vase you dry heaved until you bled since there was nothing in your stomach at the moment. Milo came up to you looking worried. "Ai are you sick?"
"I feel much better now actually." You smiled and went back the table and began to eat.
Milo looked disgustedly down at the vase. "Yeah... I'll just throw this away now... It's not like it was a priceless antique or anything.
Akane gave you a weird look as you both finished your food. "You're sure acting weird..." "I don't know what you're talking about," you stood up and walked out to the garden with Akane following behind.
"Well..." she looked thoughtful for a minute. "You just threw up and then you eat a bunch of food. What's that all about?"
"I don't know," you shrugged and sat down on a bench close to the roses. You inhaled their scent and sat back enjoying the sunlight on your skin.
"So what's going on between you and Akito?" She asked giving you a sly look as she poked you in the ribs.
"Hey," you grabbed your side to protect yourself from further attack. "Nothing that a child such as yourself should hear."
"Spill!" She said excitedly.
You sighed and smiled looking up at the clear blue sky. "Well... we did sleep together." Akane’s eyes got big. "You did what?!"
"Not like that you pervert," you sat up straight and blushed seeing Milo standing near by. "I just mean we slept in the same bed. You know..."
"And did he hold you all night long?" She asked dreamily.
You smiled and nodded, still blushing.
"That's so romantic, Ai," she held her hands beside her head and sighed. "I thought things weren't going so well between you."
"They weren't at first," you said sadly thinking back to the time when you had told him to leave you alone. "But we made up and I decided that I don't want to escape either... I want to stay here with Akito and you..."
Akane squealed and flung her arms around you. "I'm so happy! I really didn't want you to die trying to escape. Toshiro said you probably would..."
"Remind me to kick him for that later," you said seriously and she giggled. Then things grew serious. "Akane... Did Toshiro tell you about their mom...?"
Akane's eyes grew solemn and she looked down as she shuffled some dirt with her feet. "Yeah... pretty sad huh...?"
You nodded and watched her feet as well. "You know... we'll have to decide that too someday..."
"I've already decided, Ai," she said looking at you with happy eyes. "I want to become a vampire and stay with Toshiro forever... I think... well I'm pretty sure that I love him..." "But do you know what that means?" You asked gripping her shoulders. "You'll never be human again... And who knows what happens to vampires when they die."
"I'm willing to take that chance," she said confidently as she touched your hand. "I would do anything to be with Toshiro..."
You looked down again, not able to meet Akane's eyes. A sad silence feel over the two of you as you got lost in your thoughts thinking of what Akane had just said. It really made you consider your feelings for Akito... *Akane's in love with Toshiro...? But it's only been like a day... Maybe... it is possible... that I love...*
"Ahhhh!!!!" Someone screamed from somewhere beside you. You looked up in alarm thinking that some horrible monster had come to attack you. Milo came running past you screaming, "BEE!!!" You watched him run off into the distance, a small bumble bee following close behind and looked at Akane for a second before you both burst out laughing. Milo came back around the corner looking embarrassed which only made the two of you laugh more. "That wasn't funny..." he mumbled sitting down in the grass with his arms crossed.
"Hey Milo?" You said looking innocent after the two of you had calmed down.
"Yeah...?" Milo asked suspiciously.
"BEE!" You screamed and pointed behind him.
"Where?! Where?!" He yelled as he jumped up and looked around him. You and Akane laughed and laughed as Milo sat back down looking bitter.
"Not funny..."
You smiled at Akane. "Well you know you don't have to follow us around. We've decided to stay."
Milo rolled his eyes and laid back in the grass. "Akito said you might say something like that to try and escape. So he told me to stay with you no matter what."
You rolled your eyes back at him and pulled a rubber band off of your wrist to put your hair up. But as you lifted you hair away from your neck Akane stopped you by putting her hand on your arm.
"Ai," she examined you neck worriedly. "What are those marks...?"
"What mar-?" You started to ask but as you felt your neck you could clearly now feel two little scabs on the side of your neck as though something had bitten you... You jumped up and ran to the fountain with Akane and Milo following behind. When you got there you lifted your hair again and looked at your reflection in the water. Clear enough there were two little marks as though fangs had bitten into your skin. And you had a pretty good idea as to whose fangs those were...