Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!


You couldn't believe it at first. You felt so hurt and betrayed you tried to reason that there must be another explanation. *It couldn't of been Akito... He wouldn't...* Tears began to fall from your eyes as you stared at your own reflection. *He wouldn't...*
Akane ran up to you and looked at your neck where your fingers gently touched the small marks. "Ai... you don't think... Akito..."
"Who else could it have been?" You asked, turning to her.
Akane saw your tears and turned away from you. "I'm... sorry..."
You shook your head. *It's not your fault Akane...* You thought, growing angry. *It's Akitos...*
Milo came up to the two of you and began to ask something when you turned from them both and ran for the mansion. You were going to find Akito no matter how hard you had to search. You didn't know what you were going to do when you found him. You could yell or cry or just be silent. You just weren't sure yet... But once you got inside of the mansion you realized what a stupid idea this might be. The place was huge and it would take anyone forever to search it. Even if you did know where you were going. *Akito will be awake by then...* you decided and went to your room to wait. You sat down on the bed with your arms crossed feeling so betrayed. Maybe you wouldn't have minded so much if he had told you or even if he had asked, but just doing without you knowing was the worst thing ever.
"Ai?" Akane opened the door and peeked into your room.
“You can come in," you sighed and waved her in as you laid back on your bed. She came into your room and stood over you looking awkward. "This is terrible... I take it he didn't ask before he bit you huh?"
You shook your head and stared up at the ceiling. "That's what's bothering me so much... I mean he could have at least told me... I might even had let him do it if had told me... But this..." You turned around and hugged your pillow.
Akane sat on the bed behind you and laid a comforting hand on your side. "Maybe he has a good explanation..."
"Oh yeah I'm so sure," you said emotionally trying not to cry anymore. " 'Gee Ai, I just felt like a little midnight snack and you were just laying there.' God it's just making me more and more mad the more I think about it... There's no way you have a good explanation for biting someone in the middle of the night."
"It could have been an accident..." she started to argue but then shook her head realizing how stupid it sounded. You don't accidentally bite people... "Well I don't know. But I'm sure you two can work it out."
"I don't think so," you said turning around to face her. "We haven't really ever been on such good rock solid terms and then he goes and does something like this. It's like he's just trying to upset me..."
Akane looked at you sadly. "I don't think so. I bet you'll be sleeping with him again tonight." She smiled and poked you in the side.
"Will you stop doing that?" You laughed and hit her upside the head with a pillow.
Akane laughed and left the room so when Akito came you could talk to him in private and it was starting to get dark already. You didn't really feel like talking to him anymore so you got up and went and took a cold shower letting the water wash away your worries for the moment. You picked up a towel and wrapped it around yourself realizing that you hadn't brought any clothes to change into.
You opened the door and started to go to your closet when a noise stopped you. You turned around and saw that Akito was standing in the doorway, gaping at you.
You gasped and pulled the towel tight around you. "Don't you knock?"
"Ai..." he tried to form words, but it was very difficult as his eyes ran over your body. "I... I... you're..."
"In a towel you jerk!" You yelled and walked up to him. "And what's the big idea biting me last night?" You pulled your hair back and pointed at the bite marks.
Akito was still in shock at seeing you half naked and now that you were even closer to him he was about to lose it. "Ai..."
You were getting annoyed. *So what if I'm half naked? He owes me an explanation!* "Will you answer me?"
He couldn't control himself anymore and his lips crashed down onto yours as he pulled you close to him. You struggled against him, but he only held onto you tighter.
You finally managed to get away from him with one big push and glared at him angrily as you yelled, "Have you gone completely insane?" Akito had a very strange look in his eyes though. Very animalistic and he approached you as if he might take hold of you again. You backed away until you were outside on the balcony and he hovered over you breathing heavily.
"Akito...?" you whimpered as he grabbed your shoulders and got close to your face. But instead of kissing you again he turned your head and bit deeply into your neck. You cried out in pain and hit his chest in a desperate attempt to get him off of you, but it was no use. The blood loss quickly drained you of any strength and you no longer had the will to fight so you laid limply in his arms as he kept drinking.
There was the sound of running outside of the door and then Toshiro burst into the room with Akane. Akane screamed as she saw what appeared to be you dead in Akito's arms. Toshiro and Milo ran to you and were barely able to tear Akito away from you. When they did they drug him out of the door and down the hall, all the while Akito was screaming that he needed your blood. Akane ran to your side as you lay pale and seemingly dead on the balcony floor and touched your face which was cold and white as snow.