Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(8)Vampire or death

*What do I do?* Akane thought, frantically. Milo and Toshiro had to make sure that Akito wouldn't come back into the room, so they couldn't help her now. She held onto your hand as tears rolled down her face. "Please don't die, Ai... I need you... Akito needs you... Please just hang in there..." Someone burst through the door suddenly and ran up to Akane. The strange person looked down at Akane and then at you and scooped you up into their arms.
"What are you doing?!" Akane screamed in alarm grabbing onto the person's jacket sleeve. The person pushed her back gently and ran out the door with you. Akane had no idea what was going on, but she wasn't going to let some strange person just come in and abduct you. She ran after the two of you wondering why they weren't taking you to the front entrance and outside, but deeper into the mansion. "Please stop!" She cried, desperately trying to catch up to you, but it was no use. There were too many turns to follow and too many hallways to get lost in. Eventually your kidnapper managed to get away with you and Akane was stranded in a part of the mansion that she had never been in. "I hope Ai will be ok..." She looked over her shoulder, trying to decide whether she should go after you or go back for help. She turned around and went back for help... Toshiro and Milo looked down at Aktio, who had finally passed out on the floor. "What do we do now?" Milo asked with a worried expression. He wasn't so much worried about Akito, but for you. He had saw how you looked when they had left, but they couldn't help you with Akito standing there.
"Go check on Ai," Toshiro ordered Milo, pointing to the door. "She-" He started to say something else, but Milo was already out the door and running to you.
*She had better be ok...* Milo thought growling. *If she's not then Akito...* He didn't finish his thought. There was no point to it. Even if you were dead he couldn't do anything about it. Fighting Akito was useless... Milo came to your room and noticed that the door was standing wide open. *Hadn't we closed it when we left with Akito...* He thought as he tan towards the door. He gasped as he entered the room and found it completely empty... He raced back to Toshiro and told him what he had discovered. "Stay with Akito," Toshiro said calmly and disappeared. Milo looked down at Akito who was still passed out cold. He didn't want to stay with Akito... He wanted to search for you. He looked from Akito to the door over and over again. *He's not going to wake up anytime soon...* Milo decided and went to search for you as well.
Akane bit her lip as she looked from one hall to the other. *I should go this way...* she thought starting to go down one hall. But she stopped and stepped back looking at the other. *But maybe it's this way... I think this is the way I came from...* She stood in the middle again looking back and forth in indecision. "Toshiro I need you..." She said out loud leaning down against a wall. She closed her eyes and thought of only Toshiro and how much she wished he was there with her right then. A gentle hand touched her shoulder and she looked up in relief to see Toshiro's calm eyes. "I'm glad I found you. Where is Ai?"
Akane's eyes filled with tears again and she fell into Toshiro's arms, "Someone came in the room and took her. I don't know who or where they went and I tried to follow, but I got lost and didn't know what to do."
"Calm down, love," he stroked her hair back and took her hand. "We will find her." Akane smiled and wiped away her tears. She gripped Toshiros hand tight and he led her, running down the hallway.

Akito swam through the darkness and red haze of his mind and managed to open his eyes. He had no idea where he was or what had happened. All he could remember was walking in on you and you were...
"Oh no..." He said aloud as he put his hand on his aching head. He sat up slowly and looked around, finding himself in Toshiro's room. *How did I...* He could no longer think when he looked down at his clothes. They were covered in blood... Your blood. He could even taste it in his mouth. He felt like he was going to throw up. *I didn't kill her... God tell me I didn't kill her...* He put his head in his head and felt the hot tears run through his fingers.
"She's not dead," he whispered putting his hand over his heart. He didn't know how he knew, but he did. You weren't dead, but very close. He got up and ran to your room only to find what Milo had found. You and everyone else was gone. *But where could they have gone...?* He thought before his eyes widened and he ran out the door and in the direction that everyone else had gone in.

You opened your eyes to darkness all around you. You had no idea where you were at or what had just happened, but your head was pounding and your entire body ached. You tired to sit up to see what might be going on, but found that you were unable to do so. Your body just wouldn't cooperate. *What happened to me...* You thought as you tried to see through the drowsiness that was lain upon you. *And where's Akito...?* You froze as a thousand images suddenly flew through your brain. Akito walking into your room. Akito biting you. And then passing out and felling like you were about to die. Your eyes filled with tears as these thoughts filled your mind. *How could Akito do such a thing to me...?* You remember finding the bite marks on your neck the day before. Maybe he just couldn't control himself. You were too tired to really even think of any logical answer and you had to fight with your mind to even keep awake. The darkness was so comforting and the silence seemed to sing it's own sad lullaby. It would be so easy to just let yourself drift away into nothingness... Just for a little while...
"I'm glad to see you're not dead," a male voice echoed inside of your mind. It sounded so familiar. So much like Akito's voice. Only older...
*It must be his dad!* You opened your eyes wide and saw him hovering over you, looking you over sadly. You didn't really understand why you were in a room with him, or even why you were alive, but maybe he could give you some answers. You opened your mouth to speak, but no sound would come. Your throat was dry and you could taste and smell your own blood on you. It was enough to make anyone sick, but you closed your eyes again and concentrated on not throwing up.
"You must want some kind of explanation," Akito's father sighed as he sat down on the bed next to you. You opened your eyes again and looked at him curiously. He looked so much like Akito right then. You wondered if this is what Akito would look like once he got older. And you weren't complaining either since his dad was pretty hot. "I am his father," he answered right off as if sensing that that was what you were thinking at that moment. "Akito bit you and drank too much blood. After Toshiro and Milo dragged him out of the room I took you here where it would be safe."
His words repeated in your thoughts. Akito had really bitten you... So that means that you would become a vampire.
"No," he answered your thoughts again. "You will not become a vampire unless you drink his blood. That's something for the two of you to discuss. But I will warn you… If you do not take his blood and change over then you will die in a very short amount of time."
So the decision was on you sooner than you expected. Become a vampire or die. You weren't ready for this decision. Not by any means... But you weren't ready to die either. You didn't know what to do or who to turn to so you just looked up at Akito's father searching, hoping, for some answer.
He looked down sadly into your eyes, as if lost in memories of his own. "You really do look like her... His mother... I loved her more than anything in the world and would have given anything for her to be with me forever. But it was not to be so... She left me to be alone forever for I could never be with another. I know that Akito feels the same way for you, just by the way he has spoken of you to me. If you so chose to become a vampire then you will never be able to have a child. But... Akito would be happy. And I would allow the two of you to marry and for Toshiro to take Akito's place in bearing the heir of this family. You must give this a lot of thought."
You managed a weak nod and closed your eyes again just wanting for this all to be over with. You weren't even sure of your feelings for Akito let alone if you could stand being with him forever. And the thought of being a vampire... It was probably the wish of a lot of girls to become something like that, and you had even thought about it yourself before. But now that the decision was right there in your face to chose that or die you just didn't know.
"Ai!" Akane screamed as she ran into the room and threw herself on top of you. Instantly she was in tears over all the worry she had just gone through. "You're alive... I can't believe you're alive..."
Toshiro walked into the room a bit more slowly and greeted his father with a nod. "Will she be ok?"
"Her body will be fine," he answered sadly. "But her heart is what you should worry about. Akito has betrayed her in the worst way possible and nearly taken her life. And now she must make the choice between vampire or death."
Toshiro paled at the thought. He knew what that meant. "So then... Akane has to bear the heir of the family...?"
Their father nodded and looked very grieved over the entire thing. He knew that if you died and Akito lost you forever then he would become as cold and empty as he was and he would be alone until death. It was not a pleasant thought for a father to think of his son.
You laid there and let Akane comfort herself in your presence. You were glad she was ok and everything, but you really needed to be alone to think things over.
A cold breeze washed over you and you felt yourself suddenly in someone's arms. You still couldn't move, but you knew who it was. You could sense Akito's presence by now. He held onto you weeping and going through an endless amount of, "I'm sorry."
You felt sick. If you were going to make the decision then you just had to get it over with now. You thought about it hard for a long moment. *I choose... I choose...*