Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended

Bugs and housemates

I loved the way Michaela started to respond to my voice as the year went by.

I always spoke to her and the second she heard my voice she would turn her big hazel eyes to me and smile. She really loved me already and I loved her so much.

Everyone loved her, actually. I sometimes joked with the guys that they only came round for Michaela and the would just shout;
“Kayla’s our boss dude! Deal with it!”

She responded to ‘Kayla’ which was good, because it became a mouthful to always say ‘Michaela’.

I just loved her to pieces and couldn’t picture my life without her. Even when I thought back to how I lived before I had her, it just didn’t feel right. She was part of me. My own child. She was my whole world now.

As Michaela grew older and became less dependant of me I just loved her even more. I almost cried the first time she sat up on her own. Almost, she started laughing so I laughed with her. It was amazing.

The guys kept on bugging me to join their band.

Except for Bob, he was too pre-occupied with his music tech job so he wasn’t in the band.

It was just Matt, Ray and Mikey to begin with. They weren’t a proper band with songs, they just liked to get together and cover songs from other bands. It was pretty crap but they had so much fun doing it. I am completely positive that if Kayla could talk, they would have got her to bug me into joining their band. Luckily for me, and her, she couldn’t and we got to live our lives in peace.

The whole time this was going on, Frank and I were getting really close.

He would be round mine with Mikey to look after Michaela while I worked or would come over for a few hours every day to see me.

To be honest, I didn’t mind.

Frank and I had so much in common we would just hang around talking or watching TV. It made me feel less lonely and made him feel like I was the brother he never had and so desperately wanted.

That’s part of the reason I wanted him to move in with me.

He basically lived in my house anyway and there was a spare room going. That and the fact that we were really close swung it for me, so I sat him down one day and asked him. It started off as a joke:

“Dude, you’re here so much you should just bring all of your stuff here and sleep in the spare room.” I said laughing as he walked in from the October breeze.

He laughed back.

“I don’t come here that often, Gee!” He defended, sitting on the sofa.

I gave him a 'yeah right' look and he grinned.

“Okay, maybe I am but would you seriously want me hanging around here everyday eating all your food?” He asked laughing.

I knew he was only joking, but I turned it into something serious.

“Actually yeah I would.” I said, putting Kayla into her baby walker and pushing her backwards and forwards across the carpet with my foot.

“I’m serious Frank, do you want to come live here?” I asked.

His mouth gaped open and he stared at me, trying to decide if I was telling the truth or not. After a moment, he decided I was serious and answered with a loud;

“Hell yeah!”

(A/N: This was supposed to a longer chapter, connected to the next one, but I decided to split them...sorry if it seems a bit crappy at the moment, this leads onto other things...)