Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended


I had decided that the best thing for everyone was to forget about what happened in the kitchen that night. It really wasn’t that hard to do, because I didn’t remember any of it anyway and neither did Frank.

Still, things were quite awkward between us. One of us had to have felt something for the other, otherwise it wouldn’t have happened.

*Time lapse*

It was 4 days after the kitchen incident. Frank was sitting at the kitchen table watching sleepily as I tried to feed Michaela the rest of her lunch.

“Come on, Kayla, daddy just needs you to have one more mouthful.” I said, as Michaela wriggled away from the spoon. She protested a lot and mumbled words I couldn’t understand. “Please Michaela!”

She turned her large hazel eyes to me.

“No!” She said. I gasped and looked across to Frank, whose eyes grew wide. I looked back at Michaela who was trying desperately to escape her high chair and had gone red in the face from the effort. She was blissfully unaware that she had just uttered her first word and how it made me feel.

I smiled and unclipped the belt around her waist. She was a very wriggly baby and was determined to make my life as hard as possible, even when I was giving her something she wanted.

I pulled her from the high chair and held her close to my chest with a huge grin plastered across my face. Frank smiled at me and I smiled back. He looked away quickly and I noticed a pink-ish tinge appear on his cheeks. I was too concerned that my daughter had just spoken her first word to worry about his reaction.

She started to wriggle in my arms again and I sighed.

“You love making my life hard don’t you?” I asked softly. She looked up at me and smiled.

“No!” She screamed, laughing. I ran my fingers through her mop of dark hair and smiled. If this was anything to go by she was going to be a terror, just like I was when I was a kid.

‘Bring it on!’ I thought as I placed her on the blanket on the floor. I couldn’t leave her alone for a second anymore. She liked to grab anything and everything, meaning I had to take her into every room I went in.

I smiled as she flipped herself from her back and onto her belly and reached out for her white bunny teddy.

I turned away from Michaela and faced Frank.

Things were getting desperate between us. He barely talked to me anymore. I had to put a stop to it.