Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended


I reluctantly turned away from Michaela and sat at the table opposite Frank.

“We need to talk.” I said and watched in wonder as he forced himself to not make eye contact.

“Talk about what?” He asked. I sighed loudly.

“Everything, Frank, you barely talk to me these days. What’s wrong?” I asked softly.

“I’m fine, Gee, there’s nothing wrong.”

“Oh really? Is that why you haven’t been able to look at me? Your ‘nothing’ seems like quite a big thing, Frank.” I answered. I jumped slightly as Michaela’s hand grabbed my leg and she struggled to stand up.

I forced my eyes away from Frank, who had looked around as I yelped in surprise. I looked down at Michaela and supported her back with my hand. She wobbled a bit and held her bunny in one arm and gripped my jeans with the other. Her big eyes were gazing up at me and she had a smile on her face.

I smiled down at her as my heart melted and pulled her onto my lap.

“Gee, that’s what’s wrong!” Frank said. I looked away from Michaela and my eyes met his. “Why would a single father want someone like me to live with them?”

“Frank, you’re my best friend. Why wouldn’t I want you to stay here?”

“I just thought that since you have Kayla, you wouldn’t want me to hang around here.” He mumbled and looked down at his fist on the table.

“Frank, you’re my best friend. You’re practically part of the family; just because I have Kayla doesn’t mean I don’t want you here.” I answered. He looked back up at me and blushed.

“I thought you wouldn’t want me here after what happened last week.” He mumbled.

“Frank…” I honestly didn’t know what to say to him about that.

War had erupted in my mind over our little encounter. My mind was saying we should just stay friends and that what I felt would just go away with time. My heart was fighting back at my mind and was telling it that my feelings would never go away.

“Look, there must be some feelings deep down for both of us. Otherwise it wouldn’t have happened.” I finally managed to say. Michaela yawned and started to go limp in my arms as sleep took her again. I looked at Frank who seemed lost for words.

“I’ve tried to deny my feelings for so long, though, Gee. I…really like you…but I can’t do this.” He said, looking at me with sad eyes.

My heart pounded and speared a dagger through my mind; shattering every thought that had contradicted my heart.

“Frank…I’ve been sitting here for the past four days trying to control my feelings…why can’t you do this?” I asked as I laid Michaela on her blanket as she slept.

“Michaela.” He replied. I looked back at him in confusion.


“She can’t grow up not knowing her mother and be around us.” He said simply.

“Frank, she’s my daughter, she loves you already and you’re just someone who lives in our house.” I said, standing up and walking to him. I crouched in front of him and pulled him to face me. “I want something to happen between us, Frank.”

“Gerard, it wouldn’t be fair for her. She has to grow up with her dad and his boyfriend, instead of her mom a-“He stopped.

I suppose it’s quite hard to speak when the person you were talking to has just seized your lips with theirs.

My body tingled as my lips felt the coldness of his lip ring on them. I pulled away, breathless and looked into Frank’s eyes.

“I want this, Frank. I want you to be with me.” I whispered. I was surprised at how forward I was being. I didn’t care, it felt so right.

He threw his lips back at me and I knew he didn’t care either.

(A/N: Sorry people, I couldn't resist. Just thought I would let you all know that the story isn't gonna suddnely revolve around Frerard. This is just something to go in the background...)