Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended

First Christmas

I had never felt like this before. I thought my heart was actually going to implode because of the love that was building up in it.

I watched as the two people I loved, yes I said two, curled up on the sofa together on this white Christmas morning.

Let me explain the ‘two people’ thing.

Frank and I were together. In two days time, we would have been together for two months. I told him I loved him on Christmas eve morning. It even surprised me. I didn’t realise how much my feelings for him had grown.

It was just the way he looked as he laid there beside me, sleeping softly. I felt something I had never felt as intense as this before and I knew straight away.

I had felt something like this with Melissa, but this was way bigger than her. This was Frank.

I pulled myself away from my thoughts and stood up.

“Alright Cinderella, time to go.” I said and walked across the room to the sofa with my arms open. Frank pushed Michaela into them. “Michaela, we’re going now too!” I added, grinning at Frank. He poked his tongue out at me and forced himself off the sofa.

“Love you too, Gee!” He grinned and we left the warmth of the house into the snow. Even bundled up in coats, it was still cold and I could feel Michaela shivering in my arms as I strapped her into the baby seat of my car.

“Daddy!” She squealed at me. I smiled at her and straightened up.

I turned to Frank, who was behind me, and pulled him into my arms.

“I’ll see you later, Frankie; have fun at your mom’s.” I said, kissed him quickly and walked to the other side of the car and jumped in.

I felt guilty about how Christmas always worked. It was family tradition to meet up at my parent’s house every Christmas day and spend time as a family. I liked spending time with my family, but I didn’t want to leave Frank.

*Time lapse*

It had only taken the first bite of my mom’s turkey to make me realise I loved being there. Still, as I walked back up the stairs to my home in the dark, I enjoyed the fact that I was home even if Frank wasn’t.

I shoved my key in the door and threw it open wide. It was so dark I could barely see my hand in front of my face. Damn Jersey street lights. They always had a thing with breaking whenever you needed them the most.

I almost fell headlong over a parcel on the door step, which I hadn’t noticed in the dark.

I frowned and decided to leave it there for the time being. Michaela had started to wriggle in my arms again and I desperately needed some light.

I shut the door with my foot and walked through the house to the living room. I flicked on the light and squinted in the sudden light. Michaela was laughing at the face I made and I forced my eyes down to her.

She was gazing up at me with her large, hazel, eyes. A smile was covering her face and there was snow in her dark hair.

I placed her gently on the sofa and grabbed the camera Frank had discarded on the table earlier. I couldn’t resist taking another photo of her. She was just too cute.

I threw the camera back where I found it and walked to Michaela. I pulled her back before she grabbed the TV remote and gently took off her coat and shoes. She had learnt now that the more she wriggled, the more I fought to keep her still. So, of course, she just wriggled even more. Which was what she was doing as I un-zipped her coat.

She started to talk in that baby language I just could not understand and I stood up briefly to throw off my jacket and converse. I looked back at her and she yawned.

“Kayla, has your first Christmas been too much?” I asked gently and pulled her into my arms as I sat down. She rested her head on my chest and shoved her thumb in her mouth. Her sleepy eyes drooped just as I heard Frank’s key in the door.

“Gee, did you know there was a parcel for Kayla on the doorstep?” He asked and his head popped around the door frame.

“Yeah, I just had to wait for her Sleeping Beauty to fall asleep first.” I answered quietly, pointing down at Michaela. Frank smiled and walked away.

I looked back at Michaela in wonder. I wondered if she knew how well her first Christmas had gone? From my view it was magical. I loved her to pieces and seeing her look in amazement at the fairy lights made my heart melt. She was so innocent and had so much to learn.

(A/N: Sorry about the crappy update. I was in a fuzzy mood and decided to type in a fuzzy chapter. This is the result...but it's just a filler until the next chapter.)