Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended

Change everything you are

Life had been so peachy before Melissa turned up. I’m not saying she had changed my life and made it worse, but I missed the simplicity of my old life. Let me take you back to 1999…

I had everything a 21 year old could dream of. I was living at home still, with my parents and younger brother. I didn’t have a job, but I didn’t have any bills or anything so I didn’t need one. I was an art student. I had a few close friends, one of whom went to the same college as me. Life was great. I would roll out of bed, meet my friends, grab a coffee and do art all day. Heaven.

Ray Toro was one of my closest friends. He went to the same college as I did so we hung out with each other every day. Then there was Frank Iero, my brother Mikey’s friend. I don’t know why but Frank and I connected. I suppose that’s because he practically lives at our house, being an only child I guess me and Mikey are the closest things to brothers he has. There was also Matt Pellissier, a friend of Ray’s, who I kind of liked and Bob Bryar. He was training to be a music technician so he worked in all the clubs and when we saw him it was a rare thing.

That’s my life. At least that was my life, until Matt’s cousin moved out of her parents’ house and came down from New York to stay with Matt in March 1999. I have to be honest, I was nervous at meeting her. I didn’t usually hang around with girls, just because I didn’t understand them.

I remember that day so well. It was 3rd March and we were all hanging round my house when Matt got a call from his cousin. Being the Good Samaritan, I suggested she came to our place and stayed with us for the day, just so she could get to know the guys and feel welcomed.

When I first saw her I didn’t think she was especially pretty. Her name was Melissa Harts. She was quite tall, with dark hair that fell to her shoulders and she had these amazing green eyes. That was it. Nothing special, but I tried not to judge her too quickly and we became friends.

Then my life started to change. I got to know Melissa quite well and out of all of the guys I think I liked her the most. I just understood where she was coming from. She had a drinking problem which I could relate to and I would comfort her when she needed it.

In April we all got really drunk on my birthday and I kissed Melissa. The guys teased me about it for the rest of the night and Melissa left. I really wanted to take things further but I thought I had blown my chance by letting her leave alone.

Needless to say, I was surprised when she came back the next day. I had the hangover from hell and really regretted drinking that much, but Melissa sat with me all day and we had a long talk about everything. By the time I went to bed that night I had lost the hangover and gained a girlfriend.

Things were going great. I tried to see her as much as I possibly could, but between college and spending time with the guys it was really hard. It took about 2 weeks from when we first got together until we had some alone time. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we’d kissed but it’s hard to take things further when your 5 best friends are sitting in the same room. So when we managed to get the time together, we both knew where things were going to go. We were both right. That night was amazing. I don’t know how, but we managed to have sex 4 times that night and once in the shower the next morning.

It was amazing; I was on a natural high. That was until May came and things would never ever be the same for either of us ever again

(A/N: sorry about that dudes, it's just a filler chapter to get a bit of background into Gerard and Melissa's relationship. The next chapter is so much better, I promise!)