Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended

'My Chemical Romance'

It had been 3 months to the day since I saw what was now called ‘9/11’. The guys were crowded into Matt’s basement all talking at once.

“Whoa! It was just an idea” I yelled over them and they stopped talking.

“I know, Gee, and I think it’s a brilliant idea!” Frank answered.

“Changed your tune have you? I seem to remember I had to-“I began, but he cut me off.

“Alright, I don’t think the guys need to hear that.” He said. I smirked and the room filled with groans of disgust. Just the thought of what we might have done disgusted them. They had walked in on Frank and I having sex a few times and knew what we got up to.

“Look, it doesn’t matter when he changed his mind, or what made him change it.” Ray said and shuddered.

“Yeah, we need another guitarist and Frank’s definitely up for the job.” Mikey added. I grinned over at Frank.

“I was thinking how we aren’t much of a band.” Matt said suddenly. I tore my eyes from Frank’s and stared at him.

He looked round at the rest of us, who were looking at him with confused eyes.

“Well, think about it. We have 3 songs and their names. We have a demo tape and we practice basically everyday in my basement. We haven’t even got a name for the band yet.” Matt added. Damn, he was right.

We all grumbled at him in agreement and Mikey suddenly started to jump up and down on the spot.

“I’ve got an idea!” He squealed, “My Chemical Romance!”

I looked at him, impressed. He was too good at making up band names.

I stared around the room at the other guys with a smile on my face to match theirs. We felt like a gang. This was our dream and it was finally becoming a reality.

We weren’t just a band anymore; we were My Chemical Romance.

(A/N: This is just a short chapter to fill a gap...more updates coming your way today...)