Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended

Birthday gig

Since December 11th, things had started to move really fast. Frank had gotten in touch with his cousin and convinced him to let us play at the club he owned. Frank had sent his cousin our demo tape and we didn’t see it for 3 weeks.

The night of our first gig drew close and I had never felt so nervous in my whole life.

It was horrible, living like that, but it was only for 3 days. 3 long and painful days in which I debated everything from faking a break in my neck so I wouldn’t have to sing to actually breaking my neck.

*Time lapse*

“Alright New Jersey!” The voice shouted over the microphone. I felt a hand squeeze mine as we waited. “I’ve got a special treat for you tonight! Here’s a new band, just for you guys. Scream your hearts out for My Chemical Romance!” Frank’s cousin, Andy, screamed to the crowd.

Fuck, it was time.

The band took up their positions on stage. I looked out to the small crowd and took a deep breath.

“This is our newest song. It’s called ‘Vampires will never hurt you’.” I said and Matt started the song. The crowd screamed, and at the time I thought they were just being polite.

I screamed my way through the song and loved every minute of it. As I sang the last word, the crowd went wild for us. My heart pounded as we launched into ‘Skylines and Turnstiles’. This was the song I had written about 9/11 and was desperate for the crowd to love it.

They screamed so loud, it took me a while to calm them down before I began talking to them.

“Alright, this next song is our last song. I want to dedicate it to my baby daughter, Michaela, who turned two today!” I yelled and the crowd started to scream again.

I threw everything I had into my vocals for Demolition Lovers and walked off the stage less than ten minutes later exhausted.

What a gig. I looked at my sweaty band mates as we left the stage and grinned. I felt like we had something special going on here.

Even after one show I could feel it and I knew that they could too.