Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended


I came off stage feeling like I had the energy of a thousand men. I just wanted to run back onto the stage and sing again.

I grinned at Frank as I flopped onto the brown sofa in the dressing room at the back of the club and he grinned back, wiping endless amounts of sweat from his face with a white towel.

Mikey bounded over to me and replayed every small detail of the gig as fast as his lips could manage before sprinting out of the room to locate Frank.

*Time lapse*

“Excuse me?” An unknown voice said behind me. I turned my head to see who it was, which was quite dangerous considering I was supporting a rather large amp on the trailer as Frank dragged it on.

“Yeah,” I grumbled back as Frank slid the amp from my aching arms and leapt down from the small trailer.

“My name’s Brian Schecter, I’m interested in your band.” He said as I helped Frank to his feet after he fell awkwardly from the trailer.

“Okay, have you heard us before the gig tonight then?” Frank asked as he brushed dust from his jacket sleeve and looked up at the figure towering over him.

“Andy gave me your demo tape.” Brian explained. I looked down at Frank and he shrugged.

“What did you think?” I asked, looking back to Brian.

“I’m here aren’t I? I’m interested in getting you on my team.” He said. Frank suppressed a yawn with his hand.

“I’m not sure…this is our first gig and we don’t want to rush things.” I answered back. Brian shoved his right hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out a card.

I took it and looked at it.

“Think about it, okay? You don’t have to rush into it but I’ll be watching every show you play, I really like the way you guys sound together.” He said and walked away.

Frank put his head on my left shoulder and yawned loudly.

“Do you trust him, Gee?”
I sighed and put my arm around Frank and steered him towards the van.

“I’m not sure. He seems genuinely interested in the band but it’s all happening just a little bit too fast for me.” I replied and wrenched open the van door.

“Maybe we should tell the guys and meet with Brian.” Frank mumbled as we sat in the back seats. “We don’t have to agree to anything we can just hear him out when we’re less tired.”

I managed to nod as Matt climbed into the driver’s seat and Ray and Mikey scrambled into the seats in front of us.

My head was buzzing with happiness.