Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended


I leapt out of the van with Frank close behind me and took a deep breath. I was so nervous.

I felt Frank’s hand on my arm, as the five of us walked into the dingy building, and I smiled at him.

“It’s okay, Gee, it’s just a meeting. We don’t have to do anything.” He told me. I nodded and followed the rest of the guys to the back of the coffee shop.

I inhaled deeply and allowed the scent of the coffee to wash over my body and invade my soul. I smiled slightly as I felt my nerves slowly disappear.

*Time lapse*

“Your band has a certain…spark…that I haven’t seen for a while.” Brian said.

After the usual introductions and a round of coffees we were getting straight to business.

“I thought you were a tour manager? How did you get hold of our demo?” Matt asked and we all looked expectantly at Brian, who smiled slightly.

“Andy sent it to me the day you have it to him.” Brian said with a grin. “We’re friends and he knows I like hearing new music while I’m off touring. As soon as I heard it, I knew you had something special.”

“Thanks, Brian; it means a lot to hear you say that after one show.” Ray mumbles.

“So, um, what exactly do you want us to do?” I asked, finally managing to find my voice.

“Just play. I don’t mean to seem forward, but I really want you to be the band I get off the road for. I want to be your manager and get you to sign with a record company and get your voices heard.” Brian said.

I fiddled with my empty coffee cup, completely lost for words.

“That sounds like an awesome idea.” Matt said excitedly. I aimed a kick at him under the table.

It did sound like a great idea, but I couldn’t just pack my bags and leave.

“Brian, if, and that’s a big if, if we hired you as our manager, how long would it take for us to get on tour?” Frank asked quietly. I could see the excitement leave Matt’s eyes and quickly be replaced by anger.

“Pretty quickly, any band would be stupid to not have you open the show for them. Why?”

“I don’t know how realistic it would be for me to tour.” I confessed.

Brian looked at me confused and Matt looked ready to leap across the table and strangle me.

“I can’t leave my daughter behind but at the same time, I can’t drag her on tours in our van.” I explained.

Mikey and Ray smiled at me and Frank gripped my hand.

“Oh, well, you don’t have to commit to anything if you don’t want to. I’m just saying what would happen in an ideal world.” Brian explained and looked down at his watch.

“Sorry to cut this short, guys, but I have another thing to get to. Call me when you’re ready.” He said and stood up, shaking our hands goodbye.

Matt glared at me as we left the coffee shop.

I wanted it to happen so badly, but Michaela came first.