Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended


I slipped my key into the lock and sighed happily as it clicked and I pushed the door open.

It felt so good to be home.

I shoved my bag next to the front door and walked through the darkness to the kitchen. Flicking on the light, I saw the clock read 12.19.

I leant on the kitchen side and looked around the room. It was too clean and too quiet. A sure sign my mom had snooped around and done some cleaning while we were away.

I grinned to myself as I pictured her reaction in my mind.

“Mother fucker!” A loud voice rang through the silence and I flicked my head towards the front door, trying desperately not to laugh.

I stumbled into the hallway and collapsed into a fit of laughter at the sight.

Frank was sprawled on his stomach on the floor.

“It’s not funny!” He grinned as he struggled to his feet and kicked my bag.

Through tears I saw him close the front door and step carefully over my bag.

He slapped my arm playfully as he walked past me into the kitchen and I took a few deep breaths.

Oh yeah I thought, we were definitely home.

A/N: Sorry about the shortness of this chapter. I wrote this and thought it would just be a stupid little filler until the next chapter...

...shocking things to come very soon...