Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended

What kind of fish fingers smell like that?

My heart ached. I missed her so much. She was my life.

Frank must have seen the sadness in my eyes as we stood on the doorstep of my parents’ house because he squeezed my hand.

The door snapped open and I was greeted with two things; the beaming face of my dad and a smell like someone had died.

“Whoa!” I groaned and recoiled slightly. My dad pulled us through the door and pressed a finger to his lips to silence us. I looked at him curiously and he simply pointed towards the kitchen.

“Come on, Kayla, just one more mouthful.” My mom cooed which was followed by a cheer.

I walked quietly down the hallway and stood in the kitchen doorway.

Michaela was sitting in her high chair with her back to me and I caught my mom’s eyes. She smiled widely at me and gestured with her hand for me to walk in.

I walked as quietly as I could and stood behind Michaela, placing my hands over her eyes.

She squealed in delight and tried to escape them.

I removed them and moved round so she could see me.

Daddy!” She screamed and thrust her hands into the air for a hug.

I didn’t waste any time in removing her from the chair and pulling her into my chest. I had missed her so much.

She started to wriggle and spotted Frank standing beside my mom and dad.

“Frankie!” She called and threw her body away from mine and towards him.

“Hey pumpkin!” He cooed and scooped her to him.

I smiled proudly and looked over to my mom, who hugged me.

“Mom, what have you been feeding my baby?” I asked nervously.

“Fish fingers.”

“What the hell kind of fish fingers smell like that?” I asked her and looked over at Michaela.

“The kind she likes.” Mom replied simply. “How was your tour?”

“It was amazing! Last night I ran off the stage and yelled at Brian to get us on another tour as soon as possible.” I explained grinning as mom placed a cup of coffee on the table in front of me.

“Oh, honey, congratulations! You’re a proper band now!” Mom exclaimed and pulled both myself and Frank into a hug at the same time.

“Donna, you’re suffocating them.” Dad called. Michaela giggled and Frank placed her on the floor. She ran up to me and gripped onto my leg.

“I missed her so much, but it felt so right up on stage last night.” I explained and rubbed Michaela’s back.

“Honey, follow your dreams, she’s always welcome to stay here.” Mom said softly and a small smile formed on my face.

“I know, mom.” I answered.